1993 yılı sonrasında Turkiye-İsrail askeri ilişkileri

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Public Relations and Advertising
The Department of Public Relations and Advertising started its 4-year undergraduate degree program in 2000 under the School of Business. The Department of Public Relations and Advertising offers a program that stresses the skill of analytical thinking for students. The program is based on academic standpoints and supported by practices and new technologies. The department offers the opportunity to take elective courses from its own curriculum, or from other departments, in addition to theoretical and practical courses that complement each other. With a program offered in English, the Department of Public Relations and Advertising has mutual contracts with universities from Spain, the Netherlands and Finland within the scope of the “Erasmus Exchange Program”. In addition, the graduate degree program of “Public Relations and Advertising” under the Graduate School of social Sciences aims to sustain the continuity of undergraduate-level education and training, and to meet the demands of those pursuing to advance academically.

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Türkiye-İsrail ilişkileri İsrail devletinin kuruluşundan bu yana inişli çıkışlı bir seyir izlemiştir. 1990'lı yıllarda Orta Doğu'daki en güçlü ittifaklardan birine dönüşen Türkiye-İsrail ilişkileri, 2000'li yıllarda kötüleşmeye başlamış olup bu kötüleşme günümüzde de devam etmektedir.Türkiye-İsrail ilişkilerinin en güçlü yönlerinden biri askeri ilişkiler olmuştur. 1990'lı yıllarda yoğun bir modernizasyon sürecine giren Türk ordusu, İsrail'in teknolojik olanaklarından önemli ölçüde yararlanmıştır. İsrail, Türk ordusuna modernizasyon konusunda gerekli hizmeti verip Türk ordusuna çeşitli silah türleri vermiştir. Bu arada savunma sanayi alanında çok sayıda ortak proje gerçekleştirmiş ve ortak askeri tatbikatlar yapılmıştır. Ayrıca güvenlik ve istihbarat konularında Türk ve İsrail orduları iş birliği yapmıştır.ABD tarafından desteklenen Türkiye_İsrail ilişkileri, 1993-1999 yılları arasında her üç tarafın bölgedeki çıkarlarına hizmet etmeyi amaçlamaktaydı. 2000'li yıllarda ise Türkiye ile Arap ülkeleri arasındaki ilişkiler yakınlaşma anlamında yeniden şekillenerek pekiştirilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: İsrail, Türkiye, askeri ilişkiler, modernizasyon, Arap dünyası
Turkish-Israeli relations continued with ups and downs since the establishment of the state of Israel. While the Turkish-Israeli relations became one of the strongest alliances in the world in the 1990?s, started to deteriorate in the 2000?s and this deterioration is still going on.One of the strongest aspects of the Turkish-Israeli relations has been the military relations. Turkish Armed Forces which went under an intensive modernization process in the 1990?s, considerably benefited from the technological opportunities of Israel. Israel has given the necessary service to the modernization of the Turkish Armed Forces and provided the Turkish Armed Forces with a wide variety of weapons. Many joint projects have been realized and joint military drills have been conducted. Besides these, Turkish and Israeli armed forces cooperated on security and intelligence issues.The Turkish- Israeli relations supported by the United States of America aimed between 1993-1999 at serving the mutual interests of the three parties in the region. While the years 2000 and after witnessed the reshaping ,reinforcing and reapproaching in the relations between Turkey and the Arab countries..Key Words: Israel, Turkey, military relations, modernization, Arab world



Siyasal Bilimler, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Suriye-Şam, Tank sistemleri, Political Science, Türk-İsrail ilişkileri, International Relations, Türkler, Syria-Damascus, Tank systems, Uluslararası ilişkiler, Turkish-Israeli relations, Turks, Uluslararası politika, International relations, İsrail, International policy, Israel, İç güvenlik, Internal security

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