Şahin, Sümer

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Sahin, Suemer
Sahin, Sumer
S., Sahin
S., Sumer
Sumer, Sahin
Şahin, Sümer
Sümer, Şahin
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 45
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 5
    (Amer Nuclear Soc, 2012) Şahin, Sümer; Sahin, Haci Mehmet; Acir, Adem; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Large quantities of weapon grade (WG) plutonium have been accumulated in the nuclear warheads. Plutonium and heavy water moderator can give a good combination with respect to neutron economy. TRISO type fuel can withstand very high fuel burn up levels. The paper investigates the prospects of utilization of TRISO fuel made of WG-plutonium in CANDU reactors. Three different fuel compositions have been investigated: (1): 90 % ThC + 10 % PuC, (2): 70 % ThC + 30 % PziC and (3): 50 ThC + 50 % PuC. The temporal variation of the criticality k(infinity) and the burn-up values of the reactor have been calculated by full power operation up to 17 years. Calculated startup criticalities for these fuel modes are k(infinity),(0) = 1.6403, 1.7228, 1.7662, respectively. Attainable burn up values and reactor operation times with the same fuel charge will be 94 700, 265 000, 425 000 MW.D/MT and similar to 3.5, 10, 17 years, respectively. These high burn ups would reduce fuel fabrication costs and nuclear waste mass for final disposal per unit energy drastically.
  • Article
    Utilization of Reactor Grade Plutonium as Energy Multiplier in the LIFE Engine
    (Fusion Science and Technology, 2017) Şahin, Sümer; Şahin, Hacı Mehmet; Acır, Adem; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    The accumulated reactor grade (RG)-plutonium as nuclear waste of conventional reactors is estimated to exceed 1700 tonnes. Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion Fission Energy (LIFE) engine is considered to incinerate RG-plutonium in stockpiles. Calculations have been conducted for a constant fusion driver power of 500 MWth in S8-P3 approximation using 238-neutron groups. RG plutonium out of the nuclear waste of LWRs is used in form of fissile carbide fuel in TRISO particles with volume fractions of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 %, homogenously dispersed in the Flibe coolant. Respective tritium breeding ratio (TBR) values per incident fusion neutron are calculated as TBR = 1.35, 1.52, 1.73, 2.02 and 2.47 at start-up. With the burn up of fissionable RG-Pu isotopes in the coolant, TBR decreases gradually. Similarly, blanket energy multiplications are calculated as M0 = 3.8, 5.5, 7.7, 10.8 and 15.4 at start-up, respectively. Calculations have indicated prospects of achievability of very high burn up values (> 400 000 MD.D/MT).
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 33
    Criticality and burn up evolutions of the Fixed Bed Nuclear Reactor with alternative fuels
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2010) Şahin, Sümer; Sahin, Haci Mehmet; Acir, Adem; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Time evolution of criticality and burn-up grades of the Fixed Bed Nuclear Reactor (FBNR) are investigated for alternative fuels. These are: (1) low enriched uranium, (2) weapon grade plutonium, (3) reactor grade plutonium, and (4) minor actinides in the spent fuel of light water reactors (LWRs). The criticality calculations are conducted with SCALE 5.1 using S(8)-P(3) approximation in 238 neutron energy groups with 90 groups in thermal energy region. The main results of the study can be summarized as follows: (1) Low enriched uranium (UO(2)): FBNR with an enrichment grade of 9% and 19% will start with k(eff) = 1.2744 and k(eff) = 1.36 and can operate similar to 8 and >15 years with the same fuel charge, where criticality drops to k(eff) = 1.06 and a burn-up grade of 54 000 and >110000 MW.D/t can be attained. (2) Weapon grade plutonium: Such a high quality nuclear fuel suggests to be mixed with thorium. Second series of criticality calculations are conducted with fuel compositions made of thoria (ThO(2)) and weapon grade PuO(2), where PuO(2) component has been varied from 1% to 100%. Criticality with k(eff) > 1.0 is achieved by similar to 2.5% PuO(2). At 4% PuO(2), the reactor criticality will become satisfactory (k(eff) = 1.1121), rapidly increasing with more PuO(2). A reasonable mixture will by around 20% PuO(2) and 80% ThO(2) with a k(eff) = 1.2864. This mixed fuel would allow full power reactor operation for >20 years and burn-up grade can reach 136 000 MW.D/t. (3) Reactor grade plutonium: Third series of criticality calculations are conducted with fuel compositions made of thoria and reactor grade PuO(2), where PuO(2) is varied from 1% to 100%. Reactor becomes critical by 8% PuO(2) content. One can achieve k(eff) = 1.2670 by 35% PuO(2) and would allow full power reactor operation also for >20 years and burn-up grade can reach 123 000 MW.D/t. (4) Minor actinides in the spent fuel of LWRs: Fourth series of criticality calculations are conducted with fuel compositions made of thoria and MAO(2), where MAO(2) is varied from 1% to 100%. Reactor becomes critical by similar to 17% MAO(2) content. Reasonably high reactor criticality (k(eff) = 1.2673) is achieved by 50% MAO(2) for a reactor operation time of 15 years with a burn up of 86 000 MW.D/t without fuel change. On that way, the hazardous nuclear waste product can be transmuted as well as utilized as fuel. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 9
