Alkan, Neşe

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Neşe, Alkan
Neşe Alkan
A., Nese
Alkan, Neşe
N., Alkan
Alkan N.
Alkan, Nese
A., Neşe
Nese, Alkan
Alkan, N.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Investigation of the Relationship between Tension Level and Thermal Sensation. A Case Study of University Study Hall
    (EDP Sciences, 2023) Özbey, Mehmet Furkan; Alkan, Neşe; Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Cihan; Mechanical Engineering; Department of Psychology; Software Engineering; Energy Systems Engineering
    The adaptive thermal comfort model steps forth against Fanger's Predicted Mean Vote/ Percentage of Dissatisfied model because of considering the psychological and behavioural adjustments in addition to environmental and personal parameters in mixed-mode and non-air-conditioned buildings. Among behavioural and psychological adjustments, human behaviour is more investigated than psychological adjustments in aspects of thermal sensation and comfort in the studies. To meet the deficit in the literature on how psychological adjustments affect thermal sensation, an experimental investigation was conducted to explore the effects of tension level on the Thermal Sensation Votes (TSV) of the students. Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire was used to determine the tension level of the students. Experiments were conducted in a university study hall which is in the warm-summer Mediterranean climate (Csb) zone according to Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification. A total of 1159 students participated in the study, and the relation between the tension level and TSVs of the students were investigated for each gender. To test the associations between the nine quantitative subscales of tension level and the TSV, Pearson's correlation coefficient was computed. Based on results, "anxious"were considerable for the TSVs of both genders where the p-values were <0,001 for male and 0,044 for female students. In addition, while "shaky"(p=0,001) and "uneasy"(p<0,001) were found significant for the TSVs of male, "nervous"(p=0,013) were discovered noteworthy for the TSVs of the female students. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 27
    Psychological Sense of University Membership: An Adaptation Study of the PSSM Scale for Turkish University Students
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016) Alkan, Neşe; Department of Psychology
    The Psychological Sense of School Membership Scale (PSSM) is a widely used instrument to assess the sense of belonging to a school among adolescents. Despite its widespread use in middle and high school students, to date no particular adaptation study has been conducted for its use among university students. For this reason, the present study conducted an adaptation of the PSSM scale for these students. Five hundred and nine students at a Turkish university voluntarily participated in the study, and the PSSM Scale's factor structure was examined by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, identifying three factors representing the students' sense of university membership with acceptable internal consistencies: acceptance by faculty members (.70), belonging (.75), and acceptance by students (.76). The internal consistency of the 18-item scale was calculated as .84. As hypothesized, the convergent and discriminant validity of the scale was also tested. The self-report sense of belonging and degree of satisfaction with the university were positively correlated with the three dimensions of the scale. Also, the scores regarding the students' intention to drop out of university along with loneliness were negatively correlated with all the dimension of the PSSM scale.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Dikkat Mi Nabız Mı: Apne Sürelerinin Tahmin Edilmesinde Yukarıdan Aşağıya ve Aşağıdan Yukarıya Süreçlerin Bütünleştirilmesine Yönelik Bir Ön Çalışma
    (2023) Alkan, Neşe; Akış, Tolga; Department of Psychology; Civil Engineering
    Serbest dalış performansı gibi bazı aktivitelerde zamanın doğru algılanması hayati önem taşımaktadır. Saniyeler ile ifade edilebilecek görece uzun zaman aralıklarının doğru tahmininin altında yatan kesin mekanizmaların anlaşılması, psikolojide çözülmesi gereken konulardan biridir. Bu amaçla, mevcut çalışmada, prospektif bir paradigma kullanılarak, 25, 50 ve 75 saniyelik apne sürelerinin yordayıcıları incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın verileri, iki deneysel koşulda, on bir serbest dalış sporcusunun hedef apne tahminlerini havada ve suda (daldırılmış) yapmaları yolu ile elde edilmiştir. Katılımcıların kalp atış hızı değerleri, dikkat kontrol kapasiteleri ve duygu durumlarının üç farklı hedef apne tahminindeki doğruluğunun incelendiği bu çalışmada: zaman tahminini etkileyen tek faktörün kalp atış hızı olmadığı; dikkat kapasitesi ve olumlu duygudurumun lineer olmayan bir tarzda zaman tahmininin doğruluğuna etki ettiği; yordayıcı olarak kullanılan bu üç değişkenin, deney koşuluna ve hedef aralığın süresine göre farklı şekilde etkili olduğu ve son olarak, katılımcıların en doğru zaman tahmininin, bu çalışmada kullanılan en uzun zaman aralığı olan 75 saniye suda apne olduğu bulunmuştur.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 13
    Psychometric properties of a Turkish version of the oral health impact profile-14
    (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2017) Alkan, Neşe; Alkan, N.; Gurgan, C. A.; Department of Psychology
