2008 global finansal krizin Türk inşaat sektörüne etkilerinin incelenmesi

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
International Trade and Logistics
Commonly paired with the term logistics, international trade is an irreplaceable, ever-developing element that even pioneers theory with its practices. International trade and logistics is a field that involves developing areas of commerce such as “E-Commerce” and utilizes state-of-the-art technology. As we all know, E-Commerce reaches a volume of trillions of dollars due to special days and celebrations; whereas logistics is what fleshes it out. In addition, while e-commerce gains popularity during the global Covid-19 outbreak, logistics is what deems storage, transportation and customs duties possible. At our Department, the education is offered in English with a program and a staff that grasp development; in addition to hands-on training at our simulation center. Assigning expert academicians and instructors, the department grants the opportunity to make observations in turkey or abroad, every year and in each semester. Similarly, our Department sends students to Erasmus programs, every year. Thus, our graduates are never unemployed. Maintaining our state of being “the only”, “the first”, “and the best” in education, social life, and sports..

Journal Issue


Bu çalışma 2008 global finansal krizin özellikle Türkiye inşaat sektörüne etkilerine dikkat çekmektedir. Bu çalışma krizlerin oluşum sebebini kısaca özetleyerek 2008 krizinin nasıl global bir etkiye ulaşım sağladığını ve ekonomik şartlar üzerindeki etkilerini incelemiştir. Geniş bir konuyu içeren 2008 global krizini tek bir noktaya yoğunlaşarak incelemek istedik. Ayrıntılarını ve gelişimini inceledğimiz sektör 'inşaat' sektörü olmuştur. Her sektörde yer edinen ülke ekonomisinde ki ilerlemelerde büyük rol oynayan bu sektörün kriz karşısında duruşu ve kriz aşamasında ki gelişimi ve krizin etkisi geçtikten sonra ki yapılanması hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Global Kriz, 2008 Krizinin Etkileri, Krizin Etkilerinin İnşaat Sektörüne Etkisi, İnşaat Sektörü
This study draws attention on the effects of the 2008 global financial crisis especially on the construction sector in Turkey.This study briefly sums up the reasons for the crisis, examining how the 2008 crisis has provided a global influence and its impact on economic conditions. We wanted to focus on the 2008 global crisis, which includes a wide range of issues, focusing on a single point. The sector in which we review the details and development has been the 'construction' sector. This sector, which plays a major role in the progress of the country economy that takes place in every sector, is informed about its posture in the face of crisis and its development in the crisis phase and its restructuring after the impact of the crisis. Keywords: Global Crisis, Effects of the 2008 Crisis, Effects of Crisis Impact on the Construction Sector, Construction Secto.



İşletme, Ekonomik etki, Ekonomik kriz 2008, Ekonomik kriz, Business Administration, Economic effect, Finansal kriz, Economical crisis 2008, Economic crisis, Kriz, Financial crisis, Küresel kriz, Crisis, Global crises, İnşaat sektörü, Construction sector

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