HEV araçlar için ortalama değer yaklaşımıyla içten yanmalı motor modellenmesi bir durum çalışması: HBO motoru

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Automotive Engineering
Having started education in 2009, the Atılım university Department of Automotive Engineering offers an academic environment at international standards, with its education in English, a contemporary curriculum and ever-better and ever-developing laboratory opportunities. In addition to undergraduate degree education, the graduate program of multi-disciplinary mechanical engineering offers the opportunity for graduate and doctorate degree education automotive engineering. The Atılım University Automotive Engineering has been selected to be the best in Turkey in 2020 in the field of automotive engineering with studies in energy efficiency, motor performance, active/ passive automotive security and vehicle dynamics conducted in the already-existing laboratories of its own. Our graduates are employed at large-scale companies that operate in Turkey, such as Isuzu, Ford Otosan, Hattat, Honda, Hyundai, Karsan, Man, Mercedes-Benz, Otokar, Renault, Temsa, Tofaş, Toyota, Türk Traktör, Volkswagen (to start operation in 2020). In addition, our graduates have been hired at institutions such as Tübitak, Tai, Aselsan, FNSS, Ministry of National Defence, Tcdd etc. or at supplier industries in Turkey. Due to the recent evolution undergone by the automotive industry with the development of electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicle technologies, automotive engineering has gained popularity, and is becoming ever more exhilarating. In addition to combustion engine technologies, our students also gain expertise in these fields. The “Formula Student Car” contest organized since 2011 by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) where our Department ranked third globally in 2016 is one of the top projects conducted by our department where we value hands-on training. Our curriculum, updated in 2020, focuses on computer calculation and simulation courses, as well as laboratory practice, catered to modern automotive technologies.

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Bu tez çalışmasında, konvansiyonel araçların hibrit elektrikli araca çevrilmesi için iki durum çalışması incelenmiştir. Birinci durum çalışmasında, seri hibrit mimarisinin kullanıldığı ve içten yanmalı motorun menzil genişletici veya araç şarj modülünün bir parçası olarak çalıştığı varsayımı kabul edilmiştir. İkinci durum çalışmasında ise paralel hibrit mimarisinin kullanıldığı ve içten yanmalı motorun arka tekerlekler üzerine yerleştirilmiş fırçasız DC motorlar ile desteklendiği varsayımı kabul edilmiştir. Durum çalışmalarını örneklemek için yeni tasarım tek silindirli HBO motoru ve tasarlanıp üretilen fırçasız DC motor kullanılmıştır. Her iki durum çalışmasında da, alt sistemlerin kesin/doğru matematiksel modellerine ihtiyaç vardır. Bu yüzden içten yanmalı motorun modellenmesi için ortalama değer motor modelleme yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Ve örnekleme amacıyla HBO motorunun bazı alt sistemleri bu yaklaşım ile modellenmiş ve test edilmiştir. Ayrıca, hava akşını tespit edebilen özgün bir yakıt enjeksiyon sistemi/kiti tasarlanmış ve motor üzerine monte edilmiştir. Böylelikle karbüratörlü yakıt sistemi elektronik tek noktalı enjeksiyon sistemine çevrilmiş ve motor testleri esnasında kullanılmıştır. Son kısımda hibrit araç mimarileri, çekiş motorları ve onların matematiksel modellerinin tanıtılmasının ardından ikinci durum çalışması için paralel hibrit mimarisi özel yapım bir fırçasız DC motor ile uygulanmıştır. Motor tasarlanmış, üretilmiş ve Fiat Doblo aracın arka tekerlekleri (fren kampanası) üzerine monte edilmiştir ve montajlı hali ile dinamometre üzerinde test edilmiştir. HBO tasarımcısının isminin baş harfllerini temsil etmektedir, Hasan Basri Özdamar
In this thesis, two cases for conventional vehicle to hybrid electric vehicle conversion were studied. In the first case, series hybrid architecture was assumed; and the internal combustion engine was assumed to be used as a part of range extender or charge module. In the second case, parallel hybrid architecture was assumed; and internal combustion engine was supported with wheel-hub brussless DC motors assembled on the rear wheels of vehicle. And, new design single cylinder spark ignited HBO engine and a BLDC motor prototype were used in the case studies. In both cases, the accurate mathematical models of the sub-systems of HEV are necessary. So, mean value engine modeling approach to model sub-systems of the spark ignited internal combustion engine was studied. And, some sub-systems of the HBO engine were modeled with mean value engine modeling approach and tested. Also, a novel electronic fuel injection system/kit which senses the air flow through the intake port to determine the engine stroke was designed and constructed; then it was used on the engine equipped with carburetor to electronic PFI engine. After the hybrid vehicle architectures, traction motor types and their mathematical models were presented, parallel hybrid architecture was applied with a custom wheel-hub BLDC motor prototype. The motor prototype was designed, manufactured and assembled on the rear wheel assembly of the Fiat, Doblo to convert a conventional vehicle to a hybrid vehicle -for second case-; and the motor-wheel assembly was tested on the dynamometer. HBO represents the first letters of the designer`s name, Hasan Basri Ozdamar



Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering, Buji ateşlemeli motorlar, Spark ignition engines

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