    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate a Turkish translation of the oral health impact profile-14 (OHIP-14) in a Turkish population to provide an objective standard for future studies. Methods: This cross-sectional research study consisted of three independent studies. Data were collected utilizing a personal interview and a review of periodontal records. This study was performed on 1205 subjects who were visiting for routine medical check-ups. The OHIP-14 was administered to measure oral health related to the quality of life, along with a questionnaire addressing demographic information, such as age, gender, and education. Results: The reliability coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) of the Turkish version OHIP-14-TR (OHIP-14-TR) was reported to be nearly perfect in all 3 parts of our study (alpha 1: 0.82; alpha 2: 0.76; alpha 3: 0.91); additionally, values were greater than the recommended 0.70 threshold. Spearman's correlation coefficients showed that both OHIP scores significantly correlated with periodontal parameters, serving as proof of convergent validity (P < 0.01, P < 0.001). The principal component analysis with varimax rotation revealed seven factors. The OHIP-14-TR was more than 95% comprehensible. Conclusion: The OHIP-14-TR is a reliable, valid, and comprehensible scale for measuring oral health-related quality of life in the Turkish population.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 10
    Sensitivity analysis of the effect of current mood states on the thermal sensation in educational buildings
    (Wiley-hindawi, 2022) Özbey, Mehmet Furkan; Alkan, Neşe; Orfioglu, Sevval; Alkan, Nese; Turhan, Cihan; Energy Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Department of Psychology
    Adaptive thermal comfort is a model which considers behavioral and psychological adjustments apart from Fanger's Predicted Mean Vote (PMV)/Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) method. In the literature, the differences between the PMV/PPD method and adaptive thermal comfort were mainly considered in aspects of behavioral adjustments in an environment. Conversely, limited studies related to psychological adjustments were considered in detail for thermal comfort. This study purposes to investigate the effects of current mood state subscales on thermal sensation of the occupants for the first time in the literature. To this aim, the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire is used to determine the mood state of the occupants with six different subscales: Anger, Confusion, Vigor, Tension, Depression, and Fatigue. The experiments were conducted in a university study hall in Ankara, Turkey, which is in warm-summer Mediterranean climate (Csb) according to Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification. The distributions of each subscale were examined via Anderson Darling and Shapiro-Wilk tests accordingly given responses from the occupants. The sensitivity analysis was applied to the six subscales of the POMS with Monte Carlo simulation method by considering the distributions of each subscale. The results revealed that the current mood state has a crucial effect on the thermal sensation of the occupants. The subscales of the Depression and Vigor were found as the most vital ones among the six subscales. Only the pure effects of the Vigor and Depression would change the thermal sensation of the occupants 0.31 and 0.30, respectively. The Confusion was determined as the least effective subscale to the thermal sensation of the occupants. Moreover, with the combination of all the six subscales, the thermal sensation might change up to 1.32. Findings in this study would help researchers to develop the personalized thermal comfort systems.
  • Article
    “Psikolog” olmanın dayanılmaz cazibesi
    (İz Dergisi, 2014) Alkan, Neşe; Department of Psychology
    Üniversitelerin Psikoloji bölümlerine öğrencilerin ilgilerinin giderek arttığını görüyoruz. Psikolojiyi bu kadar cazip kılan nedir? İnsanı, duygu, düşünce, davranışı ile yaşadığı her ortamda anlamak, bir bütün olarak anlamak, yönlendirmek ve yardımcı olmak pek çok insanın iş hayatında yaşamak istediği bir doyum olsa gerek. Hem eğitiminde, hem de meslekte sunduğu çeşitli uzmanlık konuları bu mesleği galiba daha da çekici hale getiriyor. Doğum öncesinden ölüme kadar insanı incelen gelişim psikolojisi, insanın normal dışı hallerini inceleyen klinik psikoloji, sosyal hayatta ve başka insanların varlığında inceleyen soysal psikoloji, iş yaşamında insanı inceleyen endüstri örgüt psikolojisi, duyum, algı, öğrenme ve zihinsel süreçleri inceleyen deneysel/bilişsel psikoloji, suç ve insanı değerlendiren adli psikoloji. Bu liste daha da uzayabilir, trafik psikolojisi, spor psikolojisi, eğitim psikolojisi, sağlık psikolojisi, politik psikoloji. İnsan ihtiyaçları arttıkça ve değiştikçe bu liste daha da uzayacağa benzer.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Critical Analysis and Alternative Explanations for Effects of Apnea on the Timing of Motor Representations
    (Brill Academic Publishers, 2015) Alkan, Neşe; Department of Psychology
    This commentary is designed to provide an analysis of issues pertinent to the investigation of the effects of the temporary cessation of breathing (apnea), particularly during water immersion or diving, and its effects on time estimation in general and the timing of motor representation in particular. In addition, this analysis provides alternative explanations of certain unexpected findings reported by Di Rienzo et al. (2014) pertaining to apnea and interval timing. The perspective and guidance that this commentary provides on the relationship between apnea and time estimation is especially relevant considering the scarcity of experimental and clinical studies examining these variables. © 2015 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands.