Oscar Wilde'in Önemsiz Bir Kadın ve Ciddi Olmanın Önemi Adlı Oyunlarında Sosyal Eleştiri
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Bu tez, Oscar Wilde'ın eserleri ve sanat üzerine düşünceleri arasındaki çelişkiyi Önemsiz Bir Kadın ve Ciddi Olmanın Önemi oyunları aracılığıyla incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Wilde, bir sanat eserinin mesaj vermemesi veya herhangi bir ahlaki ders içermemesi gerektiğini savunsa da, yapıtlarının çoğu ahlaki bir ders veya sınıf ayrımları, cinsiyet rolleri, evlilik, ahlak ve eğitim gibi birçok sosyal konuya doğrudan eleştiri içermektedir. Bireylerin toplumda kabul edilebilmeleri için maske takmaları gerektiğini düşünen Wilde, eserleri ahlak dışı olarak sertçe eleştirildikten sonra, 'Sanat için Sanat' görüşünü savunan sanat anlayışını Viktorya toplumunun ahlak anlayışına karşı bir maske olarak kullanmaya başladı. Wilde, Viktorya toplumunun geleneklerini ve değerlerini estetisizm ve dandy tarzıyla yıkmaya çalışan bir asiydi ama aynı zamanda oyunu toplumun kurallarına göre oynadı ve eserleri, sözleri ve imajı kadar yıkıcı değildi. Dandy karakterini hem karakter olarak hem de dış görünüş olarak içinde yaşadığı toplumun ikiyüzlülüğüne ve sığlığına karşı savunma amaçlı kullandığı söylenebilir. Önemsiz Bir Kadın ve Ciddi Olmanın Önemi adlı oyunlarında, Viktorya döneminin pek çok yönünü ve Viktorya dönemi insanlarının çokça önemsediği ciddiyet, saygınlık ve ahlak gibi kavramları dandy karakterinin nükteli sözleri ve paradoksları aracılığıyla eleştirmiştir, bu nedenle bu oyunlar, yazarın sanat anlayışının eserleriyle çelişmesine örnek oluşturmaktadır.
This thesis aims to investigate the contradiction of Oscar Wilde's artworks and thoughts on art and their reflection in two of his plays: A Woman of No Importance and The Importance of Being Earnest. Although Wilde believed that a work of art should not aim to give a message or include any moral lessons, most of his artworks include a moral lesson and direct criticism to many social topics like class distinctions, gender roles, marriage, morality and education. Wilde, who believed that individuals should wear a mask to be accepted by society, started use his ideas on art defending 'Art for Art's Sake' as a mask against the morality of Victorian society, after receiving harsh comments to his works as being immoral. Wilde was a rebel trying to break the traditions and values of Victorian society through aestheticism and his dandiacal style but he was also playing by the rules and his works were not as disruptive as his words and image. It can be said that he used dandy both as a character and as an appearance as a defence against the hypocrisy and hollowness of society he lived in. In his plays, A Woman of No Importance and The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde satirised so many aspects of his period Victorians highly valued like earnestness, respectability and morality through witty dialogues and paradoxes of the dandy, so the plays offer good examples for his artworks' contradiction to his idea of art.
This thesis aims to investigate the contradiction of Oscar Wilde's artworks and thoughts on art and their reflection in two of his plays: A Woman of No Importance and The Importance of Being Earnest. Although Wilde believed that a work of art should not aim to give a message or include any moral lessons, most of his artworks include a moral lesson and direct criticism to many social topics like class distinctions, gender roles, marriage, morality and education. Wilde, who believed that individuals should wear a mask to be accepted by society, started use his ideas on art defending 'Art for Art's Sake' as a mask against the morality of Victorian society, after receiving harsh comments to his works as being immoral. Wilde was a rebel trying to break the traditions and values of Victorian society through aestheticism and his dandiacal style but he was also playing by the rules and his works were not as disruptive as his words and image. It can be said that he used dandy both as a character and as an appearance as a defence against the hypocrisy and hollowness of society he lived in. In his plays, A Woman of No Importance and The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde satirised so many aspects of his period Victorians highly valued like earnestness, respectability and morality through witty dialogues and paradoxes of the dandy, so the plays offer good examples for his artworks' contradiction to his idea of art.
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Estetik, Sanat eserleri, English Linguistics and Literature, Sosyal eleştiri, Aesthetics, Artistic works, Tiyatro oyunları, Social criticism, Viktorya Dönemi, Theater plays, Victorian Period, Wilde, Oscar, Wilde, Oscar
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