AB metinlerinin çevirisinde iletişimsel ve anlamsal çeviri metodları üzerine bir çalışma

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English Translation and Interpretation
Since 2001, our Department has offered education at an extent that matches the similar Departments of European Universities, with a program that involves theoretical and practical courses within the frameworks of translation and interpretation. The goals that we aim our students to reach involve the utilization of knowledge, behaviors and equipment, interpersonal operation in interpretation, the management of the process of production, expertise in language skills with respect to fields and general culture, and access to information. Our students have no difficulty in being hired upon graduation, having gained an awareness regarding the expectations and the conditions of the professional life through our strong cooperation with the national and the international sector. With French and Russian courses offered for 4 years, our students steal the spotlight in the market, having obtained a C-Language Certificate. Our graduates are employed as freelance interpreters, institution interpreters, regulators as multi-layered language experts, terminology experts, subtitle experts and web localization experts.

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insan haklarının ve uluslararası kanunların entegrasyonunu amaçlayan barış hareketi, ekonomik kalkınma, insanlar arasında karşılıklı saygı ve karşılıklı anlayış gibi değerler dillerarası ve kültürler arası iletişimin geliştirilmesi Birliğin çokdillilik politikası kapsamında gerçekleştirilmektedir. Gerek resmi dillere ait orjinal metinlerde gerekse bu metinler ile çevirilerinin arasında olması gereken eşdeğerlik Avrupa Birliği'nin dil politikasını şekillendirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, genel çeviri yöntemleri olarak bilinen İletişimsel ve Anlamsal Çeviri Yöntemleri, Avrupa Birliği metinlerinin işlevselliğinin yani bilgi verici özelliğinin de göz önünde bulundurularak Türkçe'ye ve diğer dillere çevrilmesi sürecinde kullanılan dinamik, biçimsel ve işlevselci yaklaşımların ve bunlara bağlı stratejilerin hedef metin içerisindeki etkileri örneklerle ve karşılaştırma yoluyla anlatılmıştır. Bu tez yabancılaştırma ve yerlileştirme olarak isimlendirilen çeviri yaklaşımlarına atıfta bulunularak 'Hibrit (Melez) Çeviri Yönteminin' AB metinlerinin çevirisinde uygulanabilirliği ve etkinliğine dayanmaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: 1. AB'nin Dil Politikası, 2. Çokdillilik 3. İletişimsel Çeviri Yöntemi 4. Anlamsal Çeviri Yöntemi 5. Eşdeğerlik 6. Hibrit (Melez) Çeviri Yöntemi
Freedom, justice and security in the frame of sustainable development for the economic growth with full employment are the aims of establishment of European monetary union. In this respect, promotion and protection of the Union values such as peace, economical development, mutual respect and mutual understanding between people aiming at the observation of human rights, especially thanks to the interlinguistics and intercultural communication within the politics of multilingualism in the EU, integration of international laws is carried out. The language policy of the European Union is shaped by the obligation of being equal for all official languages both in original texts and in their translations. The translator's competence comes into play in this process which helps to ensure the accuracy and validity of translations rendered in Member States and in Turkey. In this thesis, communicative and semantic translation methods, as general translation methods, have been introduced through some samples including EU texts' functions and their effects in the target text. Communicative and semantic translation methods are handled according to some approaches and strategies based on dynamic, formal and functionality in the study. Hence, this thesis is grounded on the hybrid translation method's applicability and efficiency in translation of the EU texts by combining two translation approaches named foreignization and domestication. As a result, it is seen that the use of communicative and semantic translation methods together called as 'Hybrid Translation Method' plays an important role in converging the target text to the source text to achieve the harmonization of national laws with EU laws Key Words: 1. The Language Policy in the EU 2. Multilingualism 3. Communicative Translation Method, 4. Semantic Translation Method 5. Equivalence, 6. Hybrid Translation Method



Mütercim-Tercümanlık, Anlamsal çeviri, Avrupa Birliği, Translation and Interpretation, Metin, Semantic translation, European Union, Çeviri, Text, Çeviri yöntemleri, Translation, Translation methods, İletişimsel çeviri, Communicative translation

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