Su arıtımı için fotokatalitik titanyum dioksit tozlarının sol-jel süreciyle hazırlanması

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Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
The main fields of operation for Metallurgical and Materials Engineering are production of engineering materials, defining and improving their features, as well as developing new materials to meet the expectations at every aspect of life and the users from these aspects. Founded in 2004 and graduated its 10th-semester alumni in 2018, our Department also obtained MÜDEK accreditation in the latter year. Offering the opportunity to hold an internationally valid diploma through the accreditation in question, our Department has highly qualified and experienced Academic Staff. Many of the courses offered at our Department are supported with various practice sessions, and internship studies in summer. This way, we help our students become better-equipped engineers for their future professional lives. With the Cooperative Education curriculum that entered into effect in 2019, students may volunteer to work at contracted companies for a period of six months with no extensions to their period of study.

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Bu çalışma, yüksek fotokatalitik aktivite elde etmek için tetra-izopropoksit öncülü kullanılarak sol-gel yöntemiyle TiO 2 nanopartikülleri elde edilmesinin detaylarını içermektedir. Sol-gel yönteminde, farklı asitlerin (Asetik asit, Hidroklorik asit ve Nitrik asit) ve katalizör olarak hidroklorik asit kullanılarak elde edilen farklı pH değerlerinin etkileri çalışılmıştır. Sentezlenen numunelerden biri kullanılarak, kalsinasyon sıcaklığının sentezlenen TiO 2 'nin özelliklerine etkisi, 450, 550 ve 650°C olmak üzere farklı sıcaklıklar için araştırılmıştır. 550°C'de kalsine edilen tüm numuneler XRD, SEM ve UV-Vis spektrofotometre ile karakterize edilmiştir. Hidroklorik asit kullanılarak (pH: 4) hazırlanan titanyum dioksit çözeltisi, cam altlık üzerine daldırarak kaplama tekniği kullanılarak farklı döngülerle (1, 3 ve 5 defa) kaplanmıştır. Tüm TiO 2 kaplanmış camlar UV-Vis spektrometre, UV-Vis spektrofotometre ve temas açısı ölçümleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar farklı türdeki asitlerle sadece TiO 2 'nin anataz fazının farklı kristal boyut, kristallik ve şekillerde elde edildiğini göstermiş ve farklı asitlerle TiO 2 oluşumunun mekanizması detaylı olarak tartışılmıştır. Farklı pH değerleri için, 4, 2.8 ve 1.5 pH değerlerinde sadece anataz tipi TiO 2 gözlenmiştir. 3.3 pH değerindeki asidik koşulda, anataz ve çok az miktarda rutil elde edilmiştir. İlave olarak, kalsinasyon sıcaklığı arttıkça anataz tipi TiO 2 'nin kristalliğinin ve kristal boyutunun arttığı görülmüştür. Hidroklorik asitle (pH: 4) sentezlenen TiO 2 tozu en yüksek fotokatalitik aktiviteyi göstermiş ve bu tozun UV ışını altında metilen mavisi ile 30, 60 ve 90 dakikalarda elde edilen fotobozunum verimleri sırasıyla %76.2, %95 ve %98.1 bulunmuştur. Son olarak, 5 defa TiO2 kaplanmış cam süperhidrofobiklik göstermiş ve 7 saatlik UV ışını altında fotobozunum verimi %67 bulunmuştur.
This work was in an elaboration of TiO 2 nanoparticles by the sol-gel process using tetra-isopropoxide as a precursor to get higher photocatalytic activity. In sol-gel method, the effects of different acids (Acetic acid, Hydrochloric acid, and Nitric acid) and different (pH) with using Hydrochloric acid as a catalyst: (pH 1.5, 2.8, 3.3 and 4) were studied. Using one of the samples synthesized, the effect of calcination temperature on the properties of synthesized TiO 2 was investigated at various temperatures 450, 550, and 650 ºC. All the samples calcined at 550 ºC were characterized using XRD, SEM, and UV – Vis spectrophotometer. The titanium dioxide solution prepared by using hydrochloric acid at pH 4 was coated on a glass substrate, using dip coating technique for different cycles (1 time, 3 times, and 5 times). All coated glass of TiO 2 were analyzed using UV-Vis spectrometry, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, and contact angle measurements. The results showed that only anatase phase with different crystallite size, crystallinity, and shapes of TiO 2 was obtained in different kinds of acid, and the formation mechanism of TiO 2 by different acid was discussed in detail. For different pH, at pH 4, 2.8, and 1.5, only the anatase type TiO 2 was observed. Under acidic condition at pH 3.3, anatase and very small amount of rutile were obtained. In addition, it was shown that the crystallinity and crystallite size of anatase type TiO 2 were increased when calcination temperature increased. The TiO 2 powder synthesized from hydrochloric acid at pH 4 showed highest photocatalytic activity, and its photodegradation efficiency was 76.2%, 95%, and 98.1% in 30, 60, and 90 min, respectively, for methylene blue under UV irradiation. Finally, the glass coated 5 times with TiO 2 sol showed superhydrophilicity and its photodegradation efficiency was 67 % in 7 h under UV irradiation.



Metalurji Mühendisliği, Metallurgical Engineering

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