İttihat – Terakki Partisi ve Kemalizm

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Department of Public Administration and Political Science
The graduate programs offered by our department includes a master program and a PhD program in Political Science and Public Administration. Master program includes thesis and non-thesis options. The overall aim of our graduate programs is to prepare students for specialization in Political Science and Public Administration. The curricula of our programs are carefully designed to achieve this aim. All programs offered by our department are supported by our highly qualified departmental faculty members. Our master programs provide students with both practical skills and sound theoretical knowledge. They also provide students with good understanding of Turkish and World politics and administration. While the non-thesis studens will conduct a project, the thesis students will conduct a larger research and write a thesis. Our PhD program prepares students for academic careers in political science and public administration. The program is designed to provide students with substantive theoretical knowledge and research skills. It helps students to develop analytical skills and critical thinking. It also helps students to specialize in at least one sub-field of political science and public administration and to produce not only a PhD thesis but also scholarly articles and books.

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Tanzimat Dönemi ile başlayıp Cumhuriyet'e kadar süren tarihsel süreçte meydana gelen siyasi ve sosyal olayların Cumhuriyet'in kurucu felsefesi olan Kemalist ideolojinin, fikirsel altyapısının esaslarını oluşturup ya da oluşturmadığı konusunda yıllardan beri süre gelen bir tartışma söz konusudur. Bazı çevreler, Kemalizm'in özgün ve ilintisiz yepyeni bir başlangıç olduğunu ileri sürerken, bazı kesimler ise bu söyleme karşı çıkarak, Kemalist ideolojinin entelektüel zemininin Osmanlı'nın son döneminde oluşmaya başladığını savunmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, İttihatçı geleneğin felsefesini, yararlandığı ideolojik referansları, düşünsel aktörlerini ve faaliyet alanlarını inceleyerek; Kemalist politikalara yansımaları hakkında bir çıkarımda bulunmaktır. Bu bağlamda; İttihatçı zihniyetin doğuşu ve yönetimde etkin bir duruma gelmesi ile başlayan değişim ve dönüşüm hareketlerinin toplumun değer yargılarına, dil, eğitim ve yaşayış biçimine getirdiği yeniliklere yönelik yeni bir modernite anlayışı ile izledikleri politikalar incelenmiştir. Tanzimat Dönemi ile başlayan idari reformlar ile daha verimli ve istikrarlı bir yönetime sahip olmaya çalışan Osmanlı toplumunda, Meşrutiyet Dönemi'nde, ekonomik, siyasi ve idari açıdan birçok reform hareketine sahne olmuştur. Netice olarak, bütün bu veriler ve kavramlar ışığında, İttihatçı zihniyetin sahip olduğu toplum ve devlet algısının, kendinden sonra ilan edilen Cumhuriyet dönemine bir ideolojik miras olarak aktarılması irdelenmiştir.
For many years, there has been an ongoing debate as to whether the political and social events that occured in the historical process that started with the Tanzimat Period and continued until the Republic constituted the basis of the intellectual infrastructure of Kemalist ideology, the founding philosophy of the republic. Some of the people argue that Kemalism is an original and unrelated new beginning, while others oppose this idea and they argue that the intellectual background of Kemalist ideology began to form in the last period of the Ottoman Empire.The aim of this research is to make an inference about their reflections on Kemalist policies by investing the plilosophy of the Unionist tradition, the ideological references from which has benefited, their fields of activity and intellectual actors. Therefore, the policies that cause transformation movements, which started with the birth of the Unionist mentality and became effective in government, with a new understanding of modernity toward the value judgements of the society, language, education and life style were investigated.In the Ottoman society, which tried to have more efficient and stable government by administrative reforms that started in the Tanzimat Period. As a result, in the light of these concepts, the transfer of the perception of society and state owned by the Unionist mentality to the Republic period, which was declared after that, has been investigated as an ideological heritage.



Kamu Yönetimi, Tarih, Kemalizm, Meşrutiyet, Public Administration, Modernite, History, Kemalism, Osmanlı Devleti, Constitutional monarcy, Modernity, Reform, Ottoman State, İdari reform, Reform, Administrative reform, İttihat ve Terakki, Union and Progress Society

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