Boduroğlu, Elif
Name Variants
B., Elif
Elif, Boduroglu
Elif, Boduroğlu
E., Boduroğlu
E., Boduroglu
Boduroglu, Elif
Boduroğlu, Elif
Elif, Boduroglu
Elif, Boduroğlu
E., Boduroğlu
E., Boduroglu
Boduroglu, Elif
Boduroğlu, Elif
Job Title
Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Citation Count
Supervised Theses
3 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 1OYUNLAŞTIRMA UYGULAMALARINA İLİŞKİN TUTUM VE AĞIZDAN AĞIZA EĞİLİMLERİ: CİNSİYET VE GELİR DÜZEYİNE GÖRE BİR İNCELEME(2017) Zengin, Asude Yasemin; Boduroğlu, Elif; BusinessHızla gelişen iletişim teknolojisi, pazarlama alanında işletmeleraçısından çok sayıda fırsatı beraberinde getirmektedir. Teknolojiningelişmesi işletmelerin tüketici ile sosyal ağlar üzerinden etkileşimegeçmesine olanak tanımaktadır. Günümüzde tüketicinin her geçen gündeğişen talebine uyum sağlamak yoluyla rekabet üstünlüğü elde edebilmekiçin işletmeler, internet ve akıllı telefonlar vasıtasıyla tüketicilerinörgütlenmelerini kolaylaştıran uygulamaları kullanmaktadır. Tüketicilerinbulundukları yer ve zamandan bağımsız olarak örgütlenmelerine imkantanıyan ve kullanımı gittikçe yaygınlaşan oyunlaştırma, son dönemdetüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de dikkat çekmektedir.Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, oyunlaştırma uygulamalarınailişkin Türk tüketicilerinin tutum ve ağızdan ağıza iletişim eğilimlerinindemografik özelliklerden cinsiyet ve gelir düzeyi itibariyle farklılaşıpfarklılaşmadığını belirlemektir.Araştırma sosyal ağ servisleri arasındaen yaygın oyunlaştırma örneklerinden ikisi olarak kabul edilen, yeniyerler/mekanlar keşfetmeyi oyun unsurlarıyla ortaya koyan Foursquareve Swarm uygulamalarını aktif olarak kullanan kullanıcılar üzerindegerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri, online anketyöntemiyle toplanmıştır. GoogleDocs üzerinden hazırlanan anket, Foursquare ve Swarm uygulamalarınıaktif olarak kullanan 234 tüketiciye uygulanmıştır. Araştırma amacı doğrultusunda yapılan Mann Whitney-U testi sonuçlarına göretüketicilerin oyunlaştırma uygulamalarına karşı tutumlarının ve ağızdanağıza iletişim eğilimlerinin cinsiyet ve gelire göre farklılaşmadığı tespitedilmiştir.Article Citation Count: 0Shaken, stirred and indebted: Firm-level effects of earthquakes(Elsevier Science inc, 2024) Arin, K. Peren; Arnau, Josep Marti; Boduroglu, Elif; Celik, Esref Ugur; Business; EconomicsUsing firm-level data from Turkiye, we investigate the effects of earthquakes on firms' balance sheets. We find that earthquakes increase firms' liabilities but have a smaller effect on firms' assets, both in magnitude and significance. Using surveys sent to the finance and/or accounting managers of the largest 100 firms in Turkiye we identify common themes in their perceptions. Our findings reveal a consensus among respondents attributing the increased liabilities to exchange rate depreciation and lower business activity following a disaster. Conversely, higher availability of external credit is associated with a decrease in liabilities. Our analysis also indicates that finance managers with higher educational attainment may be underestimating the effects of earthquakes.Article Citation Count: 1Phase and wave dependent analysis of health expenditure efficiency: A sample of OECD evidence(Frontiers Media Sa, 2023) Boduroglu, Elif; Atici, Kazim Baris; Omay, Tolga; Business; EconomicsIntroductionHealth expenditures are a factor that reflects the government's public health policy and contributes to the protection of national health. Therefore, this study focuses on measuring the effectiveness of health expenditures in order to evaluate and improve the public health system and policy during the pandemic period. MethodIn order to examine the effectiveness of health expenditures, the behaviors of the pandemic process were analyzed in two stages. The number of daily cases is analyzed in the first stage by dividing it into waves and phases according to the transmission coefficient (R). For this classification, the discrete cumulative Fourier function estimation is used. In the second stage, the unit root test method was used to estimate the stationarity of the number of cases in order to examine whether the countries made effective health expenditures according to waves and phases. The series being stationary indicates that the cases are predictable and that health expenditure is efficient. Data consists of daily cases from February 2020 to November 2021 for 5 OECD countries. ConclusionThe general results are shown that cases cannot be predicted, especially in the first stage of the pandemic. In the relaxation phase and at the beginning of the second wave, the countries that were seriously affected by the epidemic started to control the number of cas es by taking adequate measures, thus increasing the efficiency of their health systems. The common feature of all the countries we examined is that phase 1, which represents the beginning of the waves, is not stationary. After the waves fade, it can be concluded that the stationary number of health cases cannot be sustainable in preventing new waves' formation. It is seen that countries cannot make effective health expenditures for each wave and stage. According to these findings, the periods in which countries made effective health expenditures during the pandemic are shown. DiscussionThe study aims to help countries make effective short- and long-term decisions about pandemics. The research provides a view of the effectiveness of health expenditures on the number of cases per day in 5 OECD countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic.