İki Anayasa'nın (1961 ve 1982) Çalışma Hayatı ve Sendikal Haklara Yaklaşımı
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Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarihine bakıldığında anayasa değişim aşamalarının katılımcılığın sınırlı, anti demokratik dönemler içinde tamamlandığı görülmektedir. 1921 ve 1924 Anayasaları kurucu parti ve iktidarı ile devamında da gerek 1961 Anayasası gerek 1982 Anayasası darbe yönetimi altında hayata geçmiştir. Anayasalar, vatandaşların temel hak ve özgürlüklerini belirleyen bununla birlikte devleti sınırlandıran temel sözleşme niteliğindeki belgedir. Türkiye'de anayasaların yapılış aşamalarının çoğunlukla askeri darbe süreçlerinde hayata geçtiği düşünüldüğünde, vatandaşların kolektif sosyal haklarına yönelik kazanımlarının ne olduğu, bu kazanımların ne şekilde düzenlediği ve sendikaların da bunlardan nasıl etkilendiği demokrasiler açısından önemli bir husustur. Sendikalar, çalışanların ve işverenlerin hak ve menfaatlerini, toplumsal ve kültürel kazançlarını korumak ve geliştirmek üzere kurulmuş birlikler olduğu kadar çoğulcu demokrasilerin birer unsuru ve siyasal özellikleri de içeren güçlü sivil toplum örgütleridir. Bu çalışmada, sendikal haklara ilişkin düzenlemeler, öncelikle 1921 ve 1924 Anayasaları ve 1961 ile 1982 Anayasası dönemlerinde yaşanan gelişmeler ışığında çalışma hayatındaki ve sendikal alandaki değişim odağında incelenecektir.
When we take a look at History of Republic of Turkey, we see constitutional revision were realized during anti-democratic periods when participation is limited. Constitutions of 1921 and 1924 came into force by founder party and its government, and Constitutions of 1961 and 1982 came into force under coup governments. Constitutions are documents those have the property of being the basic agreements those put forward the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and determine the limits of the state. When we consider the fact that major part of constitutions in Turkey were made during coup periods, the matters such as collective social rights of citizens, the method of arrangements of these rights, and how trade unions were affected by them carries great importance for democracy. Together with their function of being organizations those intend to protect and improve of rights and interests of employees and employers; trade unions are strong nongovernmental organizations those are elements of pluralist democracies, also including political properties. In this study, arrangements of trade union right will be assessed in the light of developments those happened during Constitutions of 1921 and 1924, and Constitutions of 1961 and 1982, and changes of working life and trade unionism.
When we take a look at History of Republic of Turkey, we see constitutional revision were realized during anti-democratic periods when participation is limited. Constitutions of 1921 and 1924 came into force by founder party and its government, and Constitutions of 1961 and 1982 came into force under coup governments. Constitutions are documents those have the property of being the basic agreements those put forward the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and determine the limits of the state. When we consider the fact that major part of constitutions in Turkey were made during coup periods, the matters such as collective social rights of citizens, the method of arrangements of these rights, and how trade unions were affected by them carries great importance for democracy. Together with their function of being organizations those intend to protect and improve of rights and interests of employees and employers; trade unions are strong nongovernmental organizations those are elements of pluralist democracies, also including political properties. In this study, arrangements of trade union right will be assessed in the light of developments those happened during Constitutions of 1921 and 1924, and Constitutions of 1961 and 1982, and changes of working life and trade unionism.
Hukuk, Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri, Law, Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
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