Dini Motifli ve Uluslararası Bir Terör Örgütü Olarak El-kaide
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Bu çalışmada; Selefi-Vahhabi ideoloji ile uluslararası ve dini motifli bir terör örgütü olan El-Kaide arasındaki ilişki ortaya konularak, El-Kaide terör örgütünün, küresel amaçları ve bu amaçları gerçekleştirmek amacıyla İslam dinini nasıl bir araç haline getirdiği tartışılmıştır.Tezin ilk bölümünde, terör ve terörizm kavramları tanımlanarak, devlet terörizmi, devlet destekli terörizm ve uluslararası terörizm hakkında açıklamalarda bulunulmuş, uluslararası hukukta terörle mücadele NATO, AB ve BM çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Bir sonraki bölümde ise dini motifli terörizm kapsamında İslam, İslamcılık ve fundamentalizm kavramları açıklanmış, El-Kaide üyeleri tarafından benimsenen Selefi-Vahhabi ideoloji analiz edilerek, bu ideolojinin gelişimine katkıda bulunan ideologların görüşlerine değinilmiştir. Çalışmamızın sonunda ise El-Kaide terör örgütü bütün yönleriyle ele alınarak, İslam'da cihad ve Selefi-Vahhabi ideoloji çerçevesinde El-Kaide'nin cihad yorumu tartışılmıştır.
In this study; setting forth the relation between Selefi-Vahhabi ideology and Al Qaeda which is an international terrorist organization with religious inclination, the global goals of the Al Qaeda and how it uses Islam as a tool for achieving these goals is discussed.In the first part, terror and terrorism were defined and state terrorism, state supported terrorism and international terrorism were explained; fight against terrorism in international law was discussed in the framework of NATO, EU and UN. In the next part, the terms Islam included as terrorism with religious inclination, Islamism and fundamentalism were explained, Selefi-Vehhabi ideology, adopted by the members of Al Qaeda was analyzed and the ideas of the ideologists contributed to the development of this ideology were touched on. At the conclusion of the study, all aspects of the Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda?s view of the jihad in the framework of jihad in Islam and the Selefi Vahhabi ideology were discussed.
In this study; setting forth the relation between Selefi-Vahhabi ideology and Al Qaeda which is an international terrorist organization with religious inclination, the global goals of the Al Qaeda and how it uses Islam as a tool for achieving these goals is discussed.In the first part, terror and terrorism were defined and state terrorism, state supported terrorism and international terrorism were explained; fight against terrorism in international law was discussed in the framework of NATO, EU and UN. In the next part, the terms Islam included as terrorism with religious inclination, Islamism and fundamentalism were explained, Selefi-Vehhabi ideology, adopted by the members of Al Qaeda was analyzed and the ideas of the ideologists contributed to the development of this ideology were touched on. At the conclusion of the study, all aspects of the Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda?s view of the jihad in the framework of jihad in Islam and the Selefi Vahhabi ideology were discussed.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cihad, International Relations, Jihad, Terörizm, Terrorism
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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