Kamu yönetiminde dönüşüm ve sağlık sektörü: Uzman hekimlerin bakış açısıyla performansa dayalı ek ödeme sistemi

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Department of Business
In parallel to our vision and mission statements, we offer graduate programs in Business Administration, Finance, Healthcare Management fields, either in Turkish or English as medium of instruction. Programs in English appeal to foreign students as well as Turkish ones for that we offer education through the latest that science has reached. We also offer online Master’s programs to students who cannot attend to our full-time programs.

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Yeni kamu yönetimi anlayışına göre, ikinci ve üçüncü basamak devlet hastanelerinde uzman hekimlerin hizmetleri performansa dayalı bir sistemle paraya dönüşürse daha etkili ve verimli olur şeklindedir. Bu tez kamu yönetiminin geçirdiği dönüşümlerin analizine bir katkı niteliğindedir. Performans değerlendirme sisteminin uzman hekimlere olan pozitif ve negatif etkileri ve uygulama problemleri, ek ödemelere odaklanarak incelenmiştir. Uzman hekimlerin bu sisteme dair görüşleri ve endişeleri ile değişim yönündeki önerileri yüz yüze yapılan derinlemesine mülakatlarla ortaya koyulmuştur. Ayrıca eski ödeme uygulamalarıyla karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır
According to new public managment system, the doctor who serves in second and third level public hospitals may perform services more effective and efficient if their work is appraised with additional payments depending on a performance-based payment system.This thesis is a contribution for analyzing the transformation of Turkish public administration. The positive and negative effects and application problems of the performance appraisal system is analyzed via focusing on the additional payments of medical doctors. The doctors? opinions and concens about the system as well as their proposals for change are explored with face-to-face in-depth interviews. Also this thesis compares the new additional payment system with previous applications.



Kamu Yönetimi, Ek ödeme sistemi, Kamu yönetimi, Public Administration, Mülakat, Supplementory payment system, Public administration, Performans, Interview, Performans değerlendirme, Performance, Performance evaluation, Sağlık sektörü, Health sector

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