Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu

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Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu, Atasoy
Z., Atasoy
Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu
Zeynep Begum Kalyoncu, Atasoy
Atasoy, Zeynep Begum Kalyoncu
A.,Zeynep Begum Kalyoncu
A., Zeynep Begum Kalyoncu
A.,Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu
Kalyoncu, Z. Begum
Kalyoncu Atasoy, Z. Begum
Kalyoncu, Zeynep Begum
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output Search Results

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  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Kampüste Sağlıklı Beslenme Ortamına Yönelik Algılar: Ankara/Türkiye’de Özel Bir Üniversitede Yapılan Nitel Araştırma
    (2020) Çetiner, Özlem; Çetiner, Özlem; Eroğlu, Zeynep Büşra; Merdol, Türkan; Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu; Nutrition and Dietetics
    Amaç: Üniversiteler sadece öğrencilere değil, aynı zamanda her kademeden çalışana da yemek hizmeti sunan kurumlardır.Ancak mevcut literatürde üniversite kampüsündeki beslenme ortamının bu hizmetten faydalanan farklı paydaşlartarafından değerlendirildiği çalışma sayısı kısıtlıdır. Bu nedenle bu çalışma, öğrencilerin ve üniversite personelinin kampüsbeslenme ortamına yönelik deneyimlerini ve algılarını anlamayı ve kavramsallaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bireyler ve Yöntem: Ankara’da özel bir üniversiteye bağlı altmış dört kişi ile gerçekleştirilen odak grup görüşmelerindekikatılımcılar; (i). Ulusal ve uluslararası öğrenciler, (ii) Akademik personel, (iii) İdari personel ve (iv) Destek personelidir.Tematik analizler NVivo yazılımı ile yapılmış ve Nutrient Rich Food Index 9.3 (NRF 9.3) besin örüntüsü profili algoritması ilekafeteryanın bir aylık öğle yemeği menüsü değerlendirilerek üçgenleme yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Niteliksel analizler katılımcıların yemek hizmetlerinin beslenmedeki önemine ve besin değeri düşük yiyecek veiçecek tüketiminin sonuçlarına dair farkındalıkları olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Menülerin besin değeri, yemek seçimindekien önemli belirleyicilerden biri olmakla birlikte katılımcılar, menülerin bir diyetisyen tarafından planlanmasına ilişkintaleplerini dile getirmişlerdir. Nitel analiz sonuçlarına göre belirlenen yedi kapsayıcı tema; (i) idari süreç, (ii) besin değeri,(iii) çeşitlilik, (iv) tat-lezzet, (v) hijyen ve besin güvenliği, (vi) kültürler arası kapsayıcılık ve (vii) fiyat olmuştur. Kampüsöğle yemeği menü seçeneklerinin NRF 9.3 skorları da nitel bulguları destekleyecek şekilde düşük (en az 0.09 ile en çok 3.19arasında) bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, yiyecek ve içecek hizmetlerinde besin değeri ve çeşitliliğinin katılımcıların yiyecek seçimi ve deneyimleriiçin fiyat ve tattan daha baskın belirleyici faktörler olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuçlar, bir üniversitenin tüm paydaşlarınasağlıklı menüler sunmanın önemine dikkat çekmekte ve bu sebeple bu kurumlarda diyetisyen istihdamının gerekliliğinivurgulamaktadır.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Nutritional Management of Pediatric ENT Infections
    (Springer International Publishing, 2021) Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu; Norde,M.M.; Özel,H.G.; Nutrition and Dietetics
    Nutrition is the science that investigates how nutrients and food compounds nourish one’s body and interact with health and disease [1]. Although the relationship between diet and disease occurrence, prevention and treatment have been studied extensively [2], the interaction between nutritional status and ENT infections has been heavily understudied, especially among pediatric populations [3]. Nutritional care should be as specialized as medicine; thus, nutritional management of ENT infections needs to be tailored towards the personalized medical needs of the patients. Healthy and balanced nutrition not only maintains proper growth and development in children, but also decreases the risk of morbidity and mortality [4]. As both health care practitioners and parents become more aware of the impact of nutrition in acute and chronic diseases, it is essential to understand nutrition’s role in managing health and disease risk reduction [5]. Also, since parents feed their children daily, empowering them with the knowledge of a healthy diet would enhance their involvement and confidence in caring for the patients. Therefore, the aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the nutritional assessment and treatment to reduce the burden of pediatric ENT infections. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Cross-sectional determinants of lactose-free food awareness and purchase among adult consumers
