Ödüllendirme sistemine yönelik banka yöneticilerinin yaklaşımı: Libya örneği

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Organizational Units

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We are a department that has been active for 22 years with the goal to determine the structural changes in economy and the problems of general business administration, to develop problem solving skills and to devise modelling techniques that fit our aims. Among our cornerstones are to graduate more students into administrative positions of our institutions, to help them realize their inner potential to be go-getters, to prepare them for the entrance exams for high-tier, well-respected public positions, and to help them participate graduate and doctorate degree programs at ease, nationally or internationally. In this regard, our course curriculum is constantly subject to updates. In addition, we do all in our power to graduate students that stand out, with double-major program opportunities. We make an effort to aid our students in kick-starting their professional life after completing a period of one semester at Private - Public institutions within the framework of our Cooperative Education Program.

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Motivasyonla ilgili bir dizi tartışma ve teori; çalışanların performans, başarı ve ilgili çıktılarına ve bunların örgütün geneline etkisine ışık tutmaktadır. Bu araştırmada motivasyon ve ödüllendirme sisteminin mülkiyetteki farklılık çerçevesinde iki örgütteki karşılaştırmalı analizini yapmak amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada, Libya'daki özel sektör ve kamu sektörü bankalarındaki yöneticilerin motivasyonal ödüllendirmeye dair bakış açılarını açığa çıkarmak üzere veri toplanmıştır. Nitel araştırma strateji çerçevesinde (derinlemesine mülakalarla) toplanan verilerin analizi, Libya'daki kamu bankalarının maddi ödüllerinin özel sektör bankaları kadar etkili olmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bununla beraber, veriler, çalışma perfomansına göre verilen manevi ödüllerin hem kamu sektöründeki hem özel sektördeki bankalarda çalışanları motive etme konusunda yeterli olduğunu açığa çıkarmıştır. Ayrıca, toplanan verilerin analizi çerçevesinde, Libya'daki özel sektör ve kamu sektörü bankalarında maddi ödüllere kıyasla manevi ödüllerin çalışanları motive etmede daha etkili olduğu ve performanslarını geliştirmeye daha çok ittiği sonucuna varılmıştır.
A number of discussions and theories regarding motivation highlight importance of an employee's job performance, accomplishment and its related outcome, in relevance to the overall impact of these on the organization. In this research, the aim is to study the motivation and reward system as a comparative analysis of two organizations with a difference in ownership. In this study, a viewpoint of managers of private as well as public banks of Libya has been collected to identify the motivational rewards in their opinion pertaining to impact on job performance. The analysis of collected data of the qualitative research (interview) indicates that material rewards that are mostly offered by public banks in Libya are not effective in comparison to material rewards offered by private banks to motivate employees. However, as per collected data, the moral rewards pertaining to a job performance of employees that are offered by private as well as public banks are sufficient enough to motivate employees of both types of banks. Moreover, it has been concluded through analysis of collected data that moral rewards in comparison to material rewards are considerably more effective to motivate employees and instigate them to strive for improved performances in public as well as private banks in Libya.



İşletme, Banka yönetimi, Banka çalışanları, Bankalar, Business Administration, Libya, Bank management, Bank employees, Motivasyon, Banks, Libya, Yöneticiler, Motivation, Çalışanlar, Managers, Workers, Ödüllendirme, Rewarding

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