Development of e-Applications of Statistical and Mathematical Modeling with use of Atılım mPAD for Educational Purposes

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Project Abstract

Technology has gained a great importance in education with the progress of technology. Today, integrating the opportunities offered by technology into lectures suggests the use of technological tools and equipment in the classroom environment, especially for efficient and effective learning. Within this scope, there are e-learning studies in our country. One of these is Atılım mPAD, which is developed in our university. In this project, we aim to provide active participation of undergraduate students in classes and intensive use of technology and to integrate Atılım mPAD usage into different courses. The codes using the R software will be converted into e-applications through Atılım mPAD in order to facilitate the understanding of the subjects described in the courses such as Probability and Statistic for Engineers (IE220), Probability and Statistic I and II (IE201 ve IE202), Stochastic Models (IE324), Simulation (IE403), Statistical Applications in Industrial Engineering (IE442) given in industrial engineering department as well as Computer Applications in Business (MAN354 or ISL354), Quantitative Applications in Business (MAN122 or ISL122), Introduction to Probability and Statistic I and II (MATH291 or MATH293 and MATH292 or MATH294), Probability Theory and Statistics (MATH392) courses given in different departments. With these e-applications, it is suggested that the students increase their theoretical knowledge in the classroom environment. For this purpose, R codes will be created for each of the following subjects. These codes will be used by students during the course in Atılım mPAD environment. Calculation of basic descriptive statistics and graphical representation, various probability calculations, random number generation, hypothesis testing, regression, simulation of simple random experiments, simulation of basic queuing systems are discussed in the courses of probability and statistics. For the courses based on mathematical modeling, solutions of some optimization methods, numerical solutions of linear and nonlinear equations, interpolation and least squares method for approximation of functions will be discussed.


Development of e-Applications of Statistical and Mathematical Modeling with use of Atılım mPAD for Educational Purposes

Project Principal Investigator

Fatma Yerlikaya Özkurt

Project Coinvestigators


Project Code

Project No


Project Start Date

Project End Date

Project Duration

7 months

Project Funder

Atılım Üniversitesi

Project Funding Program

Başlangıç Araştırma Desteği (BAD) Programı

Project Partners

Project Status





Atılım mPAD, statistics and mathematics education, R software, e-applications
Atılım mPAD, istatistik ve matematik eğitimi, R yazılım, e-uygulamalar

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