Türkiye'de patriarkanın yeni hali: sağ-popülizm, neoliberalizm, siyasal İslam üçgeninde genç kadın öznelliği

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Political Science and Public Administration
The Atılım University Department of Political Science and Public Administration has a curriculum that suits modern academic practices, and an interdisciplinary perspective that covers areas such as sociology, law and finance, in addition to the disciplines of political science, and public administration. The elective courses proposed are varied in a way that allows our students to determine their fields of expertise. The curriculum is in Turkish and in an effort to enhance and support the skills of our students in foreign languages, mandatory or elective foreign language courses are offered throughout the program. A wide array of elective courses, enhanced with course serials to equip our students with practical experience, is offered in order not to limit program students to theoretical expertise. The Department of Political Science and Public Administration is a program designed to equip our students with modern academic expertise to work in public organizations and institutions, as well as the private sector.

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Kadın özne, bir sorunsallaştırma alanı olarak sayısız kipleştirilme hallerine sahiptir. Etnik, coğrafi, siyasal, fiziksel veya çeşitli tercihlerine göre kadınlar belirli sıfatlarla ele alınarak salt kadın olma halinde bölünmektedirler. Bu bölünmeler ve sorunsallaştırmalar kadınların hayat tercihlerini etkiler ve sonucunda söz konusu sıfatlardan bir ya da birkaçını alımlayarak belirli davranış kalıplarına yönelmelerine sebep olur. Bu kalıplar eğitim, kariyer, evlilik, aile veya feminist olmak ya da olmamak gibi çeşitli şekillerde olabilmektedir. Sorunsallaştırma alanları özneler üzerinde kurucu etkilere sahip söylemsel ve söylemsel olmayan eksenlerden oluşmaktadır. Türkiye'de son 20 yıldaki haliyle gittikçe artan derecede aile politikalarıyla birlikte kurulan genç kadın özne, eğitim, istihdam ve sosyal politikalarda sağ-popülist, patriarkal ve neoliberal bir eğilimle öznel inşasına kavuşmaktadır. Bu dönemde üniversite mezunlarının işsizliği artarken, işsizlikten en çok etkilenen kesim genç kadınlar olmaktadır. Bunun beraberinde işgücünde bulunmayan genç kadınların evlenme oranları da artış göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, üniversite mezunu olduğu halde, evlenmeyi, ev hanımı olmayı tercih eden genç kadınların öznel deneyimlerini analiz etmekte, iktidar politikalarının bu tercihlerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktadır.
The female subject, as a problematization field, has innumerable modulations. According to their ethnic, geographical, political, physical or various preferences, women are treated with certain titles and are divided into purely women. These divisions and problematizations affect women's life choices and as a result, they take one or more of the adjectives in question and cause them to tend towards certain behavioral patterns. These patterns can take various forms, such as education, career, marriage, family, or being or not a feminist. Problematization fields consist of discursive and non-discursive axes that have constitutive effects on subjects. The young female subject, which is increasingly established with family policies in the last 20 years in Turkey, attains a subjective construction with a right-populist, patriarchal and neoliberal tendency in education, employment and social policies. In this period, while the unemployment of university graduates increased, young women were the segment most affected by unemployment. Along with this, the marriage rate of young women who are not in the workforce is also increasing. This study analyzes the subjective experiences of young women who prefer to marry and become a housewife, even though they are university graduates, and reveals the effect of power policies on these preferences.



Kamu Yönetimi, Public Administration, Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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