Seçmen davranışlarına yönelik bir alan araştırması: Şanlıurfa örneği

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Research Projects

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Department of Public Administration and Political Science
The graduate programs offered by our department includes a master program and a PhD program in Political Science and Public Administration. Master program includes thesis and non-thesis options. The overall aim of our graduate programs is to prepare students for specialization in Political Science and Public Administration. The curricula of our programs are carefully designed to achieve this aim. All programs offered by our department are supported by our highly qualified departmental faculty members. Our master programs provide students with both practical skills and sound theoretical knowledge. They also provide students with good understanding of Turkish and World politics and administration. While the non-thesis studens will conduct a project, the thesis students will conduct a larger research and write a thesis. Our PhD program prepares students for academic careers in political science and public administration. The program is designed to provide students with substantive theoretical knowledge and research skills. It helps students to develop analytical skills and critical thinking. It also helps students to specialize in at least one sub-field of political science and public administration and to produce not only a PhD thesis but also scholarly articles and books.

Journal Issue


Günümüzde yurttaşların mevcut siyasal haklarının varlığı, çoğulcu demokrasinin bir gereği olan siyasal partilerin artışıyla birlikte seçmenin oy verme tercihinin farklılık gösterip göstermediğinin araştırılması gerekliliği doğmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Şanlıurfa ilinde seçmen davranışları üzerinde etkili olan unsurların, siyasal katılım düzeylerinin ve siyasal yönelimlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada, Şanlıurfa ilinde yaşayan seçmenlerin davranışlarını etkileyen faktörlere genel bir bakış açısı sunup, seçmenlerin oy verme davranışı üzerinde yapılan bir alan araştırmasıdır. Bu amaçla seçmen davranışını farklılaştıran etmenler ortaya konulurken seçmenin demografik özelliklerine bağlı olaraktan, parti ve lidere bakış açısı, aşiret bağlılığı, etnisite ve ideoloji gibi faktörlerin seçmen davranışına etkisi incelenecektir.
Today, the existence of the present political rights of citizens, the number of political parties which are necessary for pluralist democracy, and whether the choice of the electorate to vote to differ should investigate. This study aims to examine the factors affecting electoral behavior in Şanlıurfa province, political participation levels, and political orientations. In this study, it is an area survey on the voting behavior of voters by providing an overview of the factors affecting the behavior of voters in Sanliurfa province. In this regard, factors that differ from the voter behavior will introduce, depending on the demographic characteristics of the voter, the influence of factors such as the party and the leader's perspective, tribal commitment, ethnicity and ideology on the voter behavior will examine.



Kamu Yönetimi, Siyasal Bilimler, Demokrasi, Seçimler, Public Administration, Seçmen davranışı, Political Science, Seçmenler, Democracy, Elections, Siyasal katılma, Voter behaviour, Voters, Siyaset, Political participation, Siyaset sosyolojisi, Politics, Political sociology, Şanlıurfa, Şanlıurfa

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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