Gereksinim mühendisliği fazı için durumsal yöntem mühendisliği

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Research Projects

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Computer Engineering
The Atılım University Department of Computer Engineering was founded in 1998. The department curriculum is prepared in a way that meets the demands for knowledge and skills after graduation, and is subject to periodical reviews and updates in line with international standards. Our Department offers education in many fields of expertise, such as software development, hardware systems, data structures, computer networks, artificial intelligence, machine learning, image processing, natural language processing, object based design, information security, and cloud computing. The education offered by our department is based on practical approaches, with modern laboratories, projects and internship programs. The undergraduate program at our department was accredited in 2014 by the Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (MÜDEK) and was granted the label EUR-ACE, valid through Europe. In addition to the undergraduate program, our department offers thesis or non-thesis graduate degree programs (MS).

Journal Issue


Bu calışma, gereksinim mühendisliği fazına odaklanmış, varolan gereksinim mühendisliği fazının yöntemlerini incelemekte ve yazılım projelerindeki kısıtlamaları göz önünde bulundurarak karşılaştırmaktadır. Bazı projeler ve durumlar için bazı yöntemlerin daha uygun olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Bu yöntemler; projenin özelliklerine duruma ve projeye göre biçimlendirilmelidir. Bu durumsal yöntem mühendisliğinin konusudur ve yöntemin geliştirilmekte olan projenin ihtiyaçlarına göre biçimlendirilmesidir. Yöntemleri değişik proje özelliklerine göre birbirinden ayırmak amacıyla, yeni bir kategorilendirme stili yaratılmıştır. Bu kategorilendirme stili ve durumsal yöntem mühendisliği kullanılarak yeni bir program geliştirilmiştir. Bu program varolan programlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Yayınlanmış ve sektörden gelen geri bildirimler toplanmıştır. Bu geri bildirimler sunulmuş ve ileri sürülmüş olan yöntemin geliştirilmesi için tartışılmıştır.
This thesis focuses on requirements engineering phase and reviews the existing requirement engineering methods and compares them according to the constraints in the software projects. It has been found that some techniques are better suited to particular project teams and circumstances. Besides, methods are normally general in nature and they can not be used directly without adapting them according to the characteristics of the project. This is the concern of situational method engineering, where the term situational method is used to refer to a method tailored to the needs of a particular development setting. A criterion methodology is established to distinguish requirement engineering methods from each other according to different characteristics of the project. A tool is implemented to store different methods according to this criterion methodology by using Situational Method Engineering. This tool is compared with other tools that exist in the literature. The tool is published and validated by collecting data from the industry. The results gathered from the industry are presented and discussed for the improvement of proposed approach.



Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Mühendislik, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, Engineering, Yöntembilim, Methodology

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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