Ertan, Hulusi Bülent

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Name Variants
Bülent Ertan H.
Ertan, HB
Ertan, H. B.
E.,Hulusi Bülent
Ertan, Hulusi Bulent
Bulent Ertan H.
H. B. Ertan
H., Ertan
Ertan, H. Bulent
Hulusi Bulent, Ertan
Hulusi Bülent, Ertan
Ertan, Hulusi Bülent
E.,Hulusi Bulent
E., Hulusi Bulent
Ertan H.
E., Hulusi Bülent
Bulent Ertan,H.
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Profesor Doktor
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 3
    Comparison of a Magnetically Geared PM Wind Generator with Radial Flux Generator
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Ertan,H.B.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    Direct drive wind turbines promise to be more reliable and efficient than commonly used geared wind turbines. This paper presents part of a study aiming to identify whether 'Dual Stator Spoke Array Vernier Permanent Magnet' (DSSAVPM) generators present an advantage, regarding size or cost, as compared to the conventional radial flux PM machine for direct drive applications. For this purpose, design of both machines is optimized for the same specifications and using the same design criteria. optimization results are presented and discussed. It is found that a DSSVPM generator design, with almost the same performance as the RFPM generator, but with 45% of its mass is possible. © 2018 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Designing High Power Density Induction Motors for Electric Propulsion
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Siddique,M.S.; Koushan,S.; Azuaje-Berbeci,B.J.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    Designing high-power-density electric motors for propulsion has become an increasingly important issue in the past few decades. This is not only because electric vehicles are projected to become the main private transportation means in near future, but also because of the ever so important metro and railway transport requirements. Along with these application areas, electric aircraft propulsion is also coming into focus in recent years. Electric motors for traction are required to have high torque density, high efficiency over a wide speed range and are required to be robust. In recent years, permanent magnet (PM) motors became the favorite choice for such applications because of their higher efficiency than other types of motors. Increasing demand for permanent magnets is likely to cause supply problems. Therefore, permanent magnet-free alternative motor types are of much interest. In this paper, the authors present the design of a 125 kW induction motor for railway application. This design has 3-times the power density of a commercial induction motor. The designed motor is manufactured and its test results are used for establishing an accurate finite-element model for the prediction of its performance. This model is used to investigate the effect of magnetic loading choice, slot shape and magnetic material choice on the efficiency of the motor. It is shown that with the same basic dimensions the efficiency of the motor can be increased to 96% which is comparable with a similar size PM motor. © 2022 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Predicting Thermal Behavior of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Car Applications
    (Transilvania University of Brasov 1, 2023) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Ertan,H.B.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    As the popularity of electric vehicles increases, significant research is being performed on lithium-ion batteries (LIB). Safety is a serious issue in the applications using high energy-density LIBs. A phenomenon known as thermal runaway (TR) is the major exothermal process that may cause a LIB's catastrophic failure. It is very important to predict TR conditions in order to prevent an uncontrollable chemical reaction caused by TR. For this purpose, a reliable model is needed. This paper constructs an electrochemical-thermal model, which includes the effects of the chemical reactions during TR, for a commercially available pouch L i F e P O4 (LFP) battery. A detailed analysis of the proposed models is performed and then validated against experimental results. Simulation results showed good agreement with the experimental data. The study presented here helps identify conditions at which TR may occur and provides a guide to the safe design of battery management systems. © 2023 IEEE.
  • Doctoral Thesis
    El rehabilitasyonu için geliştirilen harici iskeletin optimal tasarımı
    (2019) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Mohammadzadeh, Mohammad Hassan Gol; Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Electrical-Electronics Engineering; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tez çalışması, robotik el rehabilitasyon sistemi tasarım ve uygulamasını hedefleyen bir proje kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Beyin damarlarını etkileyen kazaların yol açtığı sakatlıklar hemiplejik olduğundan, projede işlev kaybı olan elin dış iskelet tarafından yönlendirildiği bir sistem üzerine yoğunlaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada robotik harici iskelet, görsel uyaran yazılımı ve ayna nöron sistemi aktivitesini gözlemleyen ölçüm sistemi ile senkronize bir biçimde çalışmaktadır. Bu tez kapsamında harici iskelet mekanizmasının, ileri ve tersine aktarım açıları ve hedeflenen kinematiği kullanan bir çoklu amaç fonksiyonu ile eniyilenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Çoklu gövde dinamiği modelleri ve sanki-statik yapıdaki kinetik modeller, tasarım ve benzetim amaçlı geliştirilmiş ve kullanılmıştır. Projemizde insan parmağının eklemlerindeki pasif torklar tam ve kesirli mertebe diferansiyel denklemlerle modellenmiştir. Parmağın dış iskelet ile bütünleşik benzetimlerinde tam ve kesirli mertebeden pasif torklar uygulanmıştır. Kesirli mertebe torklar, parmakta spastisite sonucu oluşan anomalinin modellenmesi için önerilmiştir. İnce kavrama hareketini sağlamak amacıyla PID ve FEL tipi denetimciler tasarlanmış ve model üzerinde sınanmıştır. Uyarlamalı bir kontrolcü olan FEL'in, kesirli mertebe pasif torklar etkin olduğunda PID'den daha başarılı sonuçlar verdiği gözlenmiştir. Direkt ve tersine sanki-statik modellerin, pasif torkların kestirimine yönelik kullanımı da tez kapsamında sunulmuştur.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Rotor Resistance Estimation of Induction Motors with A Novel Innovation-Based Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter for Self-Tuning
    (Transilvania University of Brasov 1, 2023) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Bulent Ertan,H.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    In this study a novel estimator is developed to identify the rotor resistance of the induction motor (IM) at standstill for self-tuning. For this purpose, an innovation-based adaptive extended Kalman (IAEKF) filter estimator is designed. IAEKF provides a more dynamic estimation compared to the conventional extended Kalman filter (EKF), as they have a mechanism where the system noise covariance matrix can be updated continuously, unlike conventional EKF. To increase estimation stability and also for position and amplitude information of the motor flux required for the dynamic control methods, stator stationary axis (-αβ) components of stator current and -αβ components of stator flux are estimated with rotor resistance by using the correlation between states and parameters defined as nonlinear inputs. The estimation performance of the proposed IAEKF algorithm is tested both in the simulation and on the real-time IM experimental setup at standstill. Simulation and real-time results show that the estimation achievement of the proposed IAEKF algorithm is quite impressive. © 2023 IEEE.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Inductance Measurement Methods for Surface-Mount Permanent Magnet Machines
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2023) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Sahin, Ilker; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    Analytical performance estimation of a permanent magnet (PM) motor requires an accurate equivalent circuit model. In a lumped electrical model of a PM motor, resistance and inductances appear as passive elements, which are used to represent the phase winding resistance, inductance, core loss, etc. There is currently no available standard for parameter measurement of PM motors. In the literature, there are many studies on inductance measurement. However, they are applied to different types of motors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate those different inductance measurement methods, on the same motors, to identify whether they lead to the same result. Also, it was aimed to find out the difficulties involved in the measurement process. This study concentrates on determining the d -axis and q -axis inductances of two different surface-mount PM motors at standstill and under running conditions. The standstill measurement methods evaluated include the "current decay " method and the "dc inductance bridge " method as well as more common methods. The dependence of the inductances on the current magnitude, frequency, and excitation signal waveform is investigated. Measurements with PWM and sinusoidal ac voltage excitation are found to give similar results. The tests indicated that the "current decay " method is prone to measurement errors especially when the phase resistance is low. It is discovered that inductance measurements from standstill tests are independent of frequency for all practical purposes. Next, the same inductances are measured, while the test motors are running. The methods considered include; inductance measurement from no-load test, zero power factor (PF) load test, and unity PF load test; while the machine is in generating mode. Furthermore, a new inductance measurement method is introduced where the measurement is made while the test motor is driven with a vector-controlled drive. Finally, inductance measurement results from different standstill tests and running tests are compared and evaluated.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Sizing of Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Hybrid Energy Storage System
