Körfez Savaşı Sonrası Türkiye, Yunanistan ve Suriye'nin Savunma Politikalarının Türk Dış Politikasına Etkileri
Ersoy, Hamit
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Körfez Savaşı'nın bitimiyle Türkiye kendini hızla silahlanan bir bölgenin yanında bulmuştur. Böylece, Türkiye'nin klasik güç politikalarına öncelik verilmiştir. Bununla beraber, Türkiye'yi doğrudan hedef alan Yunan-Suriye ortaklığı sonrasında klasik bir iki cephelilik hali ortaya çıktı. Bu yarış doğrultusunda Türkiye, Yunanistan ve Suriye'nin izlediği savunma politikaları, bir iki cephelilik durumu yaratarak Türk Dış Politikası'nın belirlenmesine önemli etkilerde bulundu. Araştırmanın Giriş Bölümü'nde dış politika ve savunma politikaları arasındaki bağlantıları kurabilmek için temelde bazı konular incelenmektedir. Öncelikle çizilen teorik çerçeve içinde araştırmaya anlam kazandıran savaş, ulusal güç ve strateji kavranılan tanımlanmakta ve ardından da Realizm ve Güç Dengesi konulan gelmektedir. Sonra, araştırma dönemine göz atılmaktadır. İkinci Bölümde, Türkiye, Yunanistan ve Suriye çeşitli açılardan mevcut veriler doğrultusunda incelenmektedir. Önce Türkiye'nin Soğuk Savaş sonrasında bölgedeki yeri ve yeni tehdit algılaması, karar-alma mekanizması, savunma politikası ve Türk Dış Politikası ele alınmaktadır. Ardından, Yunanistan'ın Soğuk Savaş sonrası bölgedeki durumu ve bölgesel sorunlan, karar-alma mekanizması, bağlantılı olarak Kıbrıs Rum Kesimi'nin durumu ve rolü ile Yunan Savunma Politikası incelenmektedir. Son olarak Suriye'nin Soğuk Savaş sonrası bölgedeki durumu ve bölgesel sorunlan, karar-alma mekanizması, askeri ve siyasi tecrübeleri ve Suriye'nin savunma politikası anlatılmaktadır. Üçüncü Bölümde, Suriye ile Yunanistan arasındaki yakınlaşma anlatılmakta; önceki bölümler üzerine analiz yapılırken Türkiye'nin girmesi muhtemel bir savaşta yaşanacak iki cepheliliğin yer, zaman ve gelişimi üzerinde durulmakta, İki Buçuk Savaş Stratejisi 'ne de dikkat çekilmektedir. Ek olarak, olası dış müdahaleler gözönünde bulundurularak, bu savaşa doğrudan ya da dolaylı etkileri tartışılmaktadır. Dördüncü Bölümde ise, üç ülkenin savunma politikaları sonucu ortaya çıkan silahlanma yansı kapsamında üç ülkenin askeri yetenekleri, savunma sanayilerindeki gelişmeler, teknoloji transferleri ile bu yansın sosyo-ekonomik maliyetine yer verilmektedir. Bu yolla, 'S-300' ve 'Kardak' krizleri ile Türkiye ile Suriye arasında savaşa yol açmak üzere olan Suriye'nin PKK'ya verdiği destek açıklanmaktadır. Aynca, Türkiye ile İsrail arasındaki savunma anlaşması ve siyasi yansımaları değerlendirilmektedir. Sonuç Bölümü'nde ise, Türkiye'nin kazanımları ve kayıpları tartışılmakta ve Türkiye'nin politikaları için bazı öneriler de getirilmektedir.
Turkey found itself beside a region having hastily armament. Therefore, Turkey gave priority to the clasical power politics. Besides, After the Greco- Syrian partnership which was aimed at Turkey, a classical power contest occured. Through this contest, defense policies of Turkey, Greece and Syria, creating a two-fronts posture had important effects on the determination of the Turkish foreign policy. In the introduction of this research some basic subjects are examined to establish the connections between the defense policy and the foreign policy. Previously, concepts of war, national power and strategy which give meaning to the subject being drawn under the theoretical limitation are described, then Realism and Balance of Power comes. Then, the research period is looked through. In the second part, Turkey, Greece and Syria are examined in several views through the present data. First, Turkey's situation in the region after the Cold War and its perception of threat, its decision making mechanisms, foreign policy and defense policy are considered. Then, Greece's situation after the Cold War and its problems, its decision-making mechanisms, relatively role of the Greek Cypriots and the Greek defense policy are examined. Finally, Syria's position after the Cold War and its problems, decision-making mechanisms, military and political experience and the Syrian defence policy are explained. In the third part, Greco-Syrian approachment is explained; while it is analyzed on the basis of the previous chapters, the two fronts' place, time and course during the Turkish involvement in a probable war are given attention, and the 'Two and a Half Front Strategy' is also attracted.attention. Additionally, the expected effects of direct or indirect foreign interventions to this war are discussed. In the fourth part, under the scope of the arms race as an outcome of the three states' defense policies, their military capabilities, developments in their defense industries, their technology transfers, and the socio-economic costs of this race are included. By this way the crises like 'S-300' and 'Kardak' crises and the Syrian support to the PKK on which the war between Turkey and Syria was so close, are explained. Also, the Turkish-Israeli defense agreement, and its political reflections is evaluated. In conclusion, the gains and the losses of Turkey are discussed, and some suggestions are made for the Turkish policies.
Turkey found itself beside a region having hastily armament. Therefore, Turkey gave priority to the clasical power politics. Besides, After the Greco- Syrian partnership which was aimed at Turkey, a classical power contest occured. Through this contest, defense policies of Turkey, Greece and Syria, creating a two-fronts posture had important effects on the determination of the Turkish foreign policy. In the introduction of this research some basic subjects are examined to establish the connections between the defense policy and the foreign policy. Previously, concepts of war, national power and strategy which give meaning to the subject being drawn under the theoretical limitation are described, then Realism and Balance of Power comes. Then, the research period is looked through. In the second part, Turkey, Greece and Syria are examined in several views through the present data. First, Turkey's situation in the region after the Cold War and its perception of threat, its decision making mechanisms, foreign policy and defense policy are considered. Then, Greece's situation after the Cold War and its problems, its decision-making mechanisms, relatively role of the Greek Cypriots and the Greek defense policy are examined. Finally, Syria's position after the Cold War and its problems, decision-making mechanisms, military and political experience and the Syrian defence policy are explained. In the third part, Greco-Syrian approachment is explained; while it is analyzed on the basis of the previous chapters, the two fronts' place, time and course during the Turkish involvement in a probable war are given attention, and the 'Two and a Half Front Strategy' is also attracted.attention. Additionally, the expected effects of direct or indirect foreign interventions to this war are discussed. In the fourth part, under the scope of the arms race as an outcome of the three states' defense policies, their military capabilities, developments in their defense industries, their technology transfers, and the socio-economic costs of this race are included. By this way the crises like 'S-300' and 'Kardak' crises and the Syrian support to the PKK on which the war between Turkey and Syria was so close, are explained. Also, the Turkish-Israeli defense agreement, and its political reflections is evaluated. In conclusion, the gains and the losses of Turkey are discussed, and some suggestions are made for the Turkish policies.
Siyasal Bilimler, Körfez Savaşı, Savunma politikası, Soğuk Savaş sonrası, Suriye, Political Science, Gulf War, Türk dış politikası, Defence policy, After the Cold War, Türkiye, Syria, Turkish foreign policy, Uluslararası politika, Turkey, International policy, Yunanistan, Greece
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