Yüksel, Melis

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Name Variants
Yuksel, Melis
Melis, Yüksel
Yüksel, Melis
Melis, Yuksel
M., Yüksel
M., Yuksel
Melis Yüksel
Y., Melis
Job Title
Araştırma Görevlisi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Article
    Citation Count: 19
    Seawater desalination by using nanofiltration (NF) and brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) membranes in sequential mode of operation
    (Amirkabir University of Technology - Membrane Processes Research Laboratory, 2020) Yüksel, Melis; Jarma,Y.A.; Güler, Enver; Güler,E.; Kabay,N.; Arda,M.; Yüksel,M.; Law; Chemical Engineering
    In this study, the applicability of nanofiltration (NF) membranes as a pretreatment prior to reverse osmosis (RO) in seawater desalination was investigated. The membranes used were NF270 and NF90 as the NF membranes, while the brackish water (BW) RO membrane BW30 was used as the RO membrane. In desalination tests, permeates of the NF membranes were collected and used as the feed to the BW30 membrane. The calculated permeate fluxes were 6.7 L/h.m2, 11.3 L/h.m2, 24.3 L/h.m2, and 36.6 L/h.m2 for single BW30-35 bar, NF270-30 bar + BW30-35 bar, NF90-30 bar + BW30-25 bar and NF90-30 BW30-35 bar, respectively. The calculated water recovery and rejected salt values were 51.6%, 41.4%, 24.8%, 15.4% and 98.2%, 98.2%, 96.0%, 91.0% for NF90-30 bar + BW30-35 bar, NF90-30 bar + BW30-25 bar, NF270-30 bar + BW30-35 bar and single BW30-35 bar, respectively. The qualities of the product waters of integrated systems (NF+BWRO) and the single BWRO system were also investigated. Boron rejection was fairly well with average boron rejections of 59.3% and 60.2% by NF90-30 bar + BW30-25 bar and NF90-30 bar + BW30-35 bar combinations, respectively while single BW30-35 bar gave an average rejection of 49.6%. The results obtained showed that the quality of product water obtained using single BWRO did not comply with the irrigation standards, while the integrated systems provided total compliance to irrigation standards with the exception of boron. © 2020 MPRL. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Time-dependent desalination tests for small-scale swro pilot plant installed at urla bay, Turkey
    (Amirkabir University of Technology - Membrane Processes Research Laboratory, 2018) Yüksel, Melis; Yavuz,E.; Yüksel, Uğur; Yuksel,U.; Güler, Enver; Law; Mathematics; Chemical Engineering
    In this work, performance data from a small-scale reverse osmosis (RO) plant based on seawater FilmTec spiral wound RO membranes for different periods of operation are presented and analyzed. A prototype RO set-up with a 2,200 L/d capacity was installed and operated at Urla Bay which was located in Izmir, Turkey. This study typically investigates RO performance in terms of permeate flux, salt and boron rejections. Thin-film composite membrane-based RO technology was successfully used with this RO set-up, which gave an average salt rejection of more than 95%. It was found that over a period of 36 hours of continuous operation, the permeate flux decreased by approximately 4% of its initial value but salt rejection stayed nearly constant. In this study, long-term data were also compared with a full-capacity operation using two paralleled membranes and a lowered-capacity operation with a single membrane. The results show that the small-scale RO system was successfully operated to mimic typical large-scale RO plants installed for production of potable water. © 2018 MPRL. All rights reserved.