Dijital Dönüşüm Kriterlerinin Entelektüel Sermaye Bileşenlerine Kattığı Değer: Esenboğa Havalimanı'nda Ağ Analizi
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Örgütler sınırlarının ötesinde, gerekli kaynaklara erişim sağlamak için açık inovasyon taktiklerini ve modellerini benimseyerek korkusuzca hareket ederler. Açık inovasyonda 'açık', örgütsel örtük bilginin paylaşımını ifade eder. Değer odaklı stratejiler benimseyen örgütler, dijital dönüşümler ve Endüstri 5.0'a geçiş sürecinde teknolojiyi bir amaçtan çok bir araç olarak değerlendirerek veri merkezli davranmaya çalışırlar. Endüstri 5.0'ın sunduğu fırsatlarla dijital dönüşüm süreci, örgütsel çeviklik, örgütsel sürdürülebilirlik, örgütsel uyum ve değişkenliğe, belirsizliğe, karmaşıklığa hatta muğlaklığa karşı dayanıklılığa ulaşmak için örgütler tarafından üstlenilir. Örgütler entelektüel sermaye değerlerini artırdıkça, geleceklerini güvence altına almayı başarırlar. Çünkü varlıklarını sürdürmek, değer üretmek, pazar paylarını ve pazar etkilerini büyütmek ve sürdürülebilir rekabet stratejileri ile büyümek amacıyla sürekli bir değişim ve gelişim döngüsü içindedirler. Bu durum en dikkat çekici şekilde havaalanlarında görülmektedir. Doğaları gereği en titiz şekilde ağ sistemi kuran havaalanları, havacılık sektörünün en kritik amiral gemileridir. Dijital dönüşümü, yenilikçi teknolojiyi ve teknolojik hareket tarzını her yönden takip eden örgütlerdir. Araştırmanın amacı, ağların açıklayıcı gücünden yola çıkarak havalimanının dijital dönüşüm kriterleri ve entelektüel sermaye bileşenleri arasındaki etkileşimi analiz etmektir. Bu nedenle araştırma sorusu 'Dijital dönüşüm kriterleri entelektüel sermayenin değerini nasıl artırıyor?' dur. Çalışma açık inovasyon stratejileri çerçevesinde, havalimanları dijital dönüşüm kriterleri ile havacılık paydaşlarının entelektüel sermaye bileşenleri arasındaki etkileşimin havalimanı terminal yönetimi ile iş birliği içinde örgütsel ağ analizi ile incelenmesi literatürde bir ilk olacaktır. Aynı zamanda grafik analizi ile elde edilen yerel olmayan merkezilik ölçütleri sonuçlarına göre en kritik, en belirgin, en güçlü, en önemli ve en prestijli düğümler ve paydaşlar belirlenmiştir. İlişkilendirilen ve tüm detaylarıyla değerlendirilen fonksiyon ve örgütler 'karşılaştırma ve genelleştirme' tablosu ile açıklanmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Entellektüel Sermaye, Dijital Dönüşüm, Havaalanı Terminal Yönetimi, Ağ Analizi, Python Networkx
Organizations act fearlessly beyond their borders, adopting open innovation tactics and models to gain access to necessary resources. In open innovation, 'open' refers to the sharing of organizational tacit knowledge. Organizations that adopt value-oriented strategies try to act data-centric by considering technology as a tool rather than a goal in the process of digital transformation and transition to Industry 5.0. With the opportunities offered by Industry 5.0, the digital transformation process is undertaken by organizations to achieve organizational agility, organizational sustainability, organizational adaptation, and resilience to volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and even ambiguity. As organizations increase their intellectual capital values, they succeed in securing their future. Because they are in a continuous cycle of change and development to maintain their existence, produce value, increase their market shares, and market effects, and grow with sustainable competitive strategies. This situation is most strikingly seen in airports. Airports, which, by their nature, establish the most detailed network system, are the most critical flagships of the aviation industry. They are organizations that follow digital transformation, disruptive technology, and technological movement in all aspects. Based on the explanatory power of networks, the aim of the research is to analyze the interaction between the airport's digital transformation criteria and the intellectual capital components. Therefore, the research question is 'How do digital transformation criteria increase the value of intellectual capital?' The study will be a first in the literature to examine the interaction between airports digital transformation criteria and the intellectual capital components of aviation stakeholders through organizational network analysis in cooperation with airport terminal management, within the framework of open innovation strategies. Furthermore, according to the results of non-local centrality measures enabled by graph analysis, the most critical, the most prominent, the strongest, the most important and the most prestigious nodes are determined. The functions and organizations that are associated and evaluated in detail are explained with the 'comparison and overarching' chart. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Digital Transformation, Airport Terminal Management, Network Analysis, Python Networkx
Organizations act fearlessly beyond their borders, adopting open innovation tactics and models to gain access to necessary resources. In open innovation, 'open' refers to the sharing of organizational tacit knowledge. Organizations that adopt value-oriented strategies try to act data-centric by considering technology as a tool rather than a goal in the process of digital transformation and transition to Industry 5.0. With the opportunities offered by Industry 5.0, the digital transformation process is undertaken by organizations to achieve organizational agility, organizational sustainability, organizational adaptation, and resilience to volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and even ambiguity. As organizations increase their intellectual capital values, they succeed in securing their future. Because they are in a continuous cycle of change and development to maintain their existence, produce value, increase their market shares, and market effects, and grow with sustainable competitive strategies. This situation is most strikingly seen in airports. Airports, which, by their nature, establish the most detailed network system, are the most critical flagships of the aviation industry. They are organizations that follow digital transformation, disruptive technology, and technological movement in all aspects. Based on the explanatory power of networks, the aim of the research is to analyze the interaction between the airport's digital transformation criteria and the intellectual capital components. Therefore, the research question is 'How do digital transformation criteria increase the value of intellectual capital?' The study will be a first in the literature to examine the interaction between airports digital transformation criteria and the intellectual capital components of aviation stakeholders through organizational network analysis in cooperation with airport terminal management, within the framework of open innovation strategies. Furthermore, according to the results of non-local centrality measures enabled by graph analysis, the most critical, the most prominent, the strongest, the most important and the most prestigious nodes are determined. The functions and organizations that are associated and evaluated in detail are explained with the 'comparison and overarching' chart. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Digital Transformation, Airport Terminal Management, Network Analysis, Python Networkx
İşletme, Business Administration
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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