Çelik Kafes Enerji Nakil Direklerindeki Cıvatalı Bağlantıların Sayısal Analizi
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Bu çalışmada çelik kafes iletim direklerinde kullanılan özel bir tip cıvatalı bağlantının çekme yükü altındaki davranışı sayısal olarak incelenmiştir. Daha önce yürütülmüş deneysel bir çalışmada incelenen numunelerin sonlu eleman modelleri kullanılarak ana elemanların arasında yer alan bağlantı bölgesindeki yük aktarım mekanizması araştırılmıştır. Fazla sayıda cıvataya ve takviye elemana sahip karmaşık bir geometriden daha az bileşene sahip basit bir geometriye kadar birçok bağlantı ele alınmış ve bağlantı konfigürasyonunun sistemin tümünün davranışına olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, orjinal birleşim konfigürasyonuna yakın bir davranış sergileyebilecek minimum sayıda civataya sahip bir konfigürasyon ortaya çıkarmak üzere parametrik bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Son olarak, olası davranışı görmek ve çekme ve basma yükleri arasındaki farklılıkları tanımlayabilmek için bazı bağlantı konfigürasyonları basma yükü altında incelenmiştir.
Behavior of a specific type of bolted splice connection used in steel lattice transmission towers under tensile loading was investigated numerically. Finite element models representing the specimens tested in a recent experimental study were used to study the force transfer mechanism at the splice connection of main members. Several connection geometries ranging from a complex geometry with many bolts and reinforcing components to a much simpler geometry with much fewer components were considered, and the effect of connection configuration on the overall response was investigated. A parametric study was also conducted in order to determine the minimum number of bolts that can be used to have a connection response comparable to that of the original connection configuration. Finally, some of the connection configurations were also investigated under compressive loading to get a general idea about the possible response and to identify the differences in behavior under tensile and compressive loading.
Behavior of a specific type of bolted splice connection used in steel lattice transmission towers under tensile loading was investigated numerically. Finite element models representing the specimens tested in a recent experimental study were used to study the force transfer mechanism at the splice connection of main members. Several connection geometries ranging from a complex geometry with many bolts and reinforcing components to a much simpler geometry with much fewer components were considered, and the effect of connection configuration on the overall response was investigated. A parametric study was also conducted in order to determine the minimum number of bolts that can be used to have a connection response comparable to that of the original connection configuration. Finally, some of the connection configurations were also investigated under compressive loading to get a general idea about the possible response and to identify the differences in behavior under tensile and compressive loading.
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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