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Master Thesis Alkali yakıt hücreleri için yarı-iç içe geçen polietersülfon kuaternize nişasta polimer ağına dayalı anyon değişim membranı(2021) Almurumudhe, Osamah Kadhım Hılal; Güler, Enver; Chemical EngineeringZehirli emisyonlar olmadan güç üretmeye yönelik birçok etkili cihaz ortaya çıkmış ve geliştirilmiştir. Proton değişim membranlı yakıt hücresi (PEMFC) bu etkili cihazlardan biridir. Elektrokatalizör olarak platine tamamen bağımlı olması son derece rekabetçi olan pazardaki uygulamasını sınırlandırmıştır. Değerli olmayan metal katalizörün potansiyel kullanımı, anyon değişim membranlı yakıt hücresinin (AEMFC) yeniden dikkati çekmesini sağlamıştır. Anyon değişim membranı (AEM), AEMFC'nin kalbi olarak kabul edilir ve aynı zamanda AEM´lerin hazırlanması, bu yakıt hücrelerin geliştirilmesindeki en büyük zorluk olarak kabul edilmiştir. Yüksek iletkenliğe ve yüksek alkali direncine sahip anyon değişim membranların üretimi, bu alanda aktif bir araştırma alanı haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, alkali yakıt hücreleri için iki tür anyon değişim membranı, basit ve yeni bir stratejiye göre tek aşamalı kuaternizasyon yöntemi ile üretilmiştir, Nişastanin kolin klorür ve epiklorohidrin ile kuaternizasyonu ̸ çapraz bağlanması ve ardından polietersülfon (PES) ile karıştırılması, iç içe geçen bir polimer ağıyla (IPN) sonuçlanmıştır. Birinci tip, 133.33 μm kalınlığa sahip gözenekli polieter sülfon AEM, % 376.7 su alımı ve % 5.3 şişmevi oranı sergilemiştir. İkinci tip ise, 55.48 μm ile yoğun polieter sülfon AEM, % 69.9 su alımı ve % 7.5 şişme oranı sergilemiştir. Karakterizasyon sonuçları, üretim rotamızın çok başarılı olduğunu ve üretilen anyon değiştirici membranlarımızın alkali yakıt hücresi uygulamaları için umut verici olduğunu doğrulamıştır.Book Part Citation Count: 0Application of Nanofiltration for Reclamation and Reuse of Wastewater and Spent Geothermal Fluid(CRC Press, 2023) Jarma,Y.A.; Cihanoğlu,A.; Güler,E.; Tomaszewska,B.; Kasztelewicz,A.; Baba,A.; Kabay,N.; Chemical EngineeringAfter the extraction of energy from the geothermal fluid, the consumed geothermal water can be considered as a potential water resource for agricultural and industrial purposes. The used geothermal water can also be used as a source of drinking water, which could reduce the pressure on the current clean water resources. On the other hand, geothermal fluids brought to the surface need to be treated in the most economical way before discharge into the surface environment or aquifer. Several processes have shown promising results for the treatment of geothermal water. Membrane processes such as nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) can be considered as a technology for obtaining good quality irrigation water from geothermal water. This chapter summarizes the application of NF for the recovery and reuse of wastewater and spent geothermal water. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Teow Yeit Haan and Nidal Hidal; individual chapters, the contributors.Master Thesis Aspen plus ile asetondan asetik anhidrit üretiminin modellenmesi(2018) Aboghalıa, Basam Issa Salem M; Güler, Enver; Chemical EngineeringBu çalışma asetondan, Aspen Plus yazılımıyla, asetik anhidrit üretimini incelemiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı yüksek saflık seviyesinde asetik anhidriti üretmek için uygun bir sistem tasarımını basitleştirmek ve aynı zamanda ürünler üzerindeki etkileri ve basınç gibi operasyonal değişiklikleri incelemektir. Tasarımda, aseton ilk adımda ketine ve metana ayrışır, ardından ketin yüksek saflıkta asetik anhidrit üretmek üzere asetik asit ile reaksiyona girer. Bütün bu adımlar Aspen Plus yazılımı ile özel koşullar altında yapılmıştır. İlk olarak, spesifik ketin üretmek asetonun kraking reaksiyonu için uygun şartlar seçilmiştir. Ardından, ketin ve asetik asit arasında tepkimeyle asetik anhidrit üretmek için uygun şartlar seçilmiştir. Daha sonra, hassasiyet analiziyle ürünler üzerinden operasyonal değişikliklerin etkileri incelenmiştir. Son olarak, değişkenlerin üretimin mol fraksiyonu