Topal, Cansu Akdağ

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T.,Cansu Akdag
C., Topal
Topal, Cansu Akdağ
Cansu Akdag, Topal
T., Cansu Akdag
T.,Cansu Akdağ
Cansu Akdağ, Topal
Topal, Cansu Akdag
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    A comprehensive investigation of biopsychosocial determinants influencing primary dysmenorrhea among university students
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024) Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Boztepe, Handan; Boztepe, Handan; Nursing
    Dysmenorrhea, characterized by pain and related symptoms, significantly impacts women's quality of life in work and education, prompting a comprehensive evaluation of associated factors. The objective of this study was to utilize structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze and assess the biopsychosocial factors influencing dysmenorrhea among university students. Three hundred and thirty-nine university students were included in this cross-sectional descriptive study. Data were collected using the Participant Information Form, the Beck Anxiety Scale (BAS), the Beck Depression Scale (BDS), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), the Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale (ACES), the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). It was determined that the variables of pain onset (t = 3.24, p < .05) and age at menarche (t = -2.16, p < .05) showed a significant relationship with the model. The variables of the PCS (t = 16.87, p < .001), BDS (t = 3.06, p < .05), and BAS (t = 5.13, p < .001) showed a significant relationship with the model. Social factors in the model were examined, and a family history of dysmenorrhea and the ACES variables did not contribute significantly to the model (p > .05). The study indicates primary dysmenorrhea influenced by biological and psychological factors. Nurses should conduct holistic assessments and provide comprehensive care for affected women.
  • Master Thesis
    Emzirme öz-yeterliliği, emzirme motivasyonu, benlik saygısı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
    (2023) Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Boztepe, Handan; Nursing
    Emzirme, doğum sonu dönemde anne bebek arasında bağın hızlıca oluşmasında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Emzirmenin erken dönemde başlaması ve devam etmesinde annelerin emzirme öz-yeterliliği algıları etki gösterir. Bandura'nın öz-yeterlilik kuramından etkilenerek oluşturulan emzirme öz-yeterliliği annelerde oluşan emzirme motivasyonu ve annelerin kendine olan güveninden etkilenmektedir. Bu çalışmada; Emzirme Öz-yeterliliği, Emzirme Motivasyonu Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı ve karşılaştırmalı olarak planlanan çalışma Gazi Üniversitesi Hastanesinde 20 Kasım 2022- 1 Mart 2023 tarihleri arasında güç analizi ile belirlenen 260 postpartum dönemdeki anne ile yapılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Sosyodemografik Form, Emzirme Öz-yeterlilik Ölçeği, Emzirme Motivasyon Ölçeği, Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, emzirme öz-yeterliliği ile emzirme motivasyonu arasında (p<0,05) ve emzirme öz-yeterliliği ile benlik saygısı arasında pozitif anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Annelere doğum öncesi emzirme eğitimi verilirken eğitim kapsamına annelerin psikolojik sürecini destekleyen programlar da eklenmelidir. Hemşireler, annelere aile ve eş desteği sağlanması için eğitimlere ve uygulamalara aile üyelerininde eklenmesini sağlamalıdır. Anahtar kelimeler: Emzirme öz-yeterliliği, emzirme motivasyonu, benlik saygısı, hemşirelik, emzirme
  • Article
    Citation Count: 15
    Assessment of depression, anxiety, and social support in the context of therapeutic abortion
    (Wiley, 2019) Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Terzioğlu, Füsun; Nursing
    Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of anxiety, depression, social support, and nursing care needed by women undergoing therapeutic abortion. Designs and Methods Sixty women were administered a sociodemographic form, the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale and the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale. Results More than half of the women experienced anxiety (61.7%). Anxiety scores were high (10.8 +/- 3.7), and most of the women had depression (85.0%). Social support from family and friends of the women decreased the women's anxiety and depression levels significantly; social support from their partners also decreased the women's anxiety levels (P < 0.05). Practice Implications Support from family and friends after therapeutic abortion is a fundamental affective variable on anxiety scores.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Does the immigration affect prenatal attachment levels?
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023) Boztepe, Handan; Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Topal, Cansu Akdag; Nursing
    Pregnancy is an important period in which mother-infant attachment begins, includes bio-psychological changes, and has physical and psychological effects on the future life of the fetus. This study aims to evaluate the prenatal attachment levels of Syrian refugee and Turkish mothers in Turkey and to determine the variables that affect these. This cross-sectional study conducted in the obstetric outpatient clinics with 397 pregnant women 197 Syrian and 200 native women. Inclusion criteria were a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks, no communication or mental disorders, no chronic diseases, no diagnosis of high -risk pregnancy, literacy in the pregnant Turkish women, Turkish language proficiency in the pregnant Syrian women, and residence in Turkey for at least three years. Data were collected using a Sociodemographic form and The Prenatal Attachment Inventory (PAI). The data were analyzed by conduct-ing independent t-tests, and hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis. The mean prenatal attachment score of Turkish pregnant women (61.79 +/- 8.55) was higher than Syrian women (48.38 +/- 10.39) (p < .05). Education level, pre-pregnancy counseling, regular checkup, support from spouses, relatives, and friends, and being a refugee of pregnant women were determined as predictors of prenatal attachment. The results showed that 67 percent of the total variance in the prenatal attachment levels could be explained in model 2 (F = 35.524, R2 variation = .673, p = .001). The low prenatal attachment level of Syrian pregnant women was a result of the detrimental impacts of being a refugee on pregnancy. The integration of transcultural knowledge, culture-specific perspectives, and cross-cultural theories into clinical practices is essen-tial for immigrant women.
  • Master Thesis
    Üniversite öğrencilerinde primer dismenoreyi belirleyen biyopsikososyal faktörlerin incelenmesi
    (2023) Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Boztepe, Handan; Nursing
    Dysmenorrhea is a widespread problem in women's health that has a detrimental impact on many facets of life and quality of life. In addition to being one of the most prevalent gynecological problems in women, dysmenorrhea is affected by many factors. This study, conducted on university students, aimed to examine the biopsychosocial factors determining primary dysmenorrhea, the nature of which is quite complex. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Atılım University between 01.11.2022 and 20.12.2022. The sample size was determined using the sampling calculation formula, and a totl of 339 students participated in the study. Dysmenorrhea Data Collection Form, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire (ACEs), PainCatastrophizing Scale (PCS), and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were used as data collection tools. The mean VAS score on which the students indicated the severity ofdysmenorrhea they have experienced between 0-10 was found to be 6.2±2.3. BAI mean score was 20.5±13.5, BDI mean score was 18.6±11.2, MSPSS mean score was 65.9±16.2, ACEs mean value was 1.5±1.1, and PCS mean value was 19.3±13.9. When the findings were analyzed, it was determined that onset of pain (t=3.37, p<0.001), age at menarche (t=- 3.21, p<0.05), PCS (t=16.98, p<0.001), BDI (t=5.13, p<0.05) and BAI (t=7.53, p<0.001) variables showed a significant relationship with iv primary dysmenorrhea. Age, grade, smoking status, alcohol consumption, body mass index, menstrual cycle, number of menstrual days, MSPSS, and ACEs variables in the model were found to have no significant relationship with primary dysmenorrhea (p>0.05). The data appears to suggest that primary dysmenorrhea could be related to biological and psychological factors. It is thought that the lack of a relationship between negative childhood experiences and perceived social support, which are among the social factors included in our model, and primary dysmenorrhea is due to the relatively high Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support scores of the students and the relatively low scores of the Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire. Nurses should be aware of the biopsychosocial dimensions of primary dysmenorrhea in order to provide comprehensive assessment, education and counseling to women. Keywords: Anxiety, depression, dysmenorrhea, obstetric nursing, pain catastrophizing, social support
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    The mediating effect of Covid-19 risk perception on the correlation between levels of mindfulness and preventive health behavior in nursing students
    (W B Saunders Co-elsevier inc, 2022) Topal, Cansu Akdağ; Topal, Cansu Akdag; Ozbay, Sevil cinar; Kanbay, Yalcin; Ay, Ayse; Nursing
    Objective: This study aimed to investigate nursing students' levels of mindfulness and its effect on developing preventive health behaviors, and to examine the mediating role of COVID-19 risk perception on this effect. Design and measures: This study used a descriptive and correlational study design. Results: The level of mindfulness, accompanied by COVID-19 risk perception caused a.104-unit increase in developing preventive health behavior. Conclusions: The findings revealed that the indirect effect of the level of mindfulness on developing preventive health behavior was at a significant level; therefore, it is concluded that COVID-19 risk perception mediates the correlation between level of mindfulness. Practice implications: The present study is important to investigate nursing students' levels of mindfulness and the effect of these on developing preventive health behaviors.