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Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
The Atılım University Department of Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance has been offering Civil Aviation education in English since 2012. In an effort to provide the best level of education, ATILIM UNIVERSITY demonstrated its merit as a role model in Civil Aviation Education last year by being granted a SHY 147 certificate with the status of “Approved Aircraft Maintenance Training Institution” by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. The SHY 147 is a certificate for Approved Aircraft Maintenance Training Institutions. It is granted to institutions where training programs have undergone inspection, and the quality of the education offered has been approved by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. With our Civil Aviation Training Center at Esenboğa Airport (our hangar), and the two Cessna-337 planes with double piston engines both of which are fully operational, as well our Beechcraft C90 Kingait plaine with double Turboprop engines, Atılım University is an institution to offer hands-on technical training in civil aviation, and one that strives to take the education it offers to the extremes in terms of technology. The Atılım university Graduate School Department of Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance is a fully-equipped civil aviation school to complement its theoretical education with hands-on training using planes of various kinds. Even before their graduation, most of our students are hired in Turkey’s most prestigious institutions in such a rapidly-developing sector. We are looking forward to welcoming you at this modern and contemporary institution for your education in civil aviation.

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Hızlı gelisen teknoloji ile beraber ülkelerdeki araç sayısı artmıstır. Araçsayısının artısına paralel olarak araçların tanınması gereksinimi de artmıstır.Güvenlik, otomatik geçis sistemleri, otoyollarda hız tespiti, ısık ihlali gibidurumlarda araçların tanınması ihtiyacı doğmustur. Araç plaka tanıma sistemi üç anakonudan olusmaktadır. Sayısal bir görüntüden plakanın bulunması, bulunan plakagörüntüsünden karakterlerin ayrıstırılması, ayrıstırılan karakterin tanınmasıdır. Butez çalısmasında ikinci ve üçüncü konular üzerine bir çalısma yapılmıstır. Öncekiyapılan çalısmalar incelendiğinde daha çok yapay sinir ağları ile karakter tanınmayaçalısıldığı görülmüstür. Bu çalısmada yapay sinir ağları veya karmasık matematikselislemler yerine insan gözü ile karakterin nasıl algılandığına dikkat edilmistir. Plakagörüntüsü gri seviyeye indirgenmis, esik değeri hesaplanmıs ve ikili sistemeçevrilmistir. Plaka görüntüsü ikili sisteme çevrildikten sonra dikey ve yataydoğrultularda taranarak karakterlerin sınırları bulunmustur. Bulunan karakterlersoldan sağa, sağdan sola, yukarıdan asağıya, asağıdan yukarı taranarak her birkarakter için özellik sınıfları olusturulmustur. Daha önceden karakterler içinhazırlanmıs olan özellik sınıfları veritabanı ile karakterin özellik sınıfıkarsılastırılmıstır. Karakterin diğer karakterlere benzeme oranı kullanıcıyagösterilmistir. Çalısma esnasında T.C. araç plakaları kullanılmıstır.Anahtar Kelimeler : Araba Plakası Tanıma
In rapidly developing countries, the number of vehicles has increased in accordancewith the technology. The need to recognize the vehicles has increased in parallel tothe number of the vehicles. Need of vehicle recognition was emerged for the cases ofsecurity, automatic switching systems, highway speed detection, light violation.License plate recognition system consists of three main topics: finding plate locationfrom digital images, character segmentation from the plate images and characterrecognition from segmented characters. In this thesis, a study is conducted oncharacter segmentation from plate image and character recognition from segmentedcharacters. Character recognition work has been examined through artificial neuralnetworks in the previously conducted studies. Instead of Artificial NeuronalNetworks or complex mathematical formula, this thesis takes the features (of thecharacter) the human eyes perceive during recognition of the character into account.Plate image was reduced to gray level, the threshold value was calculated, and theplate image was converted into the binary system. The boundary of characters in thevertical and horizontal lines were scanned after plate image was converted into thebinary system. For each character, the feature classes were created for the charactersscanned from left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top. The characterfeature classes were compared to the previously prepared feature character class?sdatabase. The rate which is similar to other characters of the character has beendisplayed to the user. T.C. license plate is used during working.Keywords: Car plate recognition



Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control

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