üzerindeki etkileri bulunmuş ve en iyi şartları seçmek için de hassasiyet analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir.Article Az bilinen fakat potansiyeli yüksek sürdürülebilir bir enerji türü: Mavi Enerji(Herkese Bilim Teknoloji, 2017) Güler, Enver; Chemical Engineering21. yüzyılda insanoğlunun karşılaştığı ve ileride ziyadesiyle sözkonusu olacak en temel durum enerji, su ve gıdaya olan taleptir. Bu talebin karşılanmasında ise sürdürülebilirlik şimdiki ve gelecek kuşakların temel sorunu olmaya devam edecektir. Su, enerji ve gıda arasındaki sıkı bağ açıkça gösteriyor ki; su ve enerji gıda üretiminde, su enerji üretiminde ve enerji su temini ve üretiminde en temel faktörlerdir [1]. Bunun neticesinde bu üçlü bağlam, 2035 yılında enerjiye olan talebin en fazla değer olarak % 50 olacağını öngörmektedir (Şekil 1). Enerjiye olan bu yüksek talebin yakın gelecekte fosil yakıtlar ile sürdürülebilir şekilde karşılanamayacağı aşikardır. Bu durum, enerjinin sürdürülebilir olarak üretimini sağlayacak alternatif teknikler geliştirilmesini bir öncelik haline getirmiştir.Doctoral Thesis Baraj rezervuarlarında sediment oksijen ihtiyacı ile su kalitesi ve besin madde ilişkisinin modellenmesi(2022) Abdulqader, Noor N.; Güler, Enver; Genç, Aslı Numanoğlu; Chemical EngineeringBurada sunulan çalışma, Ankara'daki Kurtboğazı baraj rezervuarının yüzey ve dip çökellerindeki kirleticileri temsil etmek üzere simüle edilen bir su kalitesi modeli olan WASP8'e (Su analizi simülasyon programı) dayalı bir model yaklaşımıdır. Çalışmada yeralan su kalitesi değişkenleri şunlardır: sıcaklık, nitrat, toplam fosfor, toplam Kjeldahl, çözünmüş oksijen, Klorofil a ve amonyum. Rezervuardaki gerçek durumu temsil etmesini sağlamak için simülasyon modelimizin sonuçları Kurtboğazı baraj sahasından alınan gerçek veriler kullanılarak kalibre edilmiş ve istatiksel verilerden yararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada özgün olarak, su kütlesinde meydana gelen durum değişkenlerinin tepkilerini, birbirleriyle nasıl etkileşime girdiklerini ve bunların Kurtboğazı rezervuarının genel kalite durumu üzerindeki etkilerini tahmin etmek için bir kalite modelinin geliştirilmesi araştırılmıştır. Modelin doğruluğu, simüle edilmiş modelimizin rezervuar alanındaki özellikleri temsil edebildiğini gösteren mükemmel sonuç aralıkları üreten belirleme katsayısı ve bağıl hata biçimindeki istatistik teknikleri kullanılarak kontrol edilmiştir. Kurtboğazı baraj rezervuarı, tabakalaşma dönemlerinde hipolimnetik tabakada çözülmüş oksijen tükenmesi gibi olumsuz etkilerden etkilenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, tortu-su arayüzündeki oksijen tüketimi süreçlerini kavramak hala zordur. Temel olarak, tortu oksijen tükenmesi ve tortu oksijen talebi SOD ile bağlantılıdır. Bu nedenle, bu model, su yöneticileri için anoksik durumu ve bentik akıyı etkileyen parametrelerin tahmini için faydalı bir araç olarak hizmet edebilir.Article Citation Count: 9Characterization and fuel cell performance of divinylbenzene crosslinked phosphoric acid doped membranes based on 4-vinylpyridine grafting onto poly(ethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene) films(Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2018) Guler, Enver; Sadeghi, Sahl; Gursel, Selmiye Alkan; Chemical EngineeringThe effect of divinylbenzene (DVB) as crosslinker on the graft polymerization of 4-vinylpyridine (4VP) from poly(ethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene) (ETFE) films was studied. The resulted films were doped with phosphoric acid (PA) and characterized for mechanical, surface, thermal properties, and fuel cell performance. The crosslinked membrane obtained from grafting a mixture of 4VP with 1% DVB improved the polymerization kinetics and resulted in about 50% graft level depending on graft conditions. The crosslinked membranes were also found to have better mechanical properties compared to its non-crosslinked counterpart. The resulted membrane exhibited proton conductivity as high as 75 mS/cm under 50% relative humidity (RH) at 120 degrees C, besides almost doubling the power output of fuel cell compared to a non-crosslinked membrane. To the best of our knowledge, DVB crosslinked 4VP based ETFE membranes were, for the first time, tested in practical fuel cell test station correlating their performance to operating temperature. Furthermore, surface properties of produced membranes were additionally correlated to the degree of crosslinking. Humidity dependence is less pronounced in the produced membranes resulting in strong potential for testing at intermediate temperature (80-120 degrees C) polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. (C) 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 10Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of Two Types of Polyepichlorohydrin-Based Anion Exchange Membranes for Reverse Electrodialysis(Mdpi, 2022) Karakoc, Ezgi; Guler, Enver; Chemical EngineeringThe development of the most effective, suitable and economic ion-exchange membranes is crucial for reverse electrodialysis (RED)-the most widely studied process to harvest salinity gradient energy from mixing seawater and river water. RED utilizes two types of membranes as core elements, namely cation exchange membranes (CEM) and anion exchange membranes (AEM). Since the preparation of AEMs is more complex compared to CEMs, the design and development of anion exchange membranes have been the focus in this study. Homogeneous AEMs based on two types of polyepichlorohydrin (PECH) with different chlorine amounts (PECH-H, 37 wt% and PECH-C, 25 wt%) were synthesized, and first-time benchmarking of the membrane properties was conducted. In addition to physicochemical membrane properties, some instrumental analyses such as SEM, FTIR and DSC were investigated to characterize these anion-exchange membranes. Based on the results, although the PECH-H-type membrane had enhanced ion-exchange properties, PECH-C-based anion-exchange membranes exhibited a higher power density of 0.316 W/m(2) in a lab-scale RED system. Evidently, there is room for the development of new types of PECH-C-based AEMs with great potential for energy generation in the RED process.Book Part Citation Count: 0Current status of ion exchange membranes for electrodialysis/reverse electrodialysis and membrane capacitive deionization/capacitive mixing(Elsevier, 2022) Kabay,N.; Güler,E.; Smolinska-Kempisty,K.; Bryjak,M.; Chemical EngineeringThe world is facing several critical problems, which were integrated by the United Nation into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopted by all the U.N. member states, the SDGs provide goals for attaining a common welfare by 2030. Among these goals, access to clean water and green energy are the most important challenges. The use of ion exchange membranes for the production of safe water and harvesting renewable energy seem to meet these challenges. This chapter will present the history and perspectives of the use of ion exchange membranes for these struggles. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 4Effect of Co-Existing Ions on Salinity Gradient Power Generation by Reverse Electrodialysis Using Different Ion Exchange Membrane Pairs(Mdpi, 2022) Kaya, Tugce Zeynep; Altiok, Esra; Guler, Enver; Kabay, Nalan; Chemical EngineeringThis study investigates the influence of co-existing ions on the salinity gradient power generation performance of the reverse electrodialysis (RED) using three different commercial ion exchange membrane pairs. The feed solutions, including the mixture of two different salts, were prepared with 90 wt.% of NaCl and 10 wt.