Endüstriyel uzaktan kontrol sistemleri için 900 MHz'de çalışan minyatür anten tasarımı ve üretimi

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Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Electrical-Electronics Engineering
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering covers communications, signal processing, high voltage, electrical machines, power distribution systems, radar and electronic warfare, RF, electromagnetic and photonics topics. Most of the theoretical courses in our department are supported by qualified laboratory facilities. Our department has been accredited by MÜDEK since 2013. Within the scope of joint training (COOP), in-company training opportunities are offered to our students. 9 different companies train our students for one semester within the scope of joint education and provide them with work experience. The number of students participating in joint education (COOP) is increasing every year. Our students successfully completed the joint education program that started in the 2019-2020 academic year and started work after graduation. Our department, which provides pre-graduation opportunities to its students with Erasmus, joint education (COOP) and undergraduate research projects, has made an agreement with Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (Austria) starting from this year and offers its students undergraduate (Atılım University) and master's (Upper Austria) degrees with 3+2 education program. Our department, which has the only European Remote Radio Laboratory in Foundation Universities, has a pioneering position in research (publication, project, patent).
Organizational Unit
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) offers solid graduate education and research program. Our Department is known for its student-centered and practice-oriented education. We are devoted to provide an exceptional educational experience to our students and prepare them for the highest personal and professional accomplishments. The advanced teaching and research laboratories are designed to educate the future workforce and meet the challenges of current technologies. The faculty's research activities are high voltage, electrical machinery, power systems, signal and image processing and photonics. Our students have exciting opportunities to participate in our department's research projects as well as in various activities sponsored by TUBİTAK, and other professional societies. European Remote Radio Laboratory project, which provides internet-access to our laboratories, has been accomplished under the leadership of our department with contributions from several European institutions.

Journal Issue


Bu tez, GHz altı bantlarda çalışan antenler için minyatürizasyon tekniklerine ışık tutarken, uzaktan kontrol sistemleri için anten tasarımları yaparak, minyatürizasyon tekniklerinin analizlerini gerçekleştirmeyi hedeflemiştir. Bu evrede birçok tasarım gerçekleştirilmiş ve incelemeler yapılmıştır. Kullanılan FEM tabanlı tasarım araçlarının sonuçlarını, anten teorisini kavramadan anlamak mümkün olmadığından, mikroşerit anten teorisi üzerinde durulmuştur. Anten yamasının tasarımı yapılmış, birçok model belirlenmiş, belirlenen modeller üzerinden, kullanılan tekniklerin geçerlilikleri saptanmıştır. