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Özbekler, Abdullah
Name Variants
Abdullah, Özbekler
A., Ozbekler
Ozbekler, Abdullah
O., Abdullah
Abdullah, Ozbekler
Özbekler, Abdullah
Ozbekler, A.
Oezbekler, A.
A., Ozbekler
Ozbekler, Abdullah
O., Abdullah
Abdullah, Ozbekler
Özbekler, Abdullah
Ozbekler, A.
Oezbekler, A.
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Profesör Doktor
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
42 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 42
Article On the Oscillation of Even-Order Nonlinear Differential Equations With Mixed Neutral Terms(Hindawi Ltd, 2021) Kaabar, Mohammed K. A.; Özbekler, Abdullah; Grace, Said R.; Alzabut, Jehad; Ozbekler, Abdullah; Siri, Zailan; Özbekler, Abdullah; Mathematics; MathematicsThe oscillation of even-order nonlinear differential equations (NLDiffEqs) with mixed nonlinear neutral terms (MNLNTs) is investigated in this work. New oscillation criteria are obtained which improve, extend, and simplify the existing ones in other previous works. Some examples are also given to illustrate the validity and potentiality of our results.Article Wong’s Oscillation Theorem for the Second-Order Delay Differential Equations(Springer New York LLC, 2017) Özbekler,A.; Zafer,A.; Mathematics[No abstract available]Article Sturmian Comparison Theory for Half-Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations Via Picone Identity(Univ Nis, Fac Sci Math, 2017) Ozbekler, Abdullah; MathematicsIn this paper, Sturmian comparison theory is developed for the pair of second order differential equations; first of which is the nonlinear differential equations of the form (m(t)Phi(beta) (y'))' + Sigma (n) (i = 1) qi(t)Phi(alpha i) (y) = 0 and the second is the half-linear differential equations (k(t)Phi(beta) (x'))' + p(t) Phi(beta) (x) = 0 where Phi(*)(s) = \ s \(*-1)s and alpha(1) > . . .> alpha(m) > beta > alpha(m + 1) > . . . > alpha(n) > 0. Under the assumption that the solution of Eq. (2) has two consecutive zeros, we obtain Sturm-Picone type and Leighton type comparison theorems for Eq. (1) by employing the new nonlinear version of Picone's formula that we derive. Wirtinger type inequalities and several oscillation criteria are also attained for Eq. (1). Examples are given to illustrate the relevance of the results.Article Forced Oscillation of Sublinear Impulsive Differential Equations Via Nonprincipal Solution(Wiley, 2018) Mostepha, Naceri; Ozbekler, Abdullah; MathematicsIn this paper, we give new oscillation criteria for forced sublinear impulsive differential equations of the form (r(t)x')' + q(t)vertical bar x vertical bar(gamma-1) x = f(t), t not equal theta(i); Delta r(t)x' + q(i)vertical bar x vertical bar(gamma-1) x = f(i), t = theta(i), where gamma is an element of(0, 1), under the assumption that associated homogenous linear equation (r(t)z')' + q(t)z = 0, t not equal theta(i); Delta r(t)z' + q(i)z = 0, t = theta(i). is nonoscillatory.Article Lyapunov and Hartman-Type Inequalities for Higher-Order Discrete Fractional Boundary Value Problems(Univ Miskolc inst Math, 2023) Oguz, Arzu Denk; Alzabut, Jehad; Ozbekler, Abdullah; Jonnalagadda, Jagan Mohan; MathematicsBy employing Green's function, we obtain new Lyapunov and Hartman-type inequalities for higher-order discrete fractional boundary value problems. Reported results essentially generalize some theorems existing in the literature. As an application, we discuss the corresponding eigenvalue problems.Review Lyapunov Type Inequalities for Second Order Forced Mixed Nonlinear Impulsive Differential Equations(Elsevier Science inc, 2016) Agarwal, Ravi P.; Ozbekler, Abdullah; MathematicsIn this paper, we present some new Lyapunov and Hartman type inequalities for second order forced impulsive differential equations with mixed nonlinearities: x ''(t) + p(t)vertical bar x(t)vertical bar(beta-1)x(t) + q(t)vertical bar x(t)vertical bar(gamma-1)x(t) = f(t), t not equal theta(i); Delta x'(t) + p(i)vertical bar x(t)vertical bar(beta-1)x(t) + q(i)vertical bar x(t)vertical bar(gamma-1) x(t) = f(i), t = theta(i), where p, q, f are real-valued functions, {p(i)}, {q(i)}, {f(i)} are real sequences and 0 < gamma < 1 < beta < 2. No sign restrictions are imposed on the potential functions p, q and the forcing term f and the sequences {p(i)}, {q(i)}, {f(i)}. The inequalities obtained generalize and complement the existing results for the special cases of this equation in the literature. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article On the Oscillation of Discrete Volterra Equations With Positive and Negative Nonlinearities(Rocky Mt Math Consortium, 2018) Ozbekler, Abdullah; MathematicsIn this paper, we give new oscillation criteria for discrete Volterra equations having different nonlinearities such as super-linear and sub-linear cases. We also present some new sufficient conditions for oscillation under the effect of the oscillatory forcing term.Article Oscillation of Solutions of Second Order Mixed Nonlinear Differential Equations Under Impulsive Perturbations(Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2011) Ozbekler, A.; Zafer, A.; MathematicsNew oscillation criteria are obtained for second order forced mixed nonlinear impulsive differential equations of the form (r(t)Phi(alpha)(x'))' + q(t)(Phi)(x) + Sigma(n)(k=1)q(k)(t)Phi beta(k)(x ) = e(t), t not equal theta(I) x(theta(+)(i)) = ajx(theta(+)(i)) = b(i)x'(theta(i)) where Phi(gamma):= ,s vertical bar(gamma-1)s and beta(1) > beta(2) > ... > beta(m) > alpha > beta(m+1)> ... > beta(n) > beta(n) > 0. If alpha = 1 and the impulses are dropped, then the results obtained by Sun and Wong [Y.G. Sun, J.S.W. Wong, Oscillation criteria for second order forced ordinary differential equations with mixed nonlinearities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 334 (2007) 549-560] are recovered. Examples are given to illustrate the results. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Lyapunov Type Inequalities for Nth Order Forced Differential Equations With Mixed Nonlinearities(Amer inst Mathematical Sciences-aims, 2016) Agarwal, Ravi P.; Ozbekler, Abdullah; MathematicsIn the case of oscillatory potentials, we present Lyapunov type inequalities for nth order forced differential equations of the form x((n))(t) + Sigma(m)(j=1) qj (t)vertical bar x(t)vertical bar(alpha j-1)x(t)= f(t) satisfying the boundary conditions x(a(i)) = x(1)(a(i)) = x(11)(ai) = center dot center dot center dot = x((ki))(ai) = 0; i = 1, 2,..., r, where a(1) < a(2) < ... < a(r), 0 <= k(i) and Sigma(r)(j=1) k(j) + r = n: r >= 2. No sign restriction is imposed on the forcing term and the nonlinearities satisfy 0 < alpha(l) < ... < alpha a(j) < 1 < alpha a(j+1) < ... < alpha(m) < 2. The obtained inequalities generalize and compliment the existing results in the literature.Article Lyapunov type inequalities for second-order forced dynamic equations with mixed nonlinearities on time scales(Springer-verlag Italia Srl, 2017) Agarwal, Ravi P.; Cetin, Erbil; Ozbekler, Abdullah; MathematicsIn this paper, we present some newHartman and Lyapunov inequalities for second-order forced dynamic equations on time scales T with mixed nonlinearities: x(Delta Delta)(t) + Sigma(n)(k=1) qk (t)vertical bar x(sigma) (t)vertical bar (alpha k-1) x(sigma) (t) = f (t); t is an element of [t(0), infinity)(T), where the nonlinearities satisfy 0 < alpha(1) < ... < alpha(m) < 1 < alpha(m+1) < ... < alpha(n) < 2. No sign restrictions are imposed on the potentials qk, k = 1, 2, ... , n, and the forcing term f. The inequalities obtained generalize and compliment the existing results for the special cases of this equation in the literature.