    (Cambridge Univ Press, 2023) Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu; Agaguenduez, Duygu; Kalyoncu Atasoy, Z. Begum; Yesilyurt, Neslihan; Ergin, Sule; Murat, Naci; Nutrition and Dietetics
    This research was conducted to evaluate the knowledge and purchasing behaviour of consumers regarding lactose-free foods. Study data were collected from 1882 individuals with the help of a questionnaire form. Attitudes towards animal welfare, healthy nutrition and gastrointestinal symptoms were also evaluated. The majority (86.6%) of the participants reported that they had heard of the concept of lactose-free foods before, but more than half (67.0%) did not report buying them because of their higher costs compared to regular products and lack of sufficient information. Not causing gas/bloating (32.5%) and being healthier (28.3%) were shown to be the most significant motivational factors in purchasing lactose-free foods (P < 0.05). The factors affecting purchase of lactose-free products were education, employment status, history of having a food intolerance test and animal welfare perception together with higher scores from the gastrointestinal symptom rating scale, and attitude scale for healthy nutrition (P < 0.05). Body mass index was not found to be an effective factor determining purchase intention. The results provide a general overview of consumers, however, further studies on other demographic groups are needed.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Communities for Healthy Living (CHL) A Community-based Intervention to Prevent Obesity in Low-Income Preschool Children: Process Evaluation Protocol
    (Bmc, 2020) Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu; Aftosmes-Tobio, Alyssa; Gavarkovs, Adam; Kitos, Nicole; Figueroa, Roger; Kalyoncu, Z. Begum; Davison, Kirsten K.; Nutrition and Dietetics
    BackgroundProcess evaluation can illuminate barriers and facilitators to intervention implementation as well as the drivers of intervention outcomes. However, few obesity intervention studies have documented process evaluation methods and results. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) requires that process evaluation methods be developed to (a) prioritize community members' power to adapt the program to local needs over strict adherence to intervention protocols, (b) share process evaluation data with implementers to maximize benefit to participants, and (c) ensure partner organizations are not overburdened. Co-designed with low-income parents using CBPR, Communities for Healthy Living (CHL) is a family-centered intervention implemented within Head Start to prevent childhood obesity and promote family well-being. We are currently undertaking a randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of CHL in 23 Head Start centers in the greater Boston area. In this protocol paper, we outline an embedded process evaluation designed to monitor intervention adherence and adaptation, support ongoing quality improvement, and examine contextual factors that may moderate intervention implementation and/or effectiveness.MethodsThis mixed methods process evaluation was developed using the Perez et al. framework for evaluating adaptive interventions and is reported following guidelines outlined by Grant et al. Trained research assistants will conduct structured observations of intervention sessions. Intervention facilitators and recipients, along with Head Start staff, will complete surveys and semi-structured interviews. De-identified data for all eligible children and families will be extracted from Head Start administrative records. Qualitative data will be analyzed thematically. Quantitative and qualitative data will be integrated using triangulation methods to assess intervention adherence, monitor adaptations, and identify moderators of intervention implementation and effectiveness.DiscussionA diverse set of quantitative and qualitative data sources are employed to fully characterize CHL implementation. Simultaneously, CHL's process evaluation will provide a case study on strategies to address the challenges of process evaluation for CBPR interventions. Results from this process evaluation will help to explain variation in intervention implementation and outcomes across Head Start programs, support CHL sustainability and future scale-up, and provide guidance for future complex interventions developed using CBPR.Trial, NCT03334669. Registered on October 10, 2017
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Culinary acculturation assessment inventory (CAAI): Construction and validation in first generation immigrant consumers in Turkey
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2021) Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu; Demir, Ahmet U.; Ayaz, Aylin; Nutrition and Dietetics
    The effect of immigration upon immigrants' choice of food should be captured not only with dietary intake, but also through assessing culturally-based culinary exposures. This approach would advance dietary acculturation research towards culinary acculturation. For this purpose, Culinary Acculturation Assessment Inventory (CAAI) is developed, using visual items. Validity and reliability of CAAI relating to the Turkish Cuisine were determined in a group of first-generation immigrants. Recommended scale development methods were employed. The initial version, including 40 items across two domains of dietary intake and culinary exposures was administered to 256 participants (162 immigrants from 53 countries, 94 Turkish participants). Exploratory factor analyses were performed to identify dietary and culinary practice patterns. Final version of CAAI included 37 items, comprising five factors in dietary domain as basic, meat-heavy, starch-heavy, and accessory foods patterns (Cronbach's alpha: 0.834), and one factor in cuisine-related practices domain (Cronbach's alpha: 0.732). Construct validity was investigated by Multiple Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) comparing CAAI factor scores between the immigrant and Turkish participants. Among immigrants, comparisons were made according to acculturation proxies, while accounting for potential covariates. Factor scores that differed significantly between the immigrants and Turkish people (basic and cuisine-related practices patterns) also differed significantly among immigrants with high vs. low fluency in Turkish. In conclusion, CAAI is a reliable and valid measure of culinary acculturation of immigrant population. This novel instrument and its short version can be adapted and used in other countries to capture the culinary acculturation of their immigrants.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 24
    Social Jetlag Is Associated with the Frequency of Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and a High BMI Percentile in Adolescents: Results of the Cross-Sectional Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) Study
    (Elsevier Science inc, 2021) Çetiner, Özlem; Yildirim, Gonca; Yıldırım, Gonca; Atasoy, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu; Nutrition and Dietetics
    Background Social jetlag (SJL) occurs in adolescents due to misalignment of the bio-logical and social clocks, so that most teens wake up earlier than their biological clocks on weekdays and delay bedtime and wake up time on weekends. This shift in sleep timing among adolescents is associated with an adverse endocrine and behavioral risk profile, in addition to increased food consumption and increased body mass index (BMI). Objective The aim of this study was to determine the association between SJL, and the frequency of consumption of multiple food and beverage groups and BMI percentile in adolescents. Design Publicly available data from the cross-sectional Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) study were analyzed. Participants Participants from the FLASHE study were recruited from all regions of the United States between April and October 2014. Among the 1,581 adolescents aged 12 through 17 years in the original study, 1,556 with complete sleep data were analyzed. Main outcome measures The difference between the frequency of dietary consump-tion according to the Dietary Screener Questionnaire and BMI percentile was assessed in adolescents grouped according to SJL, as follows: no SJL: less than 1-hour difference; mild SJL: 1-to 2-hour difference; and severe SJL: more than 2-hour difference. Statistical analyses performed Differences in the frequency of food consumption were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Secondary outcomes were analyzed using logistic regression models. Results Daily consumption frequency of sugar-sweetened beverages and fruits and vegetables differed among the 3 groups. Likewise, the BMI percentile differed among the 3 groups and was highest in the severe SJL group. Those in the severe SJL group had a 1.84-fold higher probability of having overweight or obesity (95% CI 1.83 to 1.84) than those in the no SJL group. Conclusions Severe SJL is associated with a higher frequency of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and higher odds of having overweight or obesity compared with no SJL in adolescents. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021;121(9):1721-1731.