Turgut, Zeynep Rana

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Z. R. Turgut
Zeynep Rana Turgut
T.,Zeynep Rana
Turgut, Zeynep Rana
Turgut,Zeynep Rana
Zeynep Rana, Turgut
T., Zeynep Rana
Z., Turgut
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Article
    Reflections of an Angry Playwright: David Storey's cromwell
    (Literary Voice, 2021) Turgut, Zeynep Rana; Department of English Language and Literature
    In many of the sources, David Storey's Cromwell is considered one of the historical plays of the post-war British Theatre. Yet it does not fit the traditional definition of historical drama as this play lacks realistic settings, chronological time and characters. Cromwell is unlocalized in time or place but only its title points that it is set in England during the Civil War. Also the time that passes during the course of the play is never specified. In Cromwell, the title character never appears; however, the purpose of Storey is to criticize the authoritarian oppression. Thus, the aim of this paper is to reveal David Storey's reaction against the oppressive government of the period while examining Cromwell from literary, social and historical perspectives.
  • Article
    Gerçek Nerede? Resimde Mi?: Peter Ackroyd’un Chatterton Adlı Romanında Sorunlu Gerçekliğin Temsili
    (2021) Turgut, Zeynep Rana; Department of English Language and Literature
    Polisiye roman türü, yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısında postmodernizmin getirdiği tematik ve yapısal yeniliklerle birlikte köklü bir değişime uğrar. En tanınabilir değişiklikler çözümsüz sonuçsuz sonlardır ve soruşturulacak bir suç olmamasına rağmen bazı olaylarda dedektif rolünü üstlenmiş karakterlerin boşuna uğraştığı vakalar ve okuyucunun yeni atanan rolü, yani dedektif rolü olmuştur. Bu makalenin amacı, Peter Ackroyd'un Chatterton adlı romanını dedektif türünün değişen özellikleri açısından incelemektir. Chatterton, bu türe özgü tematik ve yapısal unsurların çeşitli kullanımına rağmen, saf bir dedektif kurgu örneği olarak tanımlanmamıştır. Ackroyd, polisiye kurgunun geleneksel bileşenlerini yazarının ihtiyaçlarına göre kullanır ve yeniden şekillendirir. Dolayısıyla bu makalenin odak noktası, Ackroyd'un Chatterton'daki geleneksel dedektif kurgusunu yeniden formüle etmesidir. Vurgu, geleneksel ve çağdaş polisiye romanları arasındaki yapısal ve tematik yakınlıklar ve farklılıklar üzerindedir. Analiz ise esas olarak gerçek ve gerçek olmayan algısının metinlerarası temsiline dayanmaktadır.
  • Article
    A Bakhtinian Perspective for the Chronotopic Evaluation of Symbols in “hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway
    (Ovidius University, 2024) Aksoy, N.B.; Department of English Language and Literature
    This paper discusses the metaphoric and spatial representations in the short story “Hills Like White Elephants” from the perspective of Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope. Bakhtin explains the concept of chronotope in literary texts as the intersection of space and time configured either in abstract or concrete entities, represented by symbols and metaphors or real-time objects and spaces. In the story, an unmarried pregnant girl and the child's father are portrayed at a train station discussing their and their unborn child's future. The story reflects the qualities of a typical Hemingway style, the “iceberg theory” he favours in storytelling. The train station in the story is located at the intersection of railway lines in the direction of Barcelona and Madrid, and this location becomes a symbol of the decision the couple will make at that particular historical time about keeping or aborting the baby. The station is situated between a patch of dry brown land and long and white hills across the fertile valley of the Ebro river, where the characters are about to decide whether to go back to their old, barren life or keep the baby and move on to a promising and happy life. This spatial juncture, the train station, symbolizing a public space of modernity, and the contrasting hills like white elephants, symbolizing the personal dilemma of the pregnant girl, intersect in the characters’ lives and illustrate Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope. This particular chronotope reveals the conflict and tension between the hills like white elephants and the train station near the barren, dry, brown earth, as well as between the woman and man in their perceptions of their lives and future together. © 2024 Ovidius University. All rights reserved.
