Çağdaş İskoçya Dramasında İskoç Ulusal Kı̇mlı̇ğı̇ Drama
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Yirmi birinci yüzyıl, İskoçya'nın gelişen sosyal, politik ve kültürel manzarasını yansıtan, İskoç ulusal kimliğinin değişen doğasına katkıda bulunan önemli değişikliklere tanık oldu. Yirminci yüzyılın son on yılından bu yana, İskoç edebiyatında, özellikle de İskoç oyun yazarlarının İskoçya'nın coğrafyası, manzarası, tarihi ve kültürünün bir rol oynadığı fikrine odaklandığı drama ve tiyatroda, ulusal öz farkındalığın yükselen bir dalgası var. Stephen Greenhorn'un Passing Places, Alistair Beaton'ın Caledonia ve Linda Mclean'ın Glory on Earth adlı eserlerinde refleksif olarak mevcut olan bir kimlik farkındalığı. Üç oyun yazarı, İskoç ulusunun temsili konusunda, büyük ölçüde onun farklılıklarını müzakere etme becerisine ve siyaset ve kültür alanında aldığı etkilere dayanan bir yaklaşım izliyor. Siyasi ve kültürel faillik, coğrafya, tarih, kültür ve geleneksel edebiyat tekniklerine meydan okuyan çeşitli anlatım teknikleri kullanılarak ima ediliyor. Üç metin kendi edebi geleneklerinden ayrılarak iç sınırları aşıyor. İskoç edebiyatında kimlik meselesini ele alırken anlatıları aracılığıyla sınırları genişleten bir ses veya görünürlük ihtiyacını temsil ediyorlar. İskoç ulusal kimliğinin sesi derinlikten çeşitliliğe, esnekliğe ve ayrıcalıklı olmayan yapıya doğru kayıyor. İskoç ulusal kimliğinin farkındalığı, inşası bakımından daha dinamik hale gelmiş, evrilmiş, istikrarsız ve zaman zaman değişime uğramıştır.
The twenty-first century has witnessed significant changes that contributed to the changing nature of Scottish national identity, reflecting Scotland's evolving social, political, and cultural landscape. Since the last decade of the twentieth century there has been a rising tide of national self-awareness in Scottish literature, especially in drama and theatre where Scottish playwrights focus on the idea that Scotland's geography 'geology', landscape, history, and culture play a vital role in contributing to an individual's self-identity and the development of Scottish national identity. An awareness of identity that is reflexively present in the works of Stephen Greenhorn's Passing Places, Alistair Beaton's Caledonia and Linda Mclean's Glory on Earth. The three playwrights follow an approach to the representation of the Scottish nation that highly depends on its capability to negotiate its differences and the influences it receives in the sphere of politics and culture. The political and cultural agency is implied by using geography, history, culture, and various narrative techniques that pose a challenge to traditional literary techniques. The three texts depart from their literary tradition, transgressing internal borders. They represent the need for a voice or visibility in Scottish literature that expands the boundaries through their narratives in the engagement with the identity issue. The voice of Scottish national identity shifts from depth to diversity, flexibility, and non-exclusive construction. The awareness of Scottish national identity has become more dynamic in its construction, evolving, unstable and changes from time to time.
The twenty-first century has witnessed significant changes that contributed to the changing nature of Scottish national identity, reflecting Scotland's evolving social, political, and cultural landscape. Since the last decade of the twentieth century there has been a rising tide of national self-awareness in Scottish literature, especially in drama and theatre where Scottish playwrights focus on the idea that Scotland's geography 'geology', landscape, history, and culture play a vital role in contributing to an individual's self-identity and the development of Scottish national identity. An awareness of identity that is reflexively present in the works of Stephen Greenhorn's Passing Places, Alistair Beaton's Caledonia and Linda Mclean's Glory on Earth. The three playwrights follow an approach to the representation of the Scottish nation that highly depends on its capability to negotiate its differences and the influences it receives in the sphere of politics and culture. The political and cultural agency is implied by using geography, history, culture, and various narrative techniques that pose a challenge to traditional literary techniques. The three texts depart from their literary tradition, transgressing internal borders. They represent the need for a voice or visibility in Scottish literature that expands the boundaries through their narratives in the engagement with the identity issue. The voice of Scottish national identity shifts from depth to diversity, flexibility, and non-exclusive construction. The awareness of Scottish national identity has become more dynamic in its construction, evolving, unstable and changes from time to time.
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Language and Literature
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