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Arikan,F.R.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    This work is aimed to develop a realistic design procedure for a series hybrid plug in vehicle, with a view to use it in a mathematical design optimization. The purpose of the optimization is minimizing the initial cost, as well as the running costs of the vehicle. Therefore there is a multi-objective design optimization problem in hand. Such problems are very suitable for mathematical optimization, however, accurate and not time consuming design procedure is a must, to obtain meaningful results. This paper introduces such a design procedure. The approach is illustrated on a commercial vehicle simulation model. The accuracy of the model is illustrated by comparing simulation results with vehicle test results. © 2018 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 3
    Standstill Estimation of Stator Resistance of Induction Motors with Novel Innovation-Based Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Yirtar,M.Z.; Bulent Ertan,H.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    In this study, a method is developed to identify stator resistance of an induction motor (IM) at standstill in the self-tuning. An innovation-based adaptive extended Kalman filter (IAEKF) estimator in which the process noise is dynamically updated with an adaptive mechanism different from the conventional extended Kalman filter (EKF) is designed to estimate stator resistance with αβ- stator stationary axis components of stator current and αβ- components of stator flux of an IM. The reason for estimating the stator flux and stator current together with the stator resistance is to both increase the stability of the proposed estimator algorithm by using the correlation between the parameters and states in the non-linear inputs applied to the estimator and obtain the motor flux information needed by the control system. In the proposed IAEKF algorithm, a stator flux-based IM model is used for prediction purposes. The standstill estimation performance of the proposed novel IAEKF is tested with both sinusoidal and PWM power supplies, The real-time estimation results show the effectiveness and prediction accuracy of the proposed stochastic-based estimator. © 2021 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    FEM-based design modifications and efficiency improvements of a brushed permanent magnet DC Motor
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Zeinali,R.; Ertan,H.B.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    This paper describes design modifications of a brushed permanent magnet DC motor. Test motor is modeled using a Finite Element Method (FEM) based software. Model accuracy is investigated by comparing measurement and simulation results. Reducing material consumption in motor fabrication while the motor develops the desired torque at a higher efficiency is aimed in this paper. Modifications are done in three stages and simulations results are also presented. These results are also compared to simulation results of the test machine. © 2017 IEEE.
  • Master Thesis
    Tyre slip control methods for electric vehicles
    (2021) Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Alhajdıbo, Moustapha; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Matlab'ın Simulink'inde bir elektrikli araç modeli oluşturmaktır. Değerlendirmeye alınan araç tipi 4×4 tamamı tek teker çalışan akülü elektrikli araçlardır 1080 kg boş ağırlığa sahip araç, tüm tekerlekler aynı yol koşullarında çalışır. Newton'un hareket yasası, modeli tasarlarkenki temel yaklaşımdır. Çekiş kontrol sistemi (TCS) ile birlikte kilitlenmeyi önleyici fren sistemi (ABS), modelin şemasını oluşturan birincil bakış açısı olarak takip edilen kontrol teknikleridir. Model oluşturulduktan sonra simülasyon sonuçları farklı parametreleri verir, yani uzunlamasına hız, yanal hız, sapma hızı, uzunlamasına ivme, yanal ivme, sapma ivme, elektrikli bir aracın tekerleklerine etki eden farklı türden kuvvetler vb. Araştırmanın amacı, elektrikli aracın slip değerini (senkronize hız ve rotor hızının arasındaki fark) bulmaktır. Takip ettiğim lastik modeli Pacejka lastik modelidir, bir diğer deyişle sihirli lastik formülü. Slip, farklı direksiyon değerleri uygulayarak farklı sonuçlar verir, direksiyon açısı değerleri -30º ila + 30º arasında alınır. Slip de farklı yol koşullarına, örneğin ıslak, kuru, karlı veya buzlu olmasına bağlı olarak değişir. Önerilen modelde kuru yol koşulları dikkate alınmıştır. Slip elde edildikten sonra üç farklı kontrolör yaklaşımı ayrı ayrı sağlanmıştır. Önerilen kontrolör teknikleri orantılı-integral-türev kontrolör (PID), kayan mod kontrolörü (SMC) ve bulanık mantık kontrolörüdür (FLC). farklı yol koşulları (yani kuru asfalt, ıslak asfalt, kar ve buz) dikkate alınır. Kayma aralığı her zaman 0 ile 1 arasındadır. Üç tip kontrolör de geri besleme kontrolörleridir, bu da elde edilen çıktının elde edilen hatayı en aza indirmek için kontrolöre girdi olarak geri verileceği anlamına gelir. Kontrolörler, yani PID, SMC ve FLC uygulandığında, üç ayrı kontrolörün tümünün sonuçları elde edilir ve ardından karşılaştırmalar, her bir kontrolörden tek tek gerçekleştirilir. Önerilen elektrikli araç üzerinde gerçekleştirilen sonuçlar, FLC'nin üç kontrolör tekniği arasında en iyi sonucu verdiği yönündedir.