    Emergency Planning Zones Estimation for Karachi-2 and Karachi-3 Nuclear Power Plants using Gaussian Puff Model
    (Hindawi Ltd, 2016) Şahin, Sümer; Ali, Muhammad; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Emergency planning zones (PAZ and UPZ) around the Karachi-2 and Karachi-3 nuclear power plants (K-2/K-3 NPPs) have been realistically determined by employing Gaussian puff model and Gaussian plume model together for atmospheric transport, diffusion, and deposition of radioactive material using onsite and regional data related to meteorology, topography, and land-use along with latest IAEA Post-Fukushima Guidelines. The analysis work has been carried out using U.S. NRC computer code RASCAL 4.2. The assumed environmental radioactive releases provide the sound theoretical and practical bases for the estimation of emergency planning zones covering most expected scenario of severe accident and most recent multiunit Fukushima Accident. Sheltering could be used as protective action for longer period of about 04 days. The area about 3 km of K-2/K-3 NPPs site should be evacuated and an iodine thyroid blocking agent should be taken before release up to about 14 km to prevent severe deterministic effects. Stochastic effects may be avoided or minimized by evacuating the area within about 8 km of the K-2/K-3 NPPs site. Protective actions may become more effective and cost beneficial by using current methodology as Gaussian puff model realistically represents atmospheric transport, dispersion, and disposition processes in contrast to straight-line Gaussian plume model explicitly in study area. The estimated PAZ and UPZ were found 3 km and 8 km, respectively, around K-2/K-3 NPPs which are in well agreement with IAEA Post-Fukushima Study. Therefore, current study results could be used in the establishment of emergency planning zones around K-2/K-3 NPPs.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 21
    LIFE hybrid reactor as reactor grade plutonium burner
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2012) Şahin, Sümer; Sahin, Haci Mehmet; Acir, Adem; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    The early version of the conceptual modified design of the Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion Fission Energy (LIFE) engine consists of a spherical fusion chamber of 5 m diameter, surrounded by a multi-layered blanket. The first wall is made of 2 cm thick ODS and followed by a Li17Pb83 zone (2 cm), acting as neutron multiplier, tritium breeding and front coolant zone. It is separated by an ODS layer (2 cm) from the FLIBE molten salt zone (50 cm), containing fissionable fuel. A 3rd ODS layer (2 cm) separates the molten salt zone on the right side from the graphite reflector (30 cm). Calculations have been conducted for a constant fusion driver power of 500 MWth, in S-8-P-3 approximation using 238-neutron groups. Reactor grade (RG) plutonium carbide fuel in form of TRISO particles with volume fractions of 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% have been dispersed homogenously in the FLIBE coolant. Tritium breeding ratio (TBR) values per incident fusion neutron for the above cited cases start with TBR = 1.35, 1.52, 1.73, 2.02 and 2.47, respectively. With the depletion of fissionable RG-Pu isotopes, TBR decreases gradually. At startup, higher fissionable fuel content in the molten salt leads to higher blanket energy multiplication, namely M-0 = 3.8, 5.5, 7.7, 10.8 and 15.4 with 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% TRISO volume fraction, respectively. Calculations have led to very high burn up values (>400,000 MD.D/MT). TRISO particles can withstand such high burn ups. Such high burn ups would lead to drastic reduction of final nuclear waste per unit energy production. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 7
    (Amer Nuclear Soc, 2012) Şahin, Sümer; Sahin, Haci Mehmet; Acir, Adem; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    The accumulated reactor grade (RG)-plutonium as nuclear waste of conventional reactors is estimated to exceed 1700 tonnes. Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion Fission Energy (LIFE) engine is considered to incinerate RG-plutonium in stockpiles. Calculations have been conducted for a constant fusion driver power of 500 MWth in S-8-P-3 approximation using 238-neutron groups. RG-plutonium out of the nuclear waste of LWRs is used in form of fissile carbide fuel in TRISO particles with volume fractions of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 %, homogenously dispersed in the Flibe coolant. Respective tritium breeding ratio (TBR) values per incident fits ion neutron are calculated as TBR = 1.35, 1.52, 1.73, 2.02 and 2.47 at start-up. With the burn up of fissionable RG-Pu isotopes in the coolant, TBR decreases gradually. Similarly, blanket energy multiplications are calculated as M-0 = 3.8, 5.5, 7.7, 10.8 and 15.4 at start-up, respectively. Calculations have indicated prospects of achievability of very high burn up values (> 400 000 MD.D/MT).
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Renewability and Sustainability Aspects of Nuclear Energy
    (Amer inst Physics, 2014) Şahin, Sümer; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Renewability and sustainability aspects of nuclear energy have been presented on the basis of two different technologies: (1) Conventional nuclear technology; CANDU reactors. (2) Emerging nuclear technology; fusion/fission (hybrid) reactors. Reactor grade (RG) plutonium, U-233 fuels and heavy water moderator have given a good combination with respect to neutron economy so that mixed fuel made of (ThO2/RG-PuO2) or (ThC/RG-PuC) has lead to very high burn up grades. Five different mixed fuel have been selected for CANDU reactors composed of 4 % RG-PuO2 + 96 % ThO2; 6 % RG-PuO2 + 94 % ThO2; 10 % RG-PuO2 + 90 % ThO2; 20 % RG-PuO2 + 80 % ThO2; 30 % RG-PuO2 + 70 % ThO2, uniformly taken in each fuel rod in a fuel channel. Corresponding operation lifetimes have been found as similar to 0.65, 1.1, 1.9, 3.5, and 4.8 years and with burn ups of similar to 30 000, 60 000, 100 000, 200 000 and 290 000 MW.d/ton, respectively. Increase of RG-PuO2 fraction in radial direction for the purpose of power flattening in the CANDU fuel bundle has driven the burn up grade to 580 000 MW. d/ton level. A laser fusion driver power of 500 MWth has been investigated to burn the minor actinides (MA) out of the nuclear waste of LWRs. MA have been homogenously dispersed as carbide fuel in form of TRISO particles with volume fractions of 0, 2, 3, 4 and 5 % in the Flibe coolant zone in the blanket surrounding the fusion chamber. Tritium breeding for a continuous operation of the fusion reactor is calculated as TBR = 1.134, 1.286, 1.387, 1.52 and 1.67, respectively. Fission reactions in the MA fuel under high energetic fusion neutrons have lead to the multiplication of the fusion energy by a factor of M = 3.3, 4.6, 6.15 and 8.1 with 2, 3, 4 and 5 % TRISO volume fraction at start up, respectively. Alternatively with thorium, the same fusion driver would produce similar to 160 kg U-233 per year in addition to fission energy production in situ, multiplying the fusion energy by a factor of similar to 1.3.
  • Editorial
    Citation Count: 1
    Editor's Notes on Icenes'2013, 16th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2015) Sahin, Sumer; Şahin, Sümer; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    [No Abstract Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 25
    An Innovative Nuclear Reactor for Electricity and Desalination
    (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2011) Sahin, Sumer; Şahin, Sümer; Sahin, Haci Mehmet; Al-Kusayer, Tawfik Ahmed; Sefidvash, Farhang; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    A new era of nuclear energy is emerging through innovative nuclear reactors that are to satisfy the new philosophies and criteria that are being developed by the INPRO program of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It is establishing a new paradigm in relation to nuclear energy. The future reactors should meet the new standards in respect to safety, economy, non-proliferation, nuclear waste, and environmental impact. The fixed bed nuclear reactor (FBNR) is a small nuclear reactor that meets all the requirements. It is an inherently safe and passively cooled reactor that is fool proof against nuclear proliferation. It is simple in design and economic. It can serve in a dual purpose plant to produce simultaneously both electricity and desalinated water, thus making it especially suitable to the needs of the Middle-East Countries. FBNR is being developed with the support of the IAEA under its program of small reactors without on-site refueling. The reactor uses the pressurized water reactor technology. It fulfills the objectives of design simplicity, inherent and passive safety, economy, standardization, shop fabrication, easy transportability, and high availability. The inherent safety characteristic of the reactor dispenses with the need for containment; however, a simple underground containment is envisaged for the reactor in order to reduce any adverse visual impact. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Article
    Editorial Notes on the 2012 International Youth Nuclear Congress (iync), Charlotte, North Carolina, Usa (5–11 August 2012)
    (Energy Conversion and Management, 2012) Şahin, Sümer; Şahin, Sümer; Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Primary purpose of the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) series is to transfer knowledge from the current generation of leading scientists and engineers to the next generation. Scien tific, political, public and corporate views regarding the develop ment of different nuclear issues are presented to provide comprehensive discussions on all sides of the subject. With this aim, The 2012 International Youth Nuclear Congress has been held in Charlotte, North Carolina. IYNC2012 was focused on the use of nuclear energy more than ever after the accident at Fukushima power plant and also in the framework of the nuclear renaissance in many developing countries and world powers as well. IYNC2012 offered the opportunity to share knowledge, experience, best prac tices and information about nuclear energy between generations and also between peers in the ongoing mission to promote the peaceful use of nuclear power.