Serçe, Fatma Cemile

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Serce, Fatma C.
S.,Fatma Cemile
Fatma Cemile, Serçe
Serçe, Fatma Cemile
Fatma Cemile, Serce
S., Fatma Cemile
F., Serce
Serce, Fatma Cemile
Serce, F. C.
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Strategies and guidelines for building effective distributed learning teams in higher education
    (2010) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Nur Alpaslan,F.; Swigger,K.; Brazile,R.; Dafoulas,G.; Lopez,V.; Information Systems Engineering
    The paper describes the strategies and guidelines for building effective global student teams based on the experiences obtained from six global software development projects involving 438 students from the universities in the US, Panama, UK, and Turkey. According to the findings obtained from these projects, the factors affecting online collaboration and the problems faced during management of projects are given in the paper. It is hoped that these findings will help to instructors to design and manage globally distributed student teams. The paper also provides guidelines for students to become a good team player. ©2010 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 5
    Using data analytics for collaboration patterns in distributed software team simulations
    (Ieee, 2016) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Serce, Fatma C.; Swigger, Kathleen; Brazile, Robert; Alpaslan, Ferda N.; Lopez, Victor; Milewski, Allen; Information Systems Engineering
    This paper discusses how previous work on global software development learning teams is extended with the introduction of data analytics. The work is based on several years of studying student teams working in distributed software team simulations. The scope of this paper is twofold. First it demonstrates how data analytics can be used for the analysis of collaboration between members of distributed software teams. Second it describes the development of a dashboard to be used for the visualization of various types of information in relation to Global Software Development (GSD). Due to the nature of this work, and the need for continuous pilot studies, simulations of distributed software teams have been created with the participation of learners from a number of institutions. This paper discusses two pilot studies with the participation of six institutions from two different countries.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 4
    Quantitative and qualitative analysis of globally distributed team collaboration in design and development of software
    (2013) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Serce,F.C.; Swigger,K.; Information Systems Engineering
    The goal of this study is to understand the dynamics of collaboration within globallydistributed teams working in a realistic HumanSystem Interaction design and software engineering context. Quantitative data on communications were collected by capturing virtually all of the communications between the team members. Qualitative data were collected through the interviews conducted by the instructors. The projects successfully ended in the software implementation of the front end of an Android app based on the HumanSystem Interaction design. The results reveal some of the challenges associated with working in interdisciplinary and global settings and suggest areas of caution for future such HSI educational experiences. © 2013 IEEE.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Multi-disciplinary, Global Student Collaboration
    (Springer-verlag Berlin, 2014) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Swigger, K.; Serce, F. C.; Information Systems Engineering
    The goal of this study is to understand the dynamics of collaboration within globally-distributed teams working in a realistic Human-System Interaction (further called HSI) environment and Software Engineering context. Quantitative data on communications were collected by capturing virtually all of the communications between the team members. Qualitative data were collected through the interviews conducted by the involved instructors. The results reveal some of the challenges associated with working in interdisciplinary and global settings and suggest areas of caution for such HSI educational experiences in the future.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 63
    Online collaboration: Collaborative behavior patterns and factors affecting globally distributed team performance
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2011) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Swigger, Kathleen; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; Brazile, Robert; Dafoulas, George; Lopez, Victor; Information Systems Engineering
    Studying the collaborative behavior of online learning teams and how this behavior is related to communication mode and task type is a complex process. Research about small group learning suggests that a higher percentage of social interactions occur in synchronous rather than asynchronous mode, and that students spend more time in task-oriented interaction in asynchronous discussions than in synchronous mode. This study analyzed the collaborative interaction patterns of global software development learning teams composed of students from Turkey, US, and Panama. Data collected from students' chat histories and forum discussions from three global software development projects were collected and compared. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods were used to determine the differences between a group's communication patterns in asynchronous versus synchronous communication mode. K-means clustering with the Ward method was used to investigate the patterns of behaviors in distributed teams. The results show that communication patterns are related to communication mode, the nature of the task, and the experience level of the leader. The paper also includes recommendations for building effective online collaborative teams and describes future research possibilities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 3
    Adaptive intelligent learning system for online learning environments
    (World Scientific Publishing Co., 2013) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Alpaslan,F.N.; Jain,L.C.; Information Systems Engineering
    The present chapter deals with an Adaptive Intelligent Learning System (AILS) which is designed to be used withany Learning Management System (LMS). The adaptiveness provides unique method of identifying and monitoring the learner’s learning processes according to their respectivelearning ability. AILS is a multi-agent system. This was developed in the form of JADE agents. The chapter presents the learning model, the system components, agent behavior in learner scenarios, the ontologies used in agent communications, and adaptive strategies. A sample application of AILS toa dummy LMS is also presented. © 2013 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Exploring Collaboration Patterns among Global Software Development Teams
    (Ieee Computer Soc, 2009) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Alpaslan, Ferda-Nur; Swigger, Kathleen; Brazile, Robert; Dafoulas, George; Lopez, Victor; Schumacker, Randy; Information Systems Engineering
    This study examines communication behaviors in global software student teams. The authors of the paper characterize the types of communication behaviors that occur when student teams are engaged in a software development project. The authors present findings from a one-semester study that examined factors contributing to successful distributed programming interactions among students enrolled at the University of Atilim (Turkey), Universidad Tecnologica de Panama, University of North Texas, and Middlesex University (UK). Using content and cluster analyses techniques, we identified distinct patterns of collaboration and examined how these patterns were associated with task, culture, GPA, and performance of collaborative teams. Our results suggest that communication patterns among global software learners may be related to task type, culture and GPA. It is hoped that these findings will lead to the development of new strategies for improving communication among global software teams.
