Erden, Zühal

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E., Zühal
E., Zuhal
Zuhal, Erden
Zühal Erden
Erden, Zuhal
Z., Erden
Erden Z.
Erden, Zühal
Zühal, Erden
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Master Thesis
    Sosyal robotlar için davranış modüllerinin otomatik kümelenmesi
    (2023) Erden, Zühal; Erden, Zühal; Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tezde, sosyal robotların davranış modüllerinin kümeleme algoritmaları kullanılarak otomatik oluşturulması için bir yöntem sunulmuştur. Davranış modülleri, kişiselleştirilmiş sosyal robotların tasarımında büyük önem taşımaktadır. Sunulan araştırmada, sosyal robotların 'algı', 'biliş' ve 'motorik eylem' olarak adlandırılan davranış öğelerini kümelemek için K-means, Aglomerative Clustering ve BRICH gibi farklı kümeleme tekniklerinin uygulanabilirliği incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, daha önce yapılan bir çalışmada elde edilen 28x3 boyutunda ve yukarıdaki üç davranış için dilsel değerlerden oluşan bir veri listesi kullanılmıştır. Geliştirilen bir haritalama yöntemi ile sayısal olarak temsil edilen verilerle sekiz farklı kümeleme algoritması kullanılarak oluşturulan çeşitli davranış modülleri değerlendirilmiş ve üç algoritma başarılı kabul edilmiştir. Kümeleme algoritmalarıyla otomatik olarak elde edilen davranış modüllerinin 3 boyutlu gösterimi de yapılmıştır. Elde edilen modüller maliyet, hareketlilik, karmaşıklık ve güç tüketimi olmak üzere dört farklı ölçüt kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları kişiselleştirilmiş sosyal robotların sistematik tasarımı alanındaki araştırmalarda ve uygulamalarda kullanılabilir.
  • Master Thesis
    Sosyal robot ürün aileleri için davranış modüllerinin geliştirilmesi
    (2021) Erden, Zühal; Erden, Zühal; Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tezde, sosyal robotlar (SoBOT'lar) için davranış modülleri, 3 boyutlu (3B) Tasarım Yapı Matrisi (TYP) modeli kullanılarak geliştirilmiştir. Davranış modülleri, bireylerin veya küçük grupların çeşitli ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için geliştirilen kişiselleştirilmiş sosyal robotlardan oluşan sosyal robot ailelerinin sistematik tasarımında kullanılabilecek yapı taşlarıdır. 3B TYP fiziksel gerçeklemeden bağımsız olup, robotların 'algılama', 'muhakeme' ve motorik hareket' olmak üzere 3 farklı davranış elemanına dayanır. Bu elemanlar, literatürde bulunan makalelerden 45 farklı sosyal robota ait veriler kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Sosyal robotların bu üç çeşit davranışsal elemanı arasındaki karşılıklı etkileşimler tanımlanarak modüller oluşturulmuştur. Geliştirilen davranış modüllerinden 6 örnek modül ve bu modüller kullanılarak oluşturulan 2 robottan meydana gelen bir model sosyal robot ailesinin fiziksel tasarımı ve imalatı, teknoloji gösterimi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Systematic generation of a 3D DSM by extracting social robot behaviors from literature
    (Cambridge University Press, 2019) Erden, Zühal; Erden,Z.; Mechatronics Engineering
    Social robots are in direct communication and interaction with people, thus it is important to design these robots for different needs of individuals or small groups. This has revealed the need to develop design methods for personalized or mass-individualized social robots, which are expected to respond to many different needs of people today and in the future. In this paper, a previously developed 3D DSM model is implemented in the systematic conceptual design of social robot families. The model is independent of any physical elements and based on behavioural elements as perception, cognition and motoric action. The data regarding 45 different social robots from 80 articles in the literature is used to identify these three behaviours of the existing social robots and the mutual relationships among these different behaviours are defined in order to develop a 3D DSM structure to be used as a basis for designing social robot families. The resulting novel 3D DSM is a general-purpose, basic model that can be used to identify behavioural modules to design social robot families. © 2019 Design Society. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    What to Consider at the Development of Educational Programs and Courses About Next-Generation Cyber-Physical Systems?
    (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2024) Erden, Zühal; Erden,Z.; Mechatronics Engineering
    We live in an age in which new things are emerging faster than their deep understanding. This statement, in particular, applies to doing research and educating university students concerning next-generation cyber-physical systems (NG-CPSs). The fast evolution of this system paradigm would have expected a rapid and comprehensive paradigmatic change in research and education concerning this family of systems. However, this has not happened yet. Seeking a sufficient explanation, this paper reviews the current literature and attempts to cast light on the most significant recent developments in the field of NG-CPSs. The main assumptions of the authors are that research and education should appear in harmony in academic knowledge acquisition and distribution processes and that the academic education of NG-CPSs should be organized and conducted according to a defendable future vision. Combining the results of a broadly based study of the literature with prognostic critical thinking and personal experiences, this review-based position paper first discusses the current sociotechno-scientific environment, the involved stakeholders, and the demands and two approaches of truly systems-oriented education. Then, it concentrates on (i) the recognized limitations of mono- and interdisciplinary research, (ii) supradisciplinary organization of research, and (iii) transdisciplinary knowledge generation for NG-CPSs. As main contributions, the paper (i) identifies and analyzes the latest theoretical, engineering, and technological developments, (ii) reveals the major trends and their presumably significant implications, and (iii) presents several thought-provoking findings and makes propositions about the desirable actions. Copyright © 2024 by ASME.
  • Master Thesis
    Mekatronik mühendisliği için bir modüler eğitim düzeneği tasarımı
    (2013) Erden, Zühal; Erden, Zühal; Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tez modüler mekatronik ürün tasarımı üzerine yapılmış bir araştırmadır. Araştırmanın temel amacı, modüler ürün tasarım metotlarından biri olan sezgisel modüler ürün tasarım metodunun bir mekatronik ürün ailesi tasarımına uygulanmasıdır. Sezgisel metot mekanik ürünler için geliştirilmiş ve bu ürünlere uygulanmış bir yöntemdir. Bu tezde sunulan araştırmanın literatüre katkısı, şimdiye kadar mekanik ürünler için kullanılan bir yöntemin bir mekatronik ürün ailesi tasarımına uygulanmasıdır. Bu çalışmada modüler mekatronik ürün (ürün ailesi) olarak, Atılım Üniversitesi Mekatronik Mühendisliği Bölümü ikinci sınıfında verilmekte olan mekatronik tasarım dersinde kullanılacak bir mekatronik eğitim düzeneği seçilmiştir. Sunulan tez çalışması, seçilen mekatronik ürünün sezgisel yöntem kullanılarak kavramsal modüler tasarımının yapılmasını, ayrıca ürünün fiziksel tasarımını ve üretimini kapsamaktadır.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Development of Behavioural Modules for Mechatronic Product Families using the 3D Design Structure Matrix Approach
    (Ios Press, 2019) Erden, Zühal; Mechatronics Engineering
    Increased competition in the global market has forced companies to diversify their product ranges to meet the customers' changing needs and adopt product development strategies for "mass customization", which requires designing modular products. Product modularity is achieved via platform-based systems, in which various combinations of different modules are assembled within a common platform. In the literature, there is a considerable amount of research on modularity for mechanical products. Yet, research on modularity of smart systems, such as mechatronic products, is quite limited. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop fundamental behavioural modules to facilitate the systematic design of platform-based mechatronic product families for mass customization. Being developed using the state-event model of mechatronic systems at an early design stage, these modules enable a behavioural adaptation of smart systems through a systematic formal structure. In this study, fundamental mechatronic behaviour modules are developed using a modified form of Design Structure Matrix (DSM) existing in the literature. DSM is adopted to mechatronic systems as a 3D matrix, which includes sensorial, motoric and cognitive behaviours. Symbolic representations of mechatronic behaviour modules are generated and used for describing robot tasks. The mechatronic behaviour modules developed in this study are implemented on a demonstrative task-based robot family model composed of guide robots for museums and shopping malls, a guard robot, a house-cleaning robot and companion robots for children, the elderly and pets.
  • Master Thesis
    Kavramsal robot tasarımında davranış tabanlı modelleme ve eğitim amaçlı robotların masaüstü tasarımı
    (2012) Erden, Zühal; Erden, Zühal; Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tez mekatronik sistemlerin kavramsal tasarımı üzerine yapılmış bir araştırmadır. Araştırmanın temel amacı, mekatronik sistemlerin davranış tabanlı kavramsal tasarımı için, özellikle eğitim amaçlı robotlarda uygulamaya yönelik sistematik bir yaklaşım geliştirmektir. Bu araştırmada eğitim robotlarının davranış modellemesi için Ayrık Olay Sistem Spesifikasyonu (AOSS) ve Petri Ağları kullanılmıştır. Örnek olayların bilgisayar simülasyonları ArtifexTM yazılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca robot davranışlarının fiziksel simülasyonu için eğitim amaçlı bir düzenek olarak, deneysel bir masaüstü tasarım platformu da tasarlanıp üretilmiştir.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 3
    Representation of the operational behaviour of an educational robot at conceptual design using Petri Nets
    (2010) Erden, Zühal; Mechatronics Engineering
    Increasing demand for computational support at conceptual design makes behavioural modeling a challenging area for design research. This is mainly because a behavioural model of a nonexistent design artifact at conceptual level is the basis for behavioural simulation and resulting computational design support. Behavioural models are particularly important for top-down design of multidisciplinary products such as mechatronic systems. During the conceptual design of such systems, intended "operational behavior" of the artifact is described without any physical realization. As design stages become more concrete, operational behaviour can be refined so as to represent well defined mathematical descriptions of corresponding physical behaviors. In this study, a model for representing the intended operational behaviour of a nonexistent educational robot, namely a rabbit robot, is presented for conceptual design. The operational behaviour of the robot is defined as composed of states and state transitions independent of any physical embodiment. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) and Petri Net formalism are used for the model. This representational model is the first step towards the development of a virtual prototype for the operational behaviour of an educational robot. © 2010 by ASME.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 11
    Behavioural representation and simulation of design concepts for systematic conceptual design of mechatronic systems using Petri Nets
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Erden, Zühal; Erden, Zuhal; Mechatronics Engineering
    The systematic representation of design concepts is an important requirement for computational support during the conceptual design stage within the process of product development. Behavioural simulation of design concepts is used as a systematic representation framework, and behavioural representation is based on modelling and simulating the behaviour of a design artefact at the conceptual level to perform an overall function, leading to behaviour-based conceptual design. The behaviour-based conceptual design approach is critical for mechatronic systems since they require synergistic integration starting from the initial conceptual design phase. The present study is focused on behavioural representation and simulation of design concepts via discrete event system specification formalism and Petri Nets so as to contribute to systematic conceptual design in mechatronic systems. The paper introduces a representation framework for the behaviour-based conceptual design of mechatronic systems and its implementation on five selected case studies, among laboratory-level educational robots. In addition to Petri Net modelling and computer simulations, the implementation also includes physical simulations of the intended operational behaviours for educational robots on a distributed physical structure called the desktop design model'. In this paper, implementation on one of these case studies, namely the frog robot', is presented in detail.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    A team-oriented course development experience in distance education for multidisciplinary engineering design
    (Wiley, 2022) Erden, Zühal; Erden, Zuhal; Turhan, Cihan; Say, Bilge; Energy Systems Engineering; Mechatronics Engineering; Software Engineering
    Based on the multidisciplinary needs of today's complex and innovative technology, accreditation bodies of engineering demand proof of multidisciplinary teamwork in undergraduate engineering curricula. This article reports the design and conduct of a Multidisciplinary Engineering Design (MED) course initiated as a result of accreditation process requirements. The course, which consists of multidisciplinary lectures, practice sessions, and various phases of a multidisciplinary team project, was conducted online because of the COVID-19 pandemic by a multidisciplinary team of instructors using multiple software tools to enhance collaboration. In general, the course outcomes were satisfied under the current design, and several points for further improvement and elaboration were collected via quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Accordingly, the results show that the project-based and team-based MED course, in terms of multidisciplinary course management and its outcomes, can benefit from the use of software tools in creating a multidisciplinary team in distance education by means of enhanced cooperation and motivation among the participants.