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Department of Public Administration and Political Science
The graduate programs offered by our department includes a master program and a PhD program in Political Science and Public Administration. Master program includes thesis and non-thesis options. The overall aim of our graduate programs is to prepare students for specialization in Political Science and Public Administration. The curricula of our programs are carefully designed to achieve this aim. All programs offered by our department are supported by our highly qualified departmental faculty members. Our master programs provide students with both practical skills and sound theoretical knowledge. They also provide students with good understanding of Turkish and World politics and administration. While the non-thesis studens will conduct a project, the thesis students will conduct a larger research and write a thesis. Our PhD program prepares students for academic careers in political science and public administration. The program is designed to provide students with substantive theoretical knowledge and research skills. It helps students to develop analytical skills and critical thinking. It also helps students to specialize in at least one sub-field of political science and public administration and to produce not only a PhD thesis but also scholarly articles and books.

Journal Issue


İlk defa 18. yüzyılda İsveç'te ortaya çıkan kamu denetçiliği kurumu, özellikle II. Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra hızla yayılmış ve birçok ülkede uygulanma alanı bulmuştur. Dünya konjektöründe gün geçtikçe değer kazanan ve yaygınlaşan insan hakları kavramı, kamu denetçiliği kurumunun bu yayılmasında en önemli etken rolünü üstlenmiştir.Ülkemizde idarenin denetimini sağlayan denetim sistemlerinin mevcut bazı eksikliklerini gidermek, kamu idaresinin etkinliğini arttırmak, devletin daha demokratik bir yapıya ulaşmasını temin etmek ve AB Müktesebatına uyum sağlamak gibi amaçlarla, uzun zamandır ülkemizde kamu denetçiliği kurumunun kurulmasına yönelik çalışmalar devam etmektedir.Bu çalışmada, diğer idari denetim yöntemlerinin bazı eksikliklerini gidermek ve daha etkin bir kamu idaresine ulaşabilmek için oluşturulacak kamu denetçiliği kurumunun ülkemize sağlaması muhtemel katkılar incelenmiştir.
Public supervisorship association came into existence firstly in Sweden in 18. century. Especially after The Second World War, it has found application areas in many countries and spreaded throughout the world rapidly. Human rights concept, which increases in value day by day in the world literature, is the most important reason of spreading public supervisorship association.For a long time, there are many studies carried out for establishing the public supervisorship association in our own country for different reasons such as; supplying some deficiencies of the administrative auditing system, increasing the effect of public authority, helping the government to reach more democratic structure and adjusting the Acquis Communautare.Also in this study, possible contributions of founding public supervisorship association are being considered.



Kamu Yönetimi, Kamu denetimi, Public Administration, Public inspection, Ombudsman, Ombudsman

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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