  • Master Thesis
    UlakAgent: Öğrenim yönetim sistemlerinde kaynak paylaşımı için hareketli araştırma etmeni
    (2009) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Information Systems Engineering
    Bilginin çokluğu ve çeşitliliği, daha az zaman ve çaba harcayarak; hem amaçlanan, hem de kişiye uygun olan -?öğrenme profiline göre?- sonuçlara ulaşmayı günümüz hedefleri arasına sokmaktadır. Uzaktan eğitimde kullanılan öğrenim yönetim sistemleri için bu tür bir işleve sahip olmak, sektörde bir adım önde olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, çevrimiçi öğrenme sistemleri için UlakAgent isminde hareketli bir etmen önermektedir. UlakAgent etmeni, öğrenim yönetim sistemleri için geliştirilen uyarlanabilir çoklu etmen sistemi olan MODA'nın etmenlerinden biri olarak tasarlanmış ve geliştirilmiştir. Hem yerel, hem de evrensel veri havuzlarındaki kaynak içeriklerini aramak için görevlendirilmiştir. Etmen MODA ile bütünleştirilmiş diğer öğrenim yönetim sistemlerine taşınır; orada gerekli çalışmayı yaparak kaynak içeriklerini toplar; sonra da diğer uygun platformlara giderek orada da bu işlemleri sırasıyla gerçekleştirir. Sistemdeki tüm platformları dolaşan etmen, elde ettiği arama sonuçlarıyla birlikte ana sisteme geri döner. MODA'nın diğer etmenleriyle iletişime geçerek uyarlanmış içerik listesini kullanıcıya taşır. Bu çalışma ile, UlakAgent'ın mimarisi ile örnek kullanımı anlatılmaktadır. Bu örnek çalışmada üç tane öğrenim yönetim sistemi kullanılarak bir MODA birliği oluşturulmuş ve hareketli etmenin araştırma seyahatini bu birlik üzerinden yapması sağlanmıştır.Bu çalışmada MODA birliği için kullanılan teknolojiler ile MODA birliği ve UlakAgent hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 4
    A Comparison of Team Performance Measures for Global Software Development Student Teams
    (Ieee Computer Soc, 2009) Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Serce, Fatma Cemile; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur; Brazile, Robert; Dafoulas, George; Lopez, Victor; Information Systems Engineering
    One of the most difficult tasks for global software development researchers is quantifying the performance of groups and students who participate in these distributed projects [30]. There has been much debate about which factors better correlate with team performance and which best describe a successful team. The purpose of this paper is to compare the different approaches that have been used to evaluate the performance of global software learners and show how these techniques can affect research results. Using data from student groups engaged in global software development projects for the past year, the authors apply a number of different assessment methods and show their effects on different performance indicators. Our study suggests that the selection of appropriate measures to evaluate team performance can dramatically affect how one identifies successful teams.
  • Master Thesis
    Gerçek zamanlı trafik yol durumu bilgisi ile a* tabanlı rota planlaması: Çok erkinli bir benzetim
    (2010) Öcal, İlter Kağan; Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Serçe, Fatma Cemile; Kılıç, Hürevren; Information Systems Engineering; Computer Engineering
    Araç trafiğinin önemli özelliklerinden birisi karmaşıklığıdır. Trafikteki araçlar tahmin edilemeyecek şekilde hareket ettikleri için, trafik ortamında düzenli bir araç akışı yoktur. Bu gibi karmaşık bir ortamda, iki nokta arasındaki en hızlı rotanın bulunması zor bir problemdir. Piyasada iki nokta arasındaki en kısa rotayı ve hız limitleri, geçmiş yol istatistikleri, fm bandı üzerinden yayın ve benzeri kaynaklardan alınan bilgiye dayanarak en hızlı rotayı hesaplayan navigasyon cihazları bulunmaktadır. Fakat hızlı rota hesabında kullanılan bu veriler yolların gerçek zamanlı hız durumlarını içermemektedir. Bu bilgiler kullanılarak yapılan hesaplamalarda, o anda kullanılabilecek en hızlı rota bulunamamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, gerçek zamanlı trafik bilgisi paylaşımı ve dağıtımı yapmak için tasarlanmış çok erkinli bir simülasyon yazılımı geliştirilmiştir. Yazılımda, araçların harita üzerindeki hareketlerinin gerçek zamanlı veriye dayanarak benzetimi yapılmıştır. Erkinlerin yaptığı rota planlamasının kalitesinin sınanması için, bir çok aracın hareket ettiği bir ortam oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan deneylerde, önerilen gerçek zamanlı veriye dayalı rota planlamasının, en hızlı rotayı bulmakta verimli ve etkili olduğu görülmüştür.