Sosyal robot ürün aileleri için davranış modüllerinin geliştirilmesi

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Mechatronics Engineering
The Atılım University Department of Mechatronics Engineering started its operation in 2002 as the Education Program in Mechatronics Engineering holding a “department” status in Turkey. In addition, it is the first and the only institution for mechatronic engineering education to obtain a MÜDEK (Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs) accreditation for a duration of 5 years. Mechatronics engineering is a discipline of engineering that combines mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering and software technologies on a machine or a product. These features place the field on a pedestal in today’s industry. The education at our department is also backed by substantial laboratory opportunities. Our students create interesting products of their skills and creativity for their dissertation projects. Should they wish to do so, our students may also proceed with a double-major program in the fields of Computer Engineering, Electrical - Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Mechanical, Automotive or Software Engineering. Upon their demands, the Department of Mechatronic Engineering also offers a “Cooperative Education” program implemented in coordination with industrial institutions. Students receiving a portion of their training at industrial institutions and prepare for professional life under this program

Journal Issue


Bu tezde, sosyal robotlar (SoBOT'lar) için davranış modülleri, 3 boyutlu (3B) Tasarım Yapı Matrisi (TYP) modeli kullanılarak geliştirilmiştir. Davranış modülleri, bireylerin veya küçük grupların çeşitli ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için geliştirilen kişiselleştirilmiş sosyal robotlardan oluşan sosyal robot ailelerinin sistematik tasarımında kullanılabilecek yapı taşlarıdır. 3B TYP fiziksel gerçeklemeden bağımsız olup, robotların 'algılama', 'muhakeme' ve motorik hareket' olmak üzere 3 farklı davranış elemanına dayanır. Bu elemanlar, literatürde bulunan makalelerden 45 farklı sosyal robota ait veriler kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Sosyal robotların bu üç çeşit davranışsal elemanı arasındaki karşılıklı etkileşimler tanımlanarak modüller oluşturulmuştur. Geliştirilen davranış modüllerinden 6 örnek modül ve bu modüller kullanılarak oluşturulan 2 robottan meydana gelen bir model sosyal robot ailesinin fiziksel tasarımı ve imalatı, teknoloji gösterimi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.
In this thesis, behavioral modules for social robots (SoBOTs) are developed by using the 3D Design Structure Matrix (DSM) model. Behavioral modules are the building blocks for systematic design of social robot families, composed of personalized social robots to satisfy diverse needs of individuals or small groups. The 3D DSM is independent of any physical solution principle and is based on 3 different behavioral elements of robots, namely 'perception', 'cognition' and 'motoric action'. In this thesis, data for these elements are extracted from 45 different social robots existing in the literature. Sixteen behavioral modules are developed by defining the mutual interactions between these three types of behavioral elements of social robots. Among them, six sample modules are designed and manufactured in the laboratory. A model social robot family of two robots, which uses different combinations of these 6 modules is developed for technology demonstration.



Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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