Agatha Christie'nin Hercule Poirot'u: Başlangıcı ve sonu

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Department of English Language and Literature
Founded in 1997, the Department of English Language and Literature is one of the first Departments of Atılım University. Through the graduate and doctorate degree programs in addition to the undergraduate program, the Department raises students and academicians. At the Department of English Language and Literature, we aim to graduate students who have studied and learned the English language and literature at an advanced level and developed the skill to produce ideas; as well as the ability to do analyses and academic research on literature. In addition to granting our students with the opportunity to develop their backgrounds in general culture, the education that we offer contributes to their interest and knowledge in contemporary and current issues. Accredited for 5 years from February 24th 2019 by FEDEK, our undergraduate program grants our students the opportunity to join Double-Major or Minor programs in Translation and Interpretation, and International Relations. Another option for the students of our Department is the Erasmus Exchange Program.

Journal Issue


Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie'nin yarattığı en seçkin ve ünlü dedektif karakterlerden biridir. Bunun birinci nedeni Poirot'nun görünüşü, ikincisi ise Christie'nin bir meydan okuma amacıyla yarattığı ve detektif romanı türünde üne sahil olmasını sağlayan detektif olmasıdır. Bu tezin amacı, bu ünlü detektifin başlangıcını ve sonunu, diğer bir deyişle, Poirot'nun kurmaca yaşamı boyunca çözdüğü ilk ve son vakayı incelemektir. Tezde bağlam incelemesi yönteminden yararlanılarak Christie'nin iki romanı ayrıntılı bir biçimde incelenecektir. İlk roman Poirot'nun ortaya çıktığı The Mysterious Affairs at Styles, ikinci roman ise Poirot'nun sonunu gösteren Curtain başlıklı eserdir. Tezde, iki roman arasındaki farklar ve benzerlikler roman kişileri, ortam ve polisiye vakalar açısından ortaya konacaktır. Böylece, Poirot'nun başlangıcı ve sonunun ortaya konması yoluyla, Agatha Cristie'nin anlatım teknikleri ve detektif türünün sosyal sorunları nasıl ele aldığı irdelenecektir. Çalışmada, ayrıca yazarın yaşamı hakkında bilgi verilerek eserlerine nasıl yansıdığı gösterilecektir.
Hercule Poirot is one of the most distinguish detective characters that Agatha Christie created: First, due to his appearance and second, because he is the first detective character that Chirstie created as a challenge for her, to start her experience and has her own outstanding fame in the detective genre. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to show the beginning of this detective and his end. In other words this study aims to show the first and the last case Poirot solves during his life time. By using a context analysis this thesis will analyze in details the two novels of Agatha Christie: first The Mysterious Affairs at Styles which spots Poirot's beginning, and the second is Curtain which spots his end. Through these two novels the thesis will present some differences and similarities concerning characters, settings, cases…ECT. Having a good knowledge about the beginning of Poirot and his end, the readers will be able to notice the author's techniques and how she deals with different issues especially social problems in such genre. In this study there will be some information about the author's life and how it is reflected in her works, also we will discover how the most distinctive detective Hercule Poirot will die.



İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Christie, Agatha, English Language and Literature, Edebi eserler, Christie, Agatha, Roman, Literary works, Novel, İngiliz edebiyatı, English literature

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