  • Doctoral Thesis
    Dedektif Romanın Postmodern Yeniden Yazılımı: Geleneksel Dedektif Romanı Yapısının John Fowles'ın Koleksiyoncu, Peter Ackroyd'un Chatterton ve Kazuo Ishiguro'nun Çocukluğumu Ararken Romanlarında Yeniden Yapılandırılması
    (2019) Turgut, Zeynep Rana; Menteşe, Sıdıka Oya; Department of English Language and Literature
    Dedektif Romanı, savaş, gerilim ve sosyo-ekonomik değişimler nedeniyle toplumda bozulan harmoninin bir şekilde yeniden oluşturabileceğinin habercisi olduğundan Viktorya Döneminden günümüze hala popülerliğini koruyan bir yazın türüdür. Bu tür, değişik yazar ve eleştirmenler tarafından farklı tanımlanmasına rağmen 'bulmaca', 'gerilim' ve 'gizem' gibi anahtar kelimeler tüm tanımların içinde yer alır. Klasik dedektif romanı bir suç ya da gizemle başlar, soruşturma ve araştırma kısmıyla devam eder ve gerçeğin gün yüzüne çıkarılıp gizemin çözülmesiyle ve bir suçlu varsa cezalandırılmasıyla sonlandırılır. Ancak 1950 ve 1960'larda başlayan ve hala devam eden bilimsel, teknolojik, kültürel ve sosyo-ekonomik gelişmeler her alanda olduğu gibi edebiyatta da etkilerini gösterdi. Özellikle yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısı ile edebiyata hakim olan postmodern akımın etkileri her edebi türde olduğu gibi dedektif romanında da görüldü. Ortada incelenecek bir suç olmadan insanların bir takım olayların etrafında dönmesi ya da çözüme ulaşmak yerine olayların sonuçsuz kalması ve tabii dedektif rolünün okuyucuya geçmesi bu tür de görülen en belirgin değişimler oldu. Bu tezin amacı aslında dedektif roman türü içerisinde yer almayan üç romanın, dedektif roman türünün değişen özelliklerini ele alarak incelemektir. John Fowles'ın Koleksiyoncu, Peter Ackroyd'un Chatterton ve Kazuo Ishiguro'nun Çocukluğumu Ararken romanlarında gelenekselden günümüze dedektif romanına özgü hangi öğelerin eserlerde örneklendirip hangi öğelerin farklılık gösterdiğine değinilirken postmodernismle anılan metinlerarasıcılık, parodi, parçalanmış zaman ve mekan gibi kavramlar gerçek ve gerçek olmayan arasındaki fikir ayrılığına da bakılacaktır. Tez, amacın belirtildiği kısa bir giriş; hem dedektif romanın tarihsel gelişimini günümüze kadar inceleyen hem de postmodernism ve yapılsalcılık sonrasının anlatıldığı bir teori bölümü, üç romanın incelendiği analiz bölümleri ve sonuç bölümünden oluşur.
  • Article
    Towards an Uncertain Future: Brexit Satirised in Ian Mcewan’s the Cockroach
    (2022) Tekin, Kuğu; Turgut, Zeynep Rana; Department of English Language and Literature
    Ian McEwan’s 2019 novella, The Cockroach, which is considered a product of “brexlit,” is a bitter satire of British politicians’ Brexit project. According to the author, the rising waves of ultranationalism, seasoned with British politicians’ unreasonable populist discourse, drifted Britain out of the European Union. In the novella, McEwan’s chosen medium in criticising Britain’s status quo ante Brexit is satire. Due to its corrective nature, satire tends to repair and/or reform prevailing ills. However, in The Cockroach, McEwan does not intent to correct the troubles brought to Britain by Brexit, which he sees as the manifestation of stark irrationality. Indeed, political humour accompanies McEwan’s exclusive satirical style, for the author was aware of the fact that the British Conservative Party’s political slogan – “Get Brexit done” – had already fulfilled its mission by the time he was writing The Cockroach. Thus, this article follows the fictional route drawn by McEwan in The Cockroach in presenting how the bilateral association of populism and jingoism can darken the future vision of a country whose parliamentary democracy has a history of almost two centuries.
  • Book Part
    Live Like Cockroaches: a Homeless Immigrant's Struggle Leading To Stereotypification
    (Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2024) Turgut, Z.R.; Department of English Language and Literature
    The use of cockroaches as a metaphor to describe the conditions of immigrants in immigrant literature is a problematic and controversial topic. It is a form of dehumanization that reduces individuals to pests or insects and constitution of demeaning stereotypes and xenophobia. The use of this metaphor can be traced back to colonial and racist attitudes towards non-white, non-Western individuals who were often depicted as primitive, dirty, and inhuman. This view which was used to justify colonialism and segregation is still prevailing in contemporary society through media and cultural representations. In Rawi Hage's novel Cockroach (2008), the use of the cockroach as a metaphor is a central theme throughout the book. The novel tells the story of an unnamed Lebanese immigrant who is struggling to make a new life in Montreal, Canada. The protagonist sees himself as a cockroach, a resilient survivor that can adapt to any environment and cope with any hardship. The cockroach metaphor in this novel might be interpreted in several ways. On the one hand, it can be seen as an indicator of the protagonist's resilience and ability to survive in a hostile and challenging environment. Since the cockroach is known for its ability to survive in harsh conditions, the protagonist sees himself as embodying these traits. On the other hand, the use of the cockroach as a metaphor might also be seen as the representation of the maltreatment of immigrants in Western societies. The protagonist is often marginalized and discriminated, and his identification with the cockroach can be seen as a way of highlighting the way that immigrants are often seen as pests or insects by mainstream society. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to examine Rawi Hage's novel Cockroach in order to reveal the struggles of immigrants in a new country who try to survive although they face many problems, including isolation, discrimination, poverty, and cultural exclusion. © 2023 Peter Lang Group AG, Lausanne. Published by Peter Lang GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland. All rights reserved.