Cowan metodu ile taşkın kanallarındaki mannıng pürüzlülük katsayısının önemi ve belirlenmesi

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Civil Engineering
The Atılım University Department of Civil Engineering was founded in 2000 as a pioneer for the Departments of Civil Engineering among the foundation schools of Ankara. It offers education in English. The Department of Civil Engineering has an academic staff qualified in all areas of the education offered. In addition to a high level of academic learning that benefits from learning opportunities through practice at its seven laboratories, the Department also offers a Cooperative Education program conducted in cooperation with renowned organizations in the construction sector. Accredited by MÜDEK (Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs) (in 2018), our Department has been granted the longest period of accreditation to ever achieve through the association (six years). The accreditation is recognized by ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education), and other international accreditation boards.

Journal Issue


Manning pürüzlülük katsayısının taşkın kanallarındaki önemi, Karadere deresi üzerinde HEC-RAS programında modelleme yapılarak 4 farklı proje ile gösterilmiştir. İlk projede doğal arazinin Manning pürüzlülük katsayısı Cowan Metoduna göre hesaplanarak, doğal arazide oluşacak olan taşkın gözlemlenmiştir. Bu sebeple taşkını önlemek amacıyla bir taşkın kanalının tasarlanması gerekmektedir. İkinci projede tasarlanması gereken taşkın kanalının boyutları seçilmiştir. Bu taşkın kanalı projelendirilirken, Manning pürüzlülük katsayısı DSI tablolarından seçilmiştir. Üçüncü projede Cowan Metoduna göre hesaplanan Manning pürüzlülük katsayısı, ikinci projede seçilen taşkın kanalına uygulandığında oluşacak olan taşkın gözlemlenmiştir. Taşkın oluştuğundan dolayı Cowan Metoduna göre hesaplanan Manning pürüzlülük katsayısı ile yeni bir taşkın kanalı boyutu seçilmelidir. Son projede ise Cowan Metoduna göre hesaplanan Manning pürüzlülük katsayısı kullanılarak taşkın kanalı boyutlandırılmıştır ve taşkın, projelendirilen taşkın kanalının içerisinde kalmaktadır.
The Importance of Manning's roughness coefficient for flood channels in the Karadere River is shown through four different project cases which were each modelled by HEC-RAS program. In the first project (study area), Manning's roughness coefficient of natural land was calculated according to Cowan's Method and the flood to occur in the natural land was observed. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of the flood, it is seen that a flood channel needs to be designed. In the second project, the measurements for the flood channel to be designed are chosen. When designing this flood channel, Manning's roughness coefficient is selected from the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) tables. In the third project, when Manning's roughness coefficient calculated according to Cowan's Method is applied to the flood channel designed in the second project, flooding which will occur is observed. As flooding occurs, a new flood channel must be designed by re calculating Manning's roughness coefficient according to Cowan's Method. In the final project, a flood channel is designed by using Manning's roughness coefficient which is calculated according to Cowan's Method and the flood remains within the flood channel.



İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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