Yabancı Öğrencilerin Türkiye'yi Tercih Etme Nedenleri, Gelecekle İlgili Kariyer Beklentileri ve Göç Niyetleri Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma
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Yükseköğretimin uluslararasılaşmasında uluslararası öğrenci hareketliliği önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Geçmişte bu hareketlilik ağırlıklı olarak gelişmekte olan ülkelerden gelişmiş ülkelere doğru gerçekleşmekteydi. 1990'lı yıllardan itibaren, orta gelirli gelişmekte olan ülkeler yabancı öğrenci hareketliliğinde yeni bölgesel çekim merkezleri olarak giderek önem kazanmaya başladı. Türkiye'nin de son yıllarda yabancı öğrenci sayılarında yaşadığı önemli artışlar nedeniyle bölgesel çekim merkezlerinden biri olma yolunda ilerlediği görülmektedir. Çalışma, Türkiye'de eğitim göre yabancı öğrencilerin Türkiye'yi bir uluslararası eğitim merkezi olarak nasıl değerlendirdiklerini, eğitimlerini tamamladıklarında ne tür kariyer beklentilerine sahip olduklarını ve Türkiye'yi bir geçiş ülkesi olarak mı yoksa kalıcı bir göç lokasyonu olarak mı düşündüklerini incelemektedir. Bu amaçla, Türkiye'de eğitim gören yabancı öğrencilerin Türkiye'yi seçme nedenleri, eğitim süreciyle ilgili düşünceleri, ileriye dönük kariyer ve yaşam hedefleriyle beraber göç niyetleri hakkında bilgi toplanılmıştır. Veri toplamada derinlemesine incelemeye olanak sağlayan nitel bir veri toplama tekniği olan yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat tekniği tercih edilmiştir. Çalışmanın evreni Ankara'daki üniversitelerle sınırlı tutulmuştur. Öğrenci seçimi cinsiyet, disiplin, öğrenim düzeyi, ülke ve yaşam koşulları açısından yeterli örnek çeşitliliğini sağlamanın bir yolu olan ölçüt örneklemesine dayanmaktadır. İki vakıf ve iki devlet üniversitesi olmak üzere, Ankara'da bulunan dört farklı üniversitede lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora düzeylerinde eğitim gören 15 uluslararası öğrenciyle yüz yüze görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmelerden elde edilen bulgular, öğrencilerin üniversite ve bölüm seçimlerinde oldukça bilinçli olduklarını göstermektedir. Türkiye'yi tercih ederken dil, din, köken, kültürel ve coğrafi yakınlığın yanı sıra, arkadaş ve akraba tavsiyesi, ülkelerinde yaşadıkları siyasi istikrarsızlık, Türkiye'ye hissettikleri manevi duygular, Türk eğitim kurumları ile temas ve Türk eğitimcilerin önerileri önemli temalar olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Türkiye'de öğrenim gördükleri sırada gözlemledikleri veya bizzat yaşamış oldukları ayrımcılık ile Türkiye'deki ekonomik istikrarsızlık katılımcıların yaşam ve eğitim memnuniyetlerini olumsuz etkilemiştir. Öte yandan, eğitim kalitesi ve potansiyel kariyer fırsatları öğrencilerin memnuniyetlerini olumlu etkileyen etkenler olarak ön plâna çıkmaktadır. Öğrencilerin mezuniyet sonrası gelecek ile ilgili beklentileri, kariyer ve göç hedefleri incelendiğinde, Türkiye'yi genel olarak bir geçiş ülkesi olarak gördükleri anlaşılmaktadır. Eğitimlerini tamamladıktan sonra tecrübe edinmek için geçici bir süreliğine Türkiye'de kalmayı amaçlamaktalar, ancak nihai hedef olarak neredeyse tümü ya kendi ülkelerine dönmeyi ya da kaliteli eğitim ve/veya iş fırsatları açısından çeşitli gelişmiş ülkelere kalıcı olarak yerleşmek istediklerini belirtmişlerdir. Anahtar Kelimeler: uluslararası öğrenciler, yükseköğretimde uluslararasılaşma, kariyer ve göç niyetleri, Türkiye, eğitim ekonomisi
International student mobility plays an important role in the internationalization of higher education. In the past, this mobility was mainly from the developing countries to the developed countries. Since the 1990s, middle-income developing countries have become increasingly important as new regional attraction centers in foreign student mobility. Due to significant increases in the number of foreign students in recent years, Turkey seems to be moving towards becoming a regional hub for international students. This study examines how foreign students evaluate their education experience in Turkey, their views on Turkey as an internationally competitive higher education location, their career plans after completing their education and whether they perceive Turkey as a transit country or as a location for permanent migration. To this end, we collected information on foreign students' reasons for selecting Turkey as a study location, their interpretation of their educational experience in Turkey, and their intentions for the future after graduation in terms of career and life goals. A qualitative research design, which allows for in-depth exploration of a subject, was preferred and data collection took place through semi-structured interviews with selected foreign students. The universe of the study was limited to universities in Ankara. Student selection was based on criterion sampling, which is a way to ensure adequate sample diversity in terms of gender, discipline, educational level, country and living conditions. Face-to-face interviews were held with 15 international students studying at the undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels in four different universities in Ankara: two foundations and two state universities. Findings show students to be deliberate in their university and department choices. In addition to religious, ethic, cultural, geographic and language proximities, having feelings of closeness to Turkey, political instability in their own country, contact with Turkish educational institutions and the recommendation of friends, relatives and teachers emerge as important themes in selecting Turkey as a study location. Discrimination, which they personally experienced or observed for others, and economic instability in Turkey were the two main issues that negatively affected their satisfaction with their studies and their lives in general during their stay in Turkey. Education quality and the potential for career opportunities, on the other had, had positive effects on a student's satisfaction with their study experience in Turkey. Another important finding is that students generally see Turkey as a transit country. Although a majority have indicated that they would like to obtain job experience in Turkey for short periods of time, their ultimate goal appears to be to return to their own country or to take advantage of education, job and migration opportunities in more advanced countries. Keywords: international students, internationalization of higher education, career and migration intentions, education economics
International student mobility plays an important role in the internationalization of higher education. In the past, this mobility was mainly from the developing countries to the developed countries. Since the 1990s, middle-income developing countries have become increasingly important as new regional attraction centers in foreign student mobility. Due to significant increases in the number of foreign students in recent years, Turkey seems to be moving towards becoming a regional hub for international students. This study examines how foreign students evaluate their education experience in Turkey, their views on Turkey as an internationally competitive higher education location, their career plans after completing their education and whether they perceive Turkey as a transit country or as a location for permanent migration. To this end, we collected information on foreign students' reasons for selecting Turkey as a study location, their interpretation of their educational experience in Turkey, and their intentions for the future after graduation in terms of career and life goals. A qualitative research design, which allows for in-depth exploration of a subject, was preferred and data collection took place through semi-structured interviews with selected foreign students. The universe of the study was limited to universities in Ankara. Student selection was based on criterion sampling, which is a way to ensure adequate sample diversity in terms of gender, discipline, educational level, country and living conditions. Face-to-face interviews were held with 15 international students studying at the undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels in four different universities in Ankara: two foundations and two state universities. Findings show students to be deliberate in their university and department choices. In addition to religious, ethic, cultural, geographic and language proximities, having feelings of closeness to Turkey, political instability in their own country, contact with Turkish educational institutions and the recommendation of friends, relatives and teachers emerge as important themes in selecting Turkey as a study location. Discrimination, which they personally experienced or observed for others, and economic instability in Turkey were the two main issues that negatively affected their satisfaction with their studies and their lives in general during their stay in Turkey. Education quality and the potential for career opportunities, on the other had, had positive effects on a student's satisfaction with their study experience in Turkey. Another important finding is that students generally see Turkey as a transit country. Although a majority have indicated that they would like to obtain job experience in Turkey for short periods of time, their ultimate goal appears to be to return to their own country or to take advantage of education, job and migration opportunities in more advanced countries. Keywords: international students, internationalization of higher education, career and migration intentions, education economics
Ekonomi, Eğitim ve Öğretim, Eğitim ekonomisi, Göçler, Kariyer, Economics, Education and Training, Tercih, Education economy, Uluslararası göç, Migrations, Career, Uluslararası öğrenciler, Preference, International migration, Uluslararasılaşma, International student, Yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler, Internationalization, Foreign domestic students, Yükseköğretim, Higher education
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