Hacaloğlu, Tuna

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T., Hacaloğlu
Hacaloglu, Tuna
Tuna, Hacaloğlu
T., Hacaloglu
H., Tuna
Tuna, Hacaloglu
Hacaloğlu, Tuna
Hacaloglu T.
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Online collaborative tool usage for review meetings in software engineering courses
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Turhan, Çiğdem; Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Hacaloglu, Tuna; Akman, Kamil İbrahim; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering
    The instructors generally utilize conventional methods in teaching software engineering courses, where the students are provided theoretical knowledge based on text books or lecture notes. Usage of collaborative tools may be a solution to the problems of not practicing the depth of the components of the subject. This study proposes the usage of a collaborative tool, namely, Google Docs in a software engineering course based on predefined scenarios. The review meeting subject was selected for this purpose and students' reactions were assessed with a survey after the completion of the experiments. The survey data were analysed using least square regression method. The results have shown that efficiency, certainty, satisfaction, advantage, complexity, learnability, and intention are indicators of the adoption of the online collaborative tool.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 8
    Measureability of functional size in Agile software projects: Multiple case studies with COSMIC FSM
    (Ieee, 2019) Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Demirors, Onur; Information Systems Engineering
    Functional size measurement (FSM) has been used in software engineering for decades as a main driver for estimation and significant input for other various project management activities throughout the project life span. To apply FSM accurately at the early stages of software development process, especially for estimation purposes, functional user requirements need to be available in detail as required by the adopted FSM method. However, in agile software development, requirement specifications, in general, are kept minimal. For this reason, the adjustment of the requirements to the necessary granularity level has been articulated as one of the barriers preventing the diffusion of FSM practices among agile teams. In this paper, we take a closer look at this problem in order to investigate the usability of FSM and to reveal FSM related challenges empirically through case studies on real agile projects from different software organizations. This study also provides a snapshot of agile organizations in terms of requirement specification and estimation related practices
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Yazılım Gözden Geçirme Toplantılarında Çevrimiçi İşbirlikçi Araçların Kullanımı Üzerine Öğrencilerle Bir Çalışma
    (2022) Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Çiğdem; Akman, Kamil İbrahim; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering
    Yazılım geliştirme süreci için takım toplantıları olmazsa olmaz aktivitelerdendir. Bu toplantılar, genellikle, yüz yüze yapılsa da COVID-19 salgını gibi değişen küresel koşullar, yazılım geliştirme takvimini kesintiye uğratmadan başka türlü çözümlerin sürece acilen dahil olmasını gerektirmektedir ve bu konudaki literatür henüz yeterince olgunlaşmamıştır. Bu çalışmada, Yazılım Mühendisliği uygulamalarına çevrimiçi işbirlikçi araçların entegrasyonunu etkileyen faktörleri, gözden geçirme toplantıları özelinde değerlendirilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu amaçla, geleceğin yazılım profesyonelleri olarak nitelenen 73 ikinci ve üçüncü sınıf Yazılım Mühendisliği öğrencisinin önceden tanımlanmış senaryolar üzerinden deneysel gözden geçirme toplantılarına katılımı sağlamıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, çevrimiçi işbirlikçi araç kullanımının katılımcıların gerçek performanslarına olumlu etki ettiği ve takım üyeleri arasındaki etkileşimi yüz yüze toplantılara nazaran geliştirdiği, katılımcıların bu tür platformları gelecekteki kariyerlerinde kullanma niyetlerine olumlu katkı sağladığı saptanmıştır.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Utilization of Online Collaborative Tools in Software Engineering: An Empirical Study on Review Meetings
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021) Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan,C.; Turhan, Cihan; Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Software Engineering; Energy Systems Engineering; Information Systems Engineering
    Software development involves a significant amount of team effort where collaboration and communication of the team members are crucial. The team meetings are core activities in all stages of the software development process. Even though these meetings often are conducted face-to-face (F2F) with a lackof technology utilization, changing global conditions such as the COVID-19 pandemic require other solutions urgently without interrupting the software development schedule. For this purpose, online collaborative tools provide new opportunities for software teams to work together avoiding waste in time and resources and the relevant literature is immature. This study aims to assess the factors affecting the integration of online collaborative tools to SE practices with a special reference to review meetings. For this purpose, a sample of 73 SE sophomore and junior students who are future software professionals participated in experimental review meetings based on predefined scenarios. The findings indicate that the utilization of OCT's has positive effects on the participants' actual performance and improves the interaction between team members compared to F2F meetings. © 2021 IEEE
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 24
    Effort estimation for agile software development: Comparative case studies using COSMIC functional size measurement and story points
    (Association for Computing Machinery, 2017) Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Hacaloglu,T.; Demirors,O.; Information Systems Engineering
    Agile methodologies have gained significant popularity among software development organizations during the last decade. Although agile methodologies are regarded as minimizing formal processes, they still utilize an estimation methodology for proper management. Story point is the most common input for agile effort estimation. Story point is an arbitrary measure; it reflects experiences of project participants. On the other hand, functional size is an alternative measure used in practice as an input for effort estimation. In this research, we collect and present the outcomes of three case studies which compared the effectiveness of COSMIC-based and story point based effort estimation in agile context. On selected projects of these organizations, software functional size was measured with COSMIC functional size measurement methodology. Effort prediction models were formed by using COSMIC size and actual effort spent; and the models were tested in terms of their effectiveness. The results show controversial outcomes. For all the cases, COSMIC based estimation was more precise. Therefore, COSMIC is an appropriate measure to estimate the effort in organizations that adopt agile software development. It is also observed that COSMIC allowed for computing productivity which has less disperse distribution than the productivity computed with SP. The data is also provided to help other researchers conduct their own studies. © 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    An Exploratory Case Study on Effort Estimation in Microservices
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023) Leblebici, Özkan; Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Omural,N.K.; Caliskanel,N.; Leblebici,O.; Demirors,O.; Information Systems Engineering
    Software project management plays an important role in producing high-quality software, and effort estimation can be considered as a backbone for successful project management. Size is a very significant attribute of software by being the only input to perform early effort estimation. Even though functional size measurement methods showed successful results in effort estimation of traditional data-centric architectures such as monoliths, they were not designed for today's architectures which are more service-based and decentralized such as microservices. In these new systems, the event concept is highly used specifically for communication among different services. By being motivated by this fact, in this study, we looked for more microservice-compatible ways of sizing microservices using events and developed a method accordingly. Then, we conducted an exploratory case study in an organization using agile methods and measured the size of 17 Product Backlog Items (PBIs) to assess how this proposed method can be useful in effort estimation in microservices. The implication from the case study is that despite performing a more accurate effort estimation using the proposed size measurement than COSMIC, we were unable to significantly outperform using the total number of events. However, our suggested approach demonstrated to us a different way to use software size in terms of events, namely, to determine the coupling complexity of the project. This finding can be beneficial specifically when evaluating the change requests. © 2023 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Effort Prediction for Microservices: A Case Study
    (Ieee, 2021) Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Hacaloglu, Tuna; Leblebici, Onur; Demirors, Onur; Information Systems Engineering
    Software size measurement is critical as an input to perform important project management processes such as effort, cost and schedule estimation. Functional size measurement (FSM) methods are beneficial in terms of being applicable in the early phases of the software life cycle over functional requirements and providing a systematic and repeatable method. However, in agile organizations, it can be challenging to seperate measurement components of FSM methods from requirements in the early phases as the documentation is kept to a minimum compared to traditional methods such as the Waterfall Model and is detailed as the project steps. In addition, the existing FSM methods are not fully compatible with today's architectural structures, which are from being data-driven and to evolve into a behaviour-oriented structure. In this study, we performed a case study which includes a project developed with agile methods and using microservice-based architecture to compare the effectiveness of COSMIC FSM and event-based software size measurement. For this purpose, we measured the size of the project and created effort estimation models based on two methods. The measurers had difficulty in applying both methods due to the limited detail level of the requirements in the project. However, the event-based method was found to estimate effort with less error than the COSMIC FSM method.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 6
    Utilization of Three Software Size Measures for Effort Estimation in Agile World: A Case Study
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Leblebici, Özkan; Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Büber,F.; Berrak,K.; Leblebici,O.; Demirörs,O.; Information Systems Engineering
    Functional size measurement (FSM) methods, by being systematic and repeatable, are beneficial in the early phases of the software life cycle for core project management activities such as effort, cost, and schedule estimation. However, in agile projects, requirements are kept minimal in the early phases and are detailed over time as the project progresses. This situation makes it challenging to identify measurement components of FSM methods from requirements in the early phases, hence complicates applying FSM in agile projects. In addition, the existing FSM methods are not fully compatible with today's architectural styles, which are evolving into event-driven decentralized structures. In this study, we present the results of a case study to compare the effectiveness of different size measures: functional -COSMIC Function Points (CFP)-, event-based – Event Points-, and code length-based - Line of Code (LOC)- on projects that were developed with agile methods and utilized a microservice-based architecture. For this purpose, we measured the size of the project and created effort estimation models based on three methods. It is found that the event-based method estimated effort with better accuracy than the CFP and LOC-based methods. © 2022 IEEE.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Software Size Measurement: Bridging Research and Practice
    (Ieee Computer Soc, 2024) Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Unlu, Huseyin; Yildiz, Ali; Demirors, Onur; Information Systems Engineering
    This study investigates the limited adoption of functional size measurement methods in the software development industry. Using insights from firms experienced in size measurement, it aims to uncover industry expectations and facilitate the translation of theoretical methodologies into practical applications.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 62
    Software test maturity assessment and test process improvement: A multivocal literature review
    (Elsevier, 2017) Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Felderer, Michael; Garousi, Vahid; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering
    Context: Software testing practices and processes in many companies are far from being mature and are usually conducted in ad-hoc fashions. Such immature practices lead to various negative outcomes, e.g., ineffectiveness of testing practices in detecting all the defects, and cost and schedule overruns of testing activities. To conduct test maturity assessment (TMA) and test process improvement (TPI) in a systematic manner, various TMA/TPI models and approaches have been proposed. Objective: It is important to identify the state-of-the-art and the-practice in this area to consolidate the list of all various test maturity models proposed by practitioners and researchers, the drivers of TMA/TPI, the associated challenges and the benefits and results of TMA/TPI. Our article aims to benefit the readers (both practitioners and researchers) by providing the most comprehensive survey of the area, to this date, in assessing and improving the maturity of test processes. Method: To achieve the above objective, we have performed a Multivocal Literature Review (MLR) study to find out what we know about TMA/TPI. A MLR is a form of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which includes the grey literature (e.g., blog posts and white papers) in addition to the published (formal) literature (e.g., journal and conference papers). We searched the academic literature using the Google Scholar and the grey literature using the regular Google search engine. Results: Our MLR and its results are based on 181 sources, 51 (29%) of which were grey literature and 130 (71%) were formally published sources. By summarizing what we know about TMA/TPI, our review identified 58 different test maturity models and a large number of sources with varying degrees of empirical evidence on this topic. We also conducted qualitative analysis (coding) to synthesize the drivers, challenges and benefits of TMA/TPI from the primary sources. Conclusion: We show that current maturity models and techniques in TMA/TPI provides reasonable advice for industry and the research community. We suggest directions for follow-up work, e.g., using the findings of this MLR in industry-academia collaborative projects and empirical evaluation of models and techniques in the area of TMA/TPI as reported in this article. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.