Halil Cibran'ın Ermiş Adlı Eserinde Metaforların Arapçaya Çevirisi
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Metafor, dilimizin önemli bir parçasıdır ve çeviri sürecinde mutlaka ele alınması gereken bir sorundur. Teorik ve pratik olarak çevirideki en zor problemlerden biridir. Eş anlamlılık ve çok anlamlılık kaynağı olmasının yanı sıra duygusal bir çağrışımı da vardır. Birçok metafor bir dilden diğerine çevrilemez veya bunun tam tersi de doğrudur. Bu çalışma, metaforların Arapçaya çevirisine odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışma için Lübnan asıllı Amerikalı şair ve yazar Halil Cibran'ın bir eseri olan 'Ermiş' seçilmiştir. Bu kitap dört çevirmen tarafından Arapçaya çevrilmiştir: Anthony Bashir (1926), Mikhail Naimy (1956), Tharwat Okasha (1966) ve Sargon Boulus (2008). Çalışma, dört çevirmenin Newmark'ın metafor çeviri prosedürlerini kullanarak çoğunlukla gerçek ve eksiltili çeviri tekniklerini kullandığını tespit etmiştir. Çevirmenler çoğu durumda, metnin hem dilsel hem de sosyal özelliklerini korumayı başarmışlardır. Ayrıca çalışma, Tharwat Okasha'nın Arapçaya çevirisinin, işlevi olmayan eklemelerin olmamasının yanı sıra deyimlerin derinliği ve iyi kelime seçimi nedeniyle orijinal metne en yakın olanlardan biri olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Buna ilaveten çalışmada, metaforları İngilizceden Arapçaya çevirirken çevirmenin kültürel, sosyal ve politik kavrayışa sahip olması gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır.
Metaphor is an essential part of our language and a problem that must be addressed when it is being translated. Theoretically and practically, it's one of the most difficult problems in translating. Besides being a source of synonymy and polysemy, it has an emotional connotation as well. Many metaphors cannot be translated from one language to another or vice versa. The study focused on the translation of metaphors into Arabic. The Prophet, a work by Lebanese-American poet and writer Kahlil Gibran, was chosen for this study. This book was translated into Arabic by four translators: Anthony Bashir (1926), Mikhail Naimy (1956), Tharwat Okasha (1966), and Sargon Boulus (2008). This study found that the four translators mostly employed literal and elliptical translation techniques by using Newmark's metaphor translation procedures. In many cases, they managed to maintain both the linguistic and social features of the text. It also reveals that the translation of Tharwat Okasha into Arabic was one of the closest to the original text due to the absence of unnecessary additions, as well as the depth of the phrases and the good choice of vocabulary. Furthermore, it revealed that the translator should have cultural, social, and political comprehension in translating metaphors from English into Arabic.
Metaphor is an essential part of our language and a problem that must be addressed when it is being translated. Theoretically and practically, it's one of the most difficult problems in translating. Besides being a source of synonymy and polysemy, it has an emotional connotation as well. Many metaphors cannot be translated from one language to another or vice versa. The study focused on the translation of metaphors into Arabic. The Prophet, a work by Lebanese-American poet and writer Kahlil Gibran, was chosen for this study. This book was translated into Arabic by four translators: Anthony Bashir (1926), Mikhail Naimy (1956), Tharwat Okasha (1966), and Sargon Boulus (2008). This study found that the four translators mostly employed literal and elliptical translation techniques by using Newmark's metaphor translation procedures. In many cases, they managed to maintain both the linguistic and social features of the text. It also reveals that the translation of Tharwat Okasha into Arabic was one of the closest to the original text due to the absence of unnecessary additions, as well as the depth of the phrases and the good choice of vocabulary. Furthermore, it revealed that the translator should have cultural, social, and political comprehension in translating metaphors from English into Arabic.
Mütercim-Tercümanlık, Translation and Interpretation
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