Şimşir, Caner

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Simsir, Caner
Şimşir, Caner
C., Simsir
S., Caner
Caner, Simsir
Caner, Şimşir
Simsir, C.
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Article
    Citation Count: 13
    Multiscale modeling of tempering of AISI H13 hot-work tool steel - Part 2: Coupling predicted mechanical properties with FEM simulations
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2016) Şimşir, Caner; Broeckmann, C.; Simsir, C.; Manufacturing Engineering
    Simulation of austenitization and quenching of steel using the Finite Element Method (FEM) is nowadays a common tool to predict residual stresses and deformations during these processes. However the simulation of tempering, which determines the final residual stresses and distortions has been often neglected or performed in a purely phenomenological and highly simplified way. The objective of this study is to precisely predict the relaxation of internal stresses during tempering, taking explicitly into account the evolution of the microstructure. Mechanical properties which determine the relaxation of stress; namely the drop of the yield stress and the creep mechanism are the key factors for the success of the simulation. These mechanical parameters can be determined experimentally for a specific tempering temperature. However tempering temperature for most steels varies for each industrial application in order to adjust the desired hardness-toughness relation. Consequently, experimentally measurement of decisive mechanical properties which determine the amount of stress relaxation for each tempering temperature is very costly. Therefore, these material parameters were simulated from physically based material models with coupled microstructural simulations in the first part of this two-part investigation. In this part of the study, the simulated mechanical properties will be coupled with the FEM simulations using "Abaqus (R)", in order to simulate the stress relaxation during the tempering process of a thick-walled workpiece made of hot-work tool steel AISI H13 (DIN 1.2344, X40CrMoV5-1). Utilizing this methodology, different tempering conditions (soaking time, tempering temperature) can be considered in the model to predict the stress relaxation in macroscopic scale. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 3
    A Potential Solution to Mystical Materials in Indentation Test
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2017) Billur, Eren; Davut, Kemal; Music, O.; Simsir, C.; Şimşir, Caner; Music, Ömer; Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; Automotive Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering
    Various methods have been designed to determine the elasto-plastic properties of metals. Instrumented indentation test (IIT) is considered to be a good candidate to determine local properties after manufacturing operations. In order to acquire elastoplastic properties from IIT, either dimensional analysis or inverse analysis of the force-displacement curve is performed. However, the major drawback of those methods is the uniqueness of the solution. Some materials may exhibit almost identical force-depth curves, although they have different elastoplastic properties. Those materials are referred as "mystical materials". In this contribution, topological features of the indentation surfaces, i.e. indent size, pile-up and sink-in behaviour, are investigated to find a differentiating property. According to the results, indent size, pile-up and sink-in behaviour may help to find the unique solution to the inverse problem. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 8
    Simulation of through-hardening of SAE 52100 steel bearings - Part I: Determination of material properties
    (Wiley-v C H verlag Gmbh, 2016) Şimşir, Caner; Evcil, G. E.; Simsir, C.; Manufacturing Engineering
    A complete material dataset for the simulation of through-hardening of SAE 52100 (DIN/EN 100Cr6, JIS SUJ2) steel was derived by a combination of experimental and theoretical/computational methods. In the experimental part, alpha/quenching and deformation dilatometry techniques are combined with density measurements, X-Ray diffraction, optical and scanning electron microscopy to determine temperature and phase dependent transformation kinetics parameters, thermal and transformation strains, flow curves and the transformation plasticity parameter. Thermal properties such as thermal conductivity, specific heat and enthalpy and elastic properties are acquired by thermodynamics based material property calculation method using a commercial software. For most of the material properties, the results were in good agreement with the literature, while the minor discrepancies are discussed considering the raw material, equipment used, testing and evaluation procedure. In Part II of this article, compiled material data is validated successfully in an industrial oil and salt-bath quenching of bearing races.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 7
    A flow stress model for steel in cold forging process range and the associated method for parameter identification
    (Springer London Ltd, 2018) Şimşir, Caner; Duran, Deniz; Manufacturing Engineering
    Detailed thermo-mechanical characterization of DIN 16MnCr5 covering the process range of cold forging applications (0.01 s(-1) 40 s(-1), 25 A degrees C Ta 400 A degrees C) by compression tests revealed flow stress instabilities associated with dynamic strain aging (DSA) which cannot be reproduced by conventional flow stress models. As a remedy, a flow stress model capable of capturing sharp changes in flow stress, strain hardening, and strain rate sensitivity is proposed. Then, a method for parameter identification is presented which can deal with inhomogeneous deformation heating of the specimen at relatively high-strain-rate tests. The presented method involves response surface-based numerical optimization of the flawed compression tests coupled with finite element (FE) simulation. The proposed flow stress model and the extracted parameters are validated in a forward rod extrusion process without using any case-specific determined parameters in FE simulation. A natural agreement is obtained between the experimental and the predicted results in terms of both the force-displacement curve and the part geometry. The authors think that the flow stress instabilities encountered in the cold forging process range may have further consequences in other inverse analysis attempts such as friction coefficient or critical damage parameter determination and that the proper treatment of material data as put forth in this study can improve the predictive capability of process modeling.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 7
    Simulation of Quenching: A Review
    (Amer Soc Testing Materials, 2012) Şimşir, Caner; Simsir, Caner; Manufacturing Engineering
    Quenching is an important part of the production chain of steel components. The final properties of the product are largely determined during this stage, and this renders quenching as one of the most critical stages of production, requiring design and optimization specific to the product. The simulation of quenching requires the solution of a multi-scale/multi-physics problem with complex boundary conditions because of the simultaneously occurring heat transfer, phase transformation, and mechanical interactions. The aim of this paper is to provide an updated review of research studies on the simulation of quenching. The subject is covered from the pioneering work up to very recent advances in the field, with special emphasis on future research needs for improving the industrial usage of heat treatment simulations.
  • Master Thesis
    Boru sıvama prosesinin modellenmesi ve analizi
    (2017) Şimşir, Caner; Şimşir, Caner; Musıc, Ömer; Manufacturing Engineering
    Bu tez çalışmasında boru sıvama prosesi incelenmiştir. İnceleme ticari sonlu elemanlar yazılımı olan Transvalor Forge ile yapılan sayısal analizler ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. İki boyutlu ve üç boyutlu sayısal modeller geliştirilmiştir. En iyi sayısal analiz parametrelerinin bulunabilmesi için değişken çalışması yapılmıştır. Sayısal model akademik literatürde bulunan verilerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Geliştirilen modeller kullanılarak, boru sıvama proses analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 14
    Process-chain simulation for prediction of the distortion of case-hardened gear blanks
    (Wiley-v C H verlag Gmbh, 2012) Şimşir, Caner; Hunkel, M.; Luetjens, J.; Rentsch, R.; Manufacturing Engineering
    In this study, a process-chain simulation model is presented for the prediction of distortion of low-pressure gas carburised SAE 5120 (EN 20MnCr5) steel gear blanks. For this purpose, the evolution of the banded microstructure stemming from the continuous casting process was traced by computer simulations of subsequent shape rolling, forging and machining steps. Then, the simulated local orientation angles of the deformed banded microstructure are transferred to heat treatment simulation module as an input for the recently developed material model that exploits the Anisotropic Transformation Strain (ATS) concept to reproduce the dishing behaviour which cannot be reproduced by former models. The results indicate that the suggested procedure provides quite good predictions of the dishing directions and dishing-free cutting strategy, whereas; the dishing magnitude is predicted fairly reasonably considering large scatters in the experiments.
  • Master Thesis
    Millerin sementasyon işleminin deney tasarımı kullanılarak incelenmesi
    (2017) Şimşir, Caner; Şimşir, Caner; Davut, Kemal; Manufacturing Engineering
    Sementasyon işlemi, mil imalatında yaygın olarak termokimyasal bir ısıl işlemdir. Sementasyon sonrası yetersiz sertlik derinliği, uygunsuz yüzey ve çekirdek sertliği ve çarpılma yaygın hurda ürün sebepleridir. Bundan sebeple, sementasyon sırasında süreç parametrelerinin etkilerinin anlaşılması, kontrolü ve optimizasyonu kayıpların önlenmesi için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada semenyastasyon parametreleri Taguchi yöntemiyle Deney Tasarımı (DoE) aracılığıyla incelenmiş ve iyileştirilmiştir. İyileştirmenin temel hedefi imalatta değişik fırınların kullanılmasından kaynaklı değişkenliğin azaltılmasıdır. Deneyler iki değişik endüstriyel gaz sementasyon fırınında, iki değişik çelikten (16MnCr5,20NiCrMo2-2) tornalarak üretilmiş düz ve basamaklı millerde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sementasyon deneylerinden sonar, millerin boyutları Koordinat Ölçüm Makinesi (CMM) ile ölçülürken, karbon ve sertlik dağılımları Optik Yayınım Spektrometresi (OES) ve Vickers sertlik ölçümleriyle belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar sementasyon gazının karbon potansiyelinin sertlik derinliğindeki ve değişikliğindeki gerek değişkenliği gerek ortalama değeri en çok etkileyen parametre olduğunu göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mil, Sementasyon, Taguchi Yöntemi, Optimizasyon
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Simulation trends in quenching technology for automotive components
    (Maney Publishing, 2014) Şimşir, Caner; Simsir,C.; Manufacturing Engineering
    Quenching technology is widely used in automotive industry from a simple immersion quenching of gears up to the complex production technology of press hardening. The selection of process parameters to develop the desired properties is challenging due to the complexity of the physical phenomena occurring during the manufacturing cycle. In the last decades several computational methods have been applied successful to optimise the heat treatment processes. This paper is focusing on some examples demonstrating the state of the art of the simulation tools, including the physical phenomena of quenching, the theoretical background of the coupled models used for estimation the microstructure, mechanical properties and deformation of heat treated automotive components. © 2014 IHTSE Partnership.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Excessive damage increase in dual phase steels under high strain rates and temperatures
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2021) Şimşir, Caner; Ertan, Rasim K.; Simsir, Caner; Efe, Mert; Manufacturing Engineering
    Damage formation in dual phase steels is a complex process and it may be sensitive to the deformation conditions and mechanisms. In this study, the damage parameter is measured and compared under quasi-static and industrial forming conditions (temperatures: 25 vs 200, 300 degrees C and strain rates: 10(-3)vs 10 s(-1)) for DP590 and DP800 steels. Resonance frequency and ultrasonic sound velocity techniques are utilized for the measurements to test the effectiveness and validity of each technique. At a given strain, the damage values can be up to 700% higher at industrial forming conditions, under which dynamic strain aging (DSA) controls the deformation behavior. DSA results in lower formability and is the likely mechanism responsible from the abnormal damage evolution. Measured damage parameters are also confirmed with the void fraction characterization by microscopy, which also provided details on the void shape and distribution with respect to the deformation conditions.