% of LiCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 or Na2SO4 by keeping the salt ratio between high concentrate solution and low concentrate solution constant as 1:30 (g/g) at various flow velocities (50, 125 and 200 mL/min). It was observed that the divalent ions exhibited a negative impact on the performance of the RED system due to their high valence and low ionic mobility depending on their high hydrated radius and low diffusion coefficients compared to those of the monovalent ions. On the other hand, the effect of the monovalent ions differed according to the properties of ion exchange membranes used in the RED stack. When the power generation performances of ion exchange membrane pairs employed in the RED stack were compared, it was considered that Neosepta AMX and CMX membranes provided the highest power density due to their low membrane thicknesses, low electrical resistances, and relatively high ion exchange capacities compared to other two commercial ion exchange membrane pairs.Article Citation Count: 21Enhancing proton conductivity via sub-micron structures in proton conducting membranes originating from sulfonated PVDF powder by radiation-induced grafting(Elsevier Science Bv, 2018) Sadeghi, Sahl; Sanli, Lale Isikel; Guler, Enver; Gursel, Selmiye Alkan; Chemical EngineeringWe report here submicron-structured proton conducting poly(vinylidene fluoride)-graft-poly(styrene sulfonic acid) (PVDF-g-PSSA) membranes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). Highly conductive proton exchange membranes were obtained by single-step radiation grafting of sodium styrene sulfonate (SSS) to powder-form PVDF, followed by casting and subsequent solvent evaporation. The obtained submicron structure of membrane through solvent evaporation led to the arrangement of ionic channels proving increasing proton conductivity with the increase in graft level. In addition, a temperature above melting point of PVDF was used for solvent evaporation to allow melted PVDF to fill the formed pores, providing denser structure resulting in improved mechanical properties of the membranes. SSS grafting to PVDF powder was verified by NMR spectroscopy, and resultant membranes were characterized for proton conductivity, water up-take, morphology, mechanical and thermal properties, and fuel cell performance. According to preliminary tests, proton conductivities which were observed to increase with graft level were found to be around 70 mS cm(2) at 35% graft level. Thus, this led to a promising power density of 250 mW/cm(2) at 650 mA/cm(2).Master Thesis Etilen oksidasyonuyla asetik asit üretiminin aspen plus kullanılarak modellenmesi(2018) Maıuf, Abır Abdelftah Alı; Güler, Enver; Chemical EngineeringBu çalışmada etilenin oksidasyonu ile asetik asit üretiminin tasarım ve optimizasyon modeli Aspen Plus yazılımı kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Simülasyon işleminde girdi alt akış olarak CO2, N2 ile gaz fazı besleme akışı, üst girdi akışı olarak ise H2O'dur. Araştırma, asetik asit üretim sürecini anlamayı ve incelemeyi ve buna ek olarak operasyonel değişkenleri ve bunların üretim üzerindeki etkilerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Simülasyon modeline göre, asetik asit absorber içinde altı aşamadan sonra alt akışta sıvı olarak üretilmiştir. Ayrıca akış hızı, sıcaklık ve basınç kontrol edilmiş ve hassasiyet parametreleri olarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen temel ürün, 30.3 °C sıcaklıkta ve 10 bar basınçta mol akışı yaklaşık 0.6 kmol/saat ve mol oranı yaklaşık 0.004 olan asetik asittir.Article Citation Count: 3Further Development of Polyepichlorohydrin Based Anion Exchange Membranes for Reverse Electrodialysis by Tuning Cast Solution Properties(Mdpi, 2022) Eti, Mine; Cihanoglu, Aydin; Guler, Enver; Gomez-Coma, Lucia; Altiok, Esra; Arda, Muserref; Kabay, Nalan; Chemical EngineeringRecently, there have been several studies done regarding anion exchange membranes (AEMs) based on polyepichlorohydrin (PECH), an attractive polymer enabling safe membrane fabrication due to its inherent chloromethyl groups. However, there are still undiscovered properties of these membranes emerging from different compositions of cast solutions. Thus, it is vital to explore new membrane properties for sustainable energy generation by reverse electrodialysis (RED). In this study, the cast solution composition was easily tuned by varying the ratio of active polymer (i.e., blend ratio) and quaternary agent (i.e., excess diamine ratio) in the range of 1.07-2.00, and 1.00-4.00, respectively. The membrane synthesized with excess diamine ratio of 4.00 and blend ratio of 1.07 provided the best results in terms of ion exchange capacity, 3.47 mmol/g, with satisfactory conductive properties (area resistance: 2.4 omega center dot cm(2), electrical conductivity: 6.44 mS/cm) and high hydrophilicity. RED tests were performed by AEMs coupled with the commercially available Neosepta CMX cation exchange membrane (CEMs).Book Part Citation Count: 0Green energy generation using membrane technologies based on salinity gradient(Elsevier, 2023) Güler,E.; Cihanoğlu,A.; Altıok,E.; Kaya,T.Z.; Eti,M.; Kabay,N.; Chemical EngineeringElectrical energy can be extracted from salinity gradients, often represented by two aqueous solutions with different salinities. This becomes very interesting when sustainable and practical electromembrane processes can be applied to convert the salinity gradient power into electric power. Reverse electrodialysis (RED), in this context, has gained much interest in the last few years. In addition to many operational and design parameters affecting the process output, ion exchange membranes (IEMs) represent core elements in RED. In this chapter, it is aimed to introduce and discuss the current trend of IEMs as well as vital operational parameters and fouling affecting the RED performance. © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 12Investigations on the effects of operational parameters in reverse electrodialysis system for salinity gradient power generation using central composite design (CCD)(Elsevier, 2022) Altiok, Esra; Kaya, Tugce Zeynep; Othman, Nur Hidayati; Kinali, Orhan; Kitada, Soma; Guler, Enver; Kabay, Nalan; Chemical EngineeringReverse electrodialysis (RED) can be utilized for the production of renewable energy from salinity gradients. However, there are many key parameters that could influence the performance of RED. This study investigates the use RSM for development of a predictive power density (PD) and open-circuit voltage (OCV) model for the RED system. A three-factor central composite design (CCD) was used to quantify the effects of flow velocity (X-1), salinity ratio (X-2), and number of cell pairs (X-3) towards PD and OCV. A total of 17 experimental data were fitted and ANOVA was used to validate the accuracy of the models. 3D and surface plots were created to foresee the optimal levels of each variable. It was found that flow velocity and salinity ratio have the most dominant influences on the RED performances as compared to number of cell pairs. The predicted PD and OCV values were found to be reasonably fit with the experimental data, validating the predictability of applied models. Therefore, this study suggests that CCD can be considered an effective tool for evaluating and optimizing the RED system using a minimum number of experiments.Review Citation Count: 5Ion Exchange Membranes for Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) Applications - Recent Developments(Amirkabir University of Technology - Membrane Processes Research Laboratory, 2021) Eti,M.; Othman,N.H.; Guler,E.; Kabay,N.; Chemical EngineeringThe innovative membrane-based technology called reverse electrodialysis (RED) is capable of producing electrical power from the controlled mixing of two aqueous streams of different salinity. There has been tremendous progress so far in the development of RED process in terms of system development, spacer design, membranes properties and operational conditions optimization. Among those, characteristics of the ion exchange membranes are found to be the critical element affecting the performances of RED process. In this respect, a brief overview of the latest developments in ion exchange membranes were presented in this review, focussing on their properties and performances in RED applications. The recent developments of nanocomposite and ion selective membranes, particularly pore filling ion exchange membranes due to their high performances and inexpensive fabrication cost were also summarized. Shortly, fouling problem for the ion exchange membranes employed in the RED system was mentioned. © 2021 Amirkabir University of Technology - Membrane Processes Research Laboratory. All rights reserved.Book Part Citation Count: 0Ion exchange membranes in electrodialysis process for wastewater treatment(Elsevier, 2023) Altıok,E.; Cihanoğlu,A.; Güler,E.; Kabay,N.; Chemical EngineeringWater is the most important natural resource on earth. Survival without water is impossible and industries cannot operate without water as well. Availability of safe and reliable source of water is therefore essential. Different practical solutions are needed for sustainable preservation of water resources as freshwater resources are limited in terms of technical and economical aspects. Membrane technologies can be applied to water and wastewater treatment for removal of various unwanted substances from water. Recently, the utilization of membrane technologies in the water purification sector has grown exponentially. Compared to conventional reclamation methods, membrane technologies are much more efficient for removal of various contaminants and they are able to overcome more stringent water regulations. Membrane separation processes employed for water treatment include reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration, and electrodialysis (ED). In this chapter, we reviewed the basic principles of electromembrane processes, such as ED, electrodeionization, electrodialysis reversal, and bipolar membrane ED based on ion exchange membranes (IEMs) along with few examples of the use of these processes in water and wastewater treatment. In addition, fouling of IEMs is also discussed. © 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 13Metal-Salt Enhanced Grafting of Vinylpyridine and Vinylimidazole Monomer Combinations in Radiation Grafted Membranes for High-Temperature PEM Fuel Cells(Amer Chemical Soc, 2020) Mojarrad, Naeimeh Rajabalizadeh; Sadeghi, Sahl; Kaplan, Begum Yarar; Guler, Enver; Gursel, Selmiye Alkan; Chemical EngineeringProton exchange membranes were prepared and characterized for utilization in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells, HT-PEMFCs. 1-vinylimidazole (1-VIm) and 4-vinylpyridine (4VP) monomers were simultaneously grafted onto pre-irradiated ETFE (ethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene) films which were prepared using gamma-rays with a dose of 100 kGy, as a robust substrate to prepare acid-base composite membranes. The grafting reaction was performed at 60 degrees C for 24 h followed by protonation via phosphoric acid doping in the subsequent step. The effect of adding ferrous salts as promoters in grafting was investigated by characterization of resultant membranes via thermal gravimetric analysis and mechanical tests. The fuel cell tests were conducted under different relative humidities (RHs) and applied temperatures. Membranes prepared with salt addition exhibited superior proton conductivities. Results including up to 80 mS cm(-1) conductivity at 110 degrees C in 60% RH and excellent thermal stability, even at 300 degrees C, suggest these membranes are promising for HT-PEMFC applications.Master Thesis Metanolden formaldehyde üretiminin optimizasyonu(2018) Idres, Ruwıda Ab.m.; Güler, Enver; Chemical EngineeringFormaldehit, yapı malzemelerinin ayrıca fenol formaldehit gibi polimerik reçinelerin üretimini içeren birçok kimya endüstrisinde oldukça önemli kabul edilen kimyasallardan birisidir. Bu projenin başlıca amacı, kimya mühendisliği bakış açısından, belirli çalışma koşulları altında ve spesifik kapasite dahilinde formaldehit üreten entegre reaktör tasarımı üzerinde çalışma yapmak ve metanolden formaldehit üretim sürecini incelemektir. Bu projede, yılda 120000 ton seviyesinde formaldehit üretimi ve bunda en az ağırlıkça %99.1 formaldehit ve %99.1 azot üretimini sağlanmaktadır. Üretimde metal oksit işlemi kullanılmıştır. Bu projede, süreç Aspen Plus V9 yazılımı kullanılarak simüle ve optimize edilmiştir. Başlıca odak noktası, üretim sürecinde reaktörün tasarımı ve geliştirilmesidir. Sıcaklık, basınç, boruların sayısı, reaktördeki çapı ve uzunluğu da incelenmiştir. Bu projede, formaldehit, katalitik buhar-fazlı oksidasyon reaksiyonu ile üretilmiştir.Article Citation Count: 0Modeling Surface Water Quality and Nutrient Correlation with Sediment Oxygen Demand at Dam Water Reservoirs(Technoscience Publications, 2022) Abdulqader,N.N.; Işgör,B.S.; Genç,A.N.; Güler,E.; Seymenoǧlu,V.C.; Department of Civil Engineering; Chemical EngineeringThe work presented here is a model approach based on WASP8 (Water analysis simulation program) a water quality model simulated to represent contaminants at the surface and bottom sediments of Kurtboǧazi dam reservoir in Ankara city. However, our water quality output variables: are temperature, nitrate, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, Chlorophyll a, and ammonia. To ensure the model represents the actual case at the reservoir, the results from the simulation model were calibrated using actual data from the Kurtboǧazi dam site, the calibration utilizes statistical techniques. The first method was the goodness-of-fit, R2 between model variables and field data, and the results were in the range of 0.86 to 1.0 indicating excellent linear association. The second technique was the RE, the values of which obtained were less than 1, elaborating acceptable results. The dam reservoir Kurtboǧazi had been affected by the negative impact arising from dissolved oxygen depletion in the hypolimnetic layer during stratification periods and that had been well documented. However, the processes of oxygen consumption at the sediment-water interface are still difficult to grasp conceptually and mainly linked to sediment oxygen depletion and the phenomena of sediment oxygen demand SOD. The novelty of this research work is the development of a quality model to predict the reactions of state variables that are occurring at the water body and how they interact with each other and their influence on the overall quality status of the Kurtboǧazi reservoir, and the crucial factors influencing the depletion of oxygen at the water column; secondly, the effect of anoxic condition on the benthic flux and the impact of anoxia condition on the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio at the reservoir. It was evident from the results of calibration that the model successfully simulated the correlation of the parameters influencing the anoxic condition, and benthic flux and ratio shift from nitrogen-limited during the summer to phosphorus-limited at the beginning of winter. © 2022 Technoscience Publications. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 4New generation radiation-grafted PVDF-g-VBC based dual-fiber electrospun anion exchange membranes(Elsevier Ltd, 2024) Kırlıoğlu,A.C.; Rajabalizadeh Mojarrad,N.; Alkan Gürsel,S.; Güler,E.; Yarar Kaplan,B.; Chemical EngineeringAnion Exchange Membranes (AEM) have the potential to solve the cost issues of fuel cell technologies due to their basic environment that can allow the use of cheaper components. However, there is still a need to develop an ideal inexpensive, mechanically robust AEM with high ionic conductivity and ion exchange capacity (IEC). In this work, we present various dual-fiber electrospun membranes based on a novel radiation-grafted copolymer. First, the synthesis route of radiation-induced grafting of vinyl benzyl chloride (VBC) onto poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) to prepare PVDF-g-VBC was optimized. Then, PVDF-g-VBC powders were used to fabricate dual-fiber electrospun mats with inert PVDF and commercial Fumion-FAA-3 ionomer. Dual-fiber electrospun mats were hot-pressed and then quaternized with trimethylamine. Finally, mechanical properties, ion exchange capacity, ionic conductivity, and morphology of these prepared dual-fiber electrospun membranes were investigated. The dual-fiber membrane prepared with PVDF-g-VBC (88% of the total weight of the membrane) and PVDF: Fumion-FAA-3 (1:2) mix (12 wt%) realized ionic conductivity of 4.67 mS/cm at 25 °C, high ion exchange capacity of 1.35 mmol/g with Young's Modulus of 761 MPa. The membrane based on the combination of radiation grafting and dual-fiber electrospinning was prepared for the first time in literature and offers the prospect of tuning and fine-control of mechanical and physicochemical properties of AEMs. © 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC