Avrupa Birliği`ne Giriş Süreçinde Yönetim Sistemlerinin (kalite, Çevre Ohsas, Haccp) Entegrasyonu ve Bir Uygulama Örneği
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Türkiye'nin Avrupa Birligine giris sürecinde ve ekonomik olarakküresellesen dünyada özellikle son yillarda rekabetin hizla artmasi, teknolojiningelismesi ve sanayilesmenin sürekli büyümesi neticesinde, kuruluslar müsteri istekve memnuniyetine önem vermeye baslamislardir. Bu müsteri istekleri kuruluslariyönetim sistemlerini uygulamaya yöneltmistir. Müsteriler satin aldiklari ürün/hizmetkalitesini yönetim sistemleri belgeleri ile degerlendirmektedir. Bir kurulusta ne kadaryönetim sistemi modeli var ise sundugu ürün/hizmete olan güven o derece artarduruma gelmistir. Kuruluslar müsterilerinin bu istekleri dogrultusunda yönetimsistemleri uygulamaya baslamislardir. Ayri ayri kurulan bu sistemler zamanlahantal bir yapiya , karmasaya , zaman kaybina, yönetim sistemleri arasinda bir iççekismeye,gereksiz tekrarlara ve kurulustaki verimliliginin düsmesine yol açmistir.Tüm bu olumsuzluklar kuruluslari sistemlerini entegre olarak uygulamayayöneltmistir.Bu Çalismanin ilk bölümünde Kalite, Çevre, HACCP ve OHSAS yönetimsistemlerinin tarihçesi, ilgili tanimlari, bu sistemleri olusturan standartlari, BuSistemlerin maddeleri, prensipleri ve faydalari üzerinde durulmustur. Ikinci bölümdeEntegre Yönetimin tarifi verilmis ve Kalite, Çevre, HACCP ve OHSAS YönetimSistemlerini uygulayan kuruluslarin bu dört sistemi entegre olarak uygulamalari ileilgili gerekli bilgilere deginilmistir.Kalite, Çevre, HACCP ve OHSAS Sistemlerinin uygulayan kuruluslari busistemleri tek bir entegre sisteme dönüstürmesi için yapmasi gereken yöntemlerdenbahsedilmis ve bu sistem bir uygulama örnegi ile irdelenmistir. Ayrica bu bölümde,uygulama neticesinde ortaya çikan bulgular açiklanmis ve Entegre YönetimSistemini uygulayan kurulus üst yönetimi, çalisanlari ve TSE Dört Sistem (Kalite,Çevre, HACCP ve OHSAS) Bas Tetkikçileri ile yapilan görüsmeler neticesindesistemin kurulusa sagladigi faydalar ortaya konmustur.ivSonuç bölümünde, uygulama neticesinde ortaya çikan bulgular ve yapilanmülakat ile yüz yüze görüsme sonuçlari degerlendirilmis ve bununla ilgili önerilersunulmustur.
Enterprises give increasing importance to customer requirements andsatisfaction during the current process of Turkey?s accession to the European Unionand as a result of fierce competiton, technological advances and continuous lygrowing industrialization in an economically globalizing world. Customerrequirements compel companies to implement management systems. Customersassess the quality of products/services they purchase by the availability ofmanagement system certification. The existence of different quality managementsystem models applied by an enterprise increases the confidence in theproduct/service that it offers. Enterprises nowadays tend to implement managementsystems more often, in line with customer requirements. However, the coexistenceof separately established systems lead to a stagnant company structure, confusion,loss of time, internal conflict between management systems, unnecassary duplicationof efforts and consequently decreasing productivity in the company. Theseshortcomings has forced the enterprises to integrate the different managementsystems.In its first Chapter, this paper focus on the background of Quality,Environmental, HACCP and OHSAS management systems, the relevant definitions,the system standards that lie at the core of the systems and their clauses, principlesand benefits of these systems. The second Chapter gives a description of integratedmanagement and deals with how enterprises that implement Quality, Environmental,HACCP and OHSAS Management Systems integrate these four systems.It investigates the methods used by enterprises to convert their Quality,Environmental, HACCP and OHSAS Systems into one integrated system and givesan example for such an implementation. This Chapter also discloses the findings as aresult of the actual implementation and benefits to the enterprise as revealed aftervidiscussions with the senior management and staff of the enterprise that implementsIntegrated Management System as well as with TSE Lead Auditors invo lved in thesefour systems (Quality, Environmental, HACCP and OHSAS).In the conclusion part, it evaluates the findings obtained as the outcome ofimplementation and discussion with the people concerned and offersrecommendations.
Enterprises give increasing importance to customer requirements andsatisfaction during the current process of Turkey?s accession to the European Unionand as a result of fierce competiton, technological advances and continuous lygrowing industrialization in an economically globalizing world. Customerrequirements compel companies to implement management systems. Customersassess the quality of products/services they purchase by the availability ofmanagement system certification. The existence of different quality managementsystem models applied by an enterprise increases the confidence in theproduct/service that it offers. Enterprises nowadays tend to implement managementsystems more often, in line with customer requirements. However, the coexistenceof separately established systems lead to a stagnant company structure, confusion,loss of time, internal conflict between management systems, unnecassary duplicationof efforts and consequently decreasing productivity in the company. Theseshortcomings has forced the enterprises to integrate the different managementsystems.In its first Chapter, this paper focus on the background of Quality,Environmental, HACCP and OHSAS management systems, the relevant definitions,the system standards that lie at the core of the systems and their clauses, principlesand benefits of these systems. The second Chapter gives a description of integratedmanagement and deals with how enterprises that implement Quality, Environmental,HACCP and OHSAS Management Systems integrate these four systems.It investigates the methods used by enterprises to convert their Quality,Environmental, HACCP and OHSAS Systems into one integrated system and givesan example for such an implementation. This Chapter also discloses the findings as aresult of the actual implementation and benefits to the enterprise as revealed aftervidiscussions with the senior management and staff of the enterprise that implementsIntegrated Management System as well as with TSE Lead Auditors invo lved in thesefour systems (Quality, Environmental, HACCP and OHSAS).In the conclusion part, it evaluates the findings obtained as the outcome ofimplementation and discussion with the people concerned and offersrecommendations.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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