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Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge
Name Variants
Kutluk Bilge, Arıkan
K., Arikan
Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge
Kutluk Bilge, Arikan
Arikan, Kutluk Bilge
A., Kutluk Bilge
A.,Kutluk Bilge
Arikan, K. B.
Kutluk Bilge, Arıkan
K., Arikan
Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge
Kutluk Bilge, Arikan
Arikan, Kutluk Bilge
A., Kutluk Bilge
A.,Kutluk Bilge
Arikan, K. B.
Job Title
Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
28 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
Conference Object Citation Count: 0Development of a single degree of freedom inertial measurement system(2013) Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Golmohammedzadeh,H.; Arikan,K.B.; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringA test bench is designed to develop an inertial measurement unit. Micro electromechanical system (MEMS) type gyro and accelerometer sensors are placed on a rotating platform. Actual angular position is measured by an encoder. This paper presents design of various estimators to estimate the orientation of the test platform. Basically complementary and Kalman filter based estimators are designed and implemented on the test bench. Parameters of the estimators are optimized by using experimental data. Satisfactory results are achieved.Conference Object Citation Count: 4Design of a Robotic Bicopter(Ieee, 2019) Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Ersan, Yagmur; Bagbasi, Aysen Suheyla; Basaranoglu, Ahmet Turgut; Arikan, Kutluk Bilge; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringThis article presents a Bicopter type of a flying robot with two rotary-wing units which are placed in a tandem form on the chassis. The rotors are tilted by the aid of the tilt mechanism. Cascaded type of PID controllers are designed on the dynamical models for the attitude and altitude dynamics. The simulated control systems are implemented and tuned on the Naze32 flight controller which is connected to a Raspberry Pi single board computer for real-time applications. The real-time performance is monitored and evaluated during the tests and it is seen that the system is suitable for indoor type of robotic applications.Article Citation Count: 1Evaluation and Optimization of Nonlinear Central Pattern Generators for Robotic Locomotion(Romanian Soc Control Tech informatics, 2018) Turan, Mehmet; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Arikan, Kutluk Bilge; Department of Mechatronics Engineering; MathematicsWith regard to the optimization of Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) for bipedal locomotion in robots, this paper investigates how the different cases of CPGs such as uncoupled, unidirectional, bidirectional two CPGs are used to produce rhythmic patterns for one leg with two degrees of freedom (DOF). This paper also discusses the stability analysis of CPGs and attempts to utilize genetic algorithms with the hybrid function and adapts the CPGs to robotic systems that perform one-leg movement, by utilizing the bidirectional two CPGs. The results show far greater improvement than in the other cases. CPGs not only enhance movement but also control locomotion without any sensory feedback.Article Citation Count: 48Cue-based aggregation with a mobile robot swarm: a novel fuzzy-based method(Sage Publications Ltd, 2014) Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Turgut, Ali Emre; Bazyari, Farhad; Arikan, Kutluk Bilge; Bellotto, Nicola; Yue, Shigang; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringAggregation in swarm robotics is referred to as the gathering of spatially distributed robots into a single aggregate. Aggregation can be classified as cue-based or self-organized. In cue-based aggregation, there is a cue in the environment that points to the aggregation area, whereas in self-organized aggregation no cue is present. In this paper, we proposed a novel fuzzy-based method for cue-based aggregation based on the state-of-the-art BEECLUST algorithm. In particular, we proposed three different methods: naive, that uses a deterministic decision-making mechanism; vector-averaging, using a vectorial summation of all perceived inputs; and fuzzy, that uses a fuzzy logic controller. We used different experiment settings: one-source and two-source environments with static and dynamic conditions to compare all the methods. We observed that the fuzzy method outperformed all the other methods and it is the most robust method against noise.Conference Object Citation Count: 13Attitude and Altitude