Timing and spectral analysis of 2S 1417-624 during its 2018 outburst

dc.authoridInam, Sitki Cagdas/0000-0003-0820-9186
dc.authoridDönmez, Çağatay Kerem/0000-0003-3466-8247
dc.authoridSERIM, DANJELA/0000-0003-1291-6270
dc.authoridbaykal, altan/0000-0003-4747-5129
dc.authoridOzudogru, Ozgur Can/0000-0002-3330-433X
dc.authoridSerim, M. Mirac/0000-0002-0155-334X
dc.authoridSahiner, Seyda/0000-0002-7490-3080
dc.authorwosidInam, Sitki Cagdas/JHU-3888-2023
dc.authorwosidDönmez, Çağatay Kerem/ABA-2068-2020
dc.authorwosidSahiner, Seyda/O-1777-2013
dc.contributor.authorSerim, Muhammed Miraç
dc.contributor.authorOzudogru, O. C.
dc.contributor.authorDonmez, C. K.
dc.contributor.authorSahiner, S.
dc.contributor.authorSerim, D.
dc.contributor.authorBaykal, A.
dc.contributor.authorInam, S. C.
dc.contributor.otherDepartment of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
dc.departmentAtılım Universityen_US
dc.department-temp[Serim, M. M.; Ozudogru, O. C.; Donmez, C. K.; Serim, D.; Baykal, A.] Middle East Tech Univ, Dept Phys, TR-06800 Ankara, Turkey; [Serim, M. M.] Inst Astron & Astrophys, Sand 1, D-72076 Tubingen, Germany; [Serim, M. M.] Atilim Univ, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, TR-06830 Ankara, Turkey; [Sahiner, S.] Beykent Univ, Dept Elect & Commun Engn, TR-34398 Istanbul, Turkey; [Inam, S. C.] Baskent Univ, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, TR-06790 Ankara, Turkeyen_US
dc.descriptionInam, Sitki Cagdas/0000-0003-0820-9186; Dönmez, Çağatay Kerem/0000-0003-3466-8247; SERIM, DANJELA/0000-0003-1291-6270; baykal, altan/0000-0003-4747-5129; Ozudogru, Ozgur Can/0000-0002-3330-433X; Serim, M. Mirac/0000-0002-0155-334X; Sahiner, Seyda/0000-0002-7490-3080en_US
dc.description.abstractWe investigate timing and spectral characteristics of the transient X-ray pulsar 2S 1417-624 during its 2018 outburst with NICER follow up observations. We describe the spectra with high-energy cut-off and partial covering fraction absorption (PCFA) model and present flux-dependent spectral changes of the source during the 2018 outburst. Utilizing the correlation-mode switching of the spectral model parameters, we confirm the previously reported sub-critical to critical regime transitions and we argue that secondary transition from the gas-dominated to the radiation pressure-dominated disc do not lead us to significant spectral changes below 12 keV. Using the existing accretion theories, we model the spin frequency evolution of 2S 1417-624 and investigate the noise processes of a transient X-ray pulsar for the first time using both polynomial and luminosity-dependent models for the spin frequency evolution. For the first model, the power density spectrum of the torque fluctuations indicate that the source exhibits red noise component (Gamma similar to -2) within the time-scales of outburst duration which is typical for disc-fed systems. On the other hand, the noise spectrum tends to be white on longer time-scales with high timing noise level that indicates an ongoing accretion process in between outburst episodes. For the second model, most of the red noise component is eliminated and the noise spectrum is found to be consistent with a white noise structure observed in wind-fed systems.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipTUBITAK; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [MFAG 118F037]en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipWe acknowledge support from TUBITAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey through the research project MFAG 118F037. This research has made use of the Swift/BAT transient monitor results provided by the Swift/BAT team and the Fermi data provided by the NSSTC and the GAPP team. We acknowledge the use of public data from the NICER archive. We would like to express our gratitudes to the anonymous referee for the valuable remarks that ease the improvement of the manuscript.en_US
dc.publisherOxford Univ Pressen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectaccretion, accretion discsen_US
dc.subjectstars: neutronen_US
dc.subjectpulsars: individual: 2S 1417-624en_US
dc.titleTiming and spectral analysis of 2S 1417-624 during its 2018 outbursten_US