Stabilization of a Fixed Wing Vtol Unmanned Air Vehicle(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, 2016) Güçlü,A.; Güçlü, Anıl; Arıkan,K.B.; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Kurtuluş,D.F.; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringThe aim of the current study is to introduce an overview about the design, manufacturing and testing of a Hybrid Air Vehicle (HAV). The designed vehicle will have the ability to vertically takeoff and landing in addition to fly horizontally as a fixed wing aircraft. A remotely piloted model aircraft (E-Flite Apprentice Model Plane) is selected for the initial tests and it is modified for the current purpose. A thrust measurement setup is used to obtain the thrust characteristics of the motors which are used in the model aircraft for system identification. Another test stand is also designed and manufactured to test the servo motor responses at the control surfaces of the HAV. Inertia tensor of the HAV is obtained experimentally by means of bifilar pendulum test method. The wing of the aircraft will be tested in the 1m x 1mtest section wind tunnel of Aerospace Engineering Department of METU to obtain aerodynamic characteristics. By means of experimentally identified system parameters, the HAV is modeled in Matlab/Simulink environment mathematically. The HAV has three main operating modes such as vertical takeoff and landing, transition to fixed wing flight or vice versa, and fixed wing flight. Combinations of a Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Controller (LADRC) and a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) based control topologies will be designed for operating modes. To observe performance and enhance the developed system models and controllers, hardware in the loop tests will be done by means of a Flight Motion Simulator (FMS) of ROKETSAN Missile Inc. © 2016 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 1Evaluation and Optimization of Nonlinear Central Pattern Generators for Robotic Locomotion(Control Engineering and Applied Informatics Journal, 2018) Elbori,A.; Turan, Mehmet; Turan,M.; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Arikan,K.B.; Department of Mechatronics Engineering; MathematicsWith regard to the optimization of Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) for bipedal locomotion in robots, this paper investigates how the different cases of CPGs such as uncoupled, unidirectional, bidirectional two CPGs are used to produce rhythmic patterns for one leg with two degrees of freedom (DOF). This paper also discusses the stability analysis of CPGs and attempts to utilize genetic algorithms with the hybrid function and adapts the CPGs to robotic systems that perform one-leg movement, by utilizing the bidirectional two CPGs. The results show far greater improvement than in the other cases. CPGs not only enhance movement but also control locomotion without any sensory feedback. © 2018 Control Engineering and Applied Informatics Journal.Master Thesis Aktif İniş Takımının Dört Pervaneli Hava Aracı Dinamiği Üzerindeki Etkileri(2015) Yıldız, Mehmet; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; İrfanoğlu, Bülent; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; İrfanoğlu, Bülent; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringBu tez kapsamında, birçok ticari multirotor sisteminde kullanılmakta olan açılır-kapanır aktif iniş takımlarının multirotor sistemlerinin yönelim dinamikleri üzerindeki etkisini incelenmektedir. Sistemin stabilizasyonuna yardımı, yönlendirme ve çevikliğini geliştirme amacı ile kullanımı tartışılmıştır. Tez kapsamında, ticari bir Quadrotor şasesi, eyleyicileri, sürücüleri ve açık kod kaynaklı bir gömülü uçuş kontrolcü kartı kullanılarak bir Quadrotor test sistemi oluşturulmuştur. Quadrotor test sistemi aktif iniş takımı ile birlikte Matlab/Simulink ortamında modellenmekte olup, yönelim dinamikleri kontrolü için gömülü uçuş kontrolcüsündeki PID kontrolcüsü kullanılmaktadır. Bu kontrolcü test düzeneği üzerinde ayarlanmaktadır ve ayarlanan kontrolcü değerleri oluşturulan Quadrotor modeli üzerinde uygulanmaktadır. Bu model kontrolcü parametrelerini optimize etmek için kullanılmaktadır. Aktif iniş takımı için basit bir servo motor mekanizması kullanılmaktadır ve Quadrotor sisteminin yuvarlanma eksenine etki etmektedir. Servo motorların pozisyonlarının kontrolü gömülü uçuş kontrol kartı üzerinden yapılmaktadır. Yapılan testler, aktif iniş takımının, sistem stabilizasyonunu geliştirmede, yönelimde ve çevikliği geliştirmede kullanabileceğini göstermektedir.Doctoral Thesis İnsansız Hava Aracı ve Fırlatma Kamyonunundaki Fırlatma Sisteminin Birlikte Çalışmasının Geliştirilmesi(2018) Aboharba, Salah Elhadı Khalıfa; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Turan, Mehmet; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringBu tez, insansız hava aracının (İHA) paket dağıtma amacıyla farklı bir şekilde kullanımını incelemektedir. İHA'nın paketleri doğrudan ana depodan alarak dağıtmasını zorlaştıran kısıtlı batarya kapasitesi ve sınırlı uçuş süresi problemleri göz önünde bulundurularak, İHA ve dağıtım kamyonu işbirliği yapan bir sistem önerilmektedir. Bu çalışma, paketleri de taşıyan bir kamyon ve bu kamyonu üs olarak kullanan İHA'nın dağıtım güzergâhı optimizasyonuna odaklanmıştır. Öncelikle, güç tüketimi ve tam sayılı doğrusal programlama modelleri geliştirilmiş ve ardından paketlerin teslim edileceği müşterileri gruplara ayırmak ve kamyon için en uygun bekleme konumunu hesaplamak üzere K-ortalama algoritmasından faydalanılmıştır. Her bir müşteri kümesi içerisinde İHA'nın izleyeceği rota ise karınca kolonisi optimizasyon algoritması ve en yakın komşuluk algoritması ile hesaplanmıştır. Teslimat kamyonu için en uygun konumun hesaplanması, kat edilen mesafenin minimize edilmesi, güç sarfiyatını dikkate alarak teslimat süresinin minimize edilmesi için kullanılan tüm algoritmalar MATLAB ortamında uygulanmıştır. İHA-kamyon iş birlikteliğine sahip bu sistem ile tek başına kamyonun dağıtım amaçlı kullanımı karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, önerilen sistem ile dağıtımın daha kısa sürede tamamlandığını sunmaktadır. Aynı zamanda İHA'nın sınırlı uçuş süresi sorununun işbirlikçi sistem kullanılarak giderildiği de gösterilmektedir. Bunlara ek olarak, müşteri taleplerinin eşit olmadığı durumlarda, İHA'nın güç tüketimini en aza indirecek rotayı hesaplamak adına, en yüksek talep ve en kısa mesafe isteklerini oranlayarak kullanan bir yöntem de geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemde de karınca kolonisi optimizasyonu ve en yakın komşuluk algoritması uygulanmış olup sonuçlar en yakın komşuluk algoritmasının daha etkili olduğunu göstermektedir.Conference Object Citation Count: 1Experimental and Numerical Results of a Flapping Wing Four Bar Mechanism(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., 2017) Senol,M.G.; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Arikan,K.B.; Kurtulus,D.F.; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringThis paper explores the design and testing of a flapping wing four-bar mechanism. A four-bar linkage system kinematic analysis is introduced for flapping wing motion. Four-bar mechanism is activated by a servo motor which is driven by microcontroller. The wing undergoes a pure flapping motion at a fixed pitch angle. Force measurements are performed for hover mode by using a force transducer. In addition, 3D numerical analyses are performed and the results are compared with the experimental measurements. Overall, CFD results show good agreement with the experimental data. © 2017 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 5Robust and Adaptive Control Design of a Drilling Rig During the Operating Modes(Sage Publications Ltd, 2019) Sadeghi, Amir Nobahar; Nobahar, Amir; Arikan, Kutluk Bilge; Ozbek, Mehmet Efe; Arıkan, Kutluk Bilge; Baranoglu, Besim; Özbek, Mehmet Efe; Baranoğlu, Besim; Mechatronics Engineering; Department of Mechatronics Engineering; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Manufacturing EngineeringOil well drilling towers have different operating modes during a real operation, like drilling, tripping, and reaming. Each mode involves certain external disturbances and uncertainties. In this study, using the nonlinear model for the modes of the operation, robust and/or adaptive control systems are designed based on the models. These control strategies include five types of controllers: cascaded proportional-integral-derivative, active disturbance rejection controller, loop shaping, feedback error learning, and sliding mode controller. The study presents the design process of these controllers and evaluates the performances of the proposed control systems to track the reference signal and reject the uncertain forces including the parametric uncertainties and the external disturbances. This comparison is based on the mathematical performance measures and energy consumption. In addition, three architectures are presented to control the weight on bit during drilling process, and also to maintain a preset constant weight on bit, two control approaches are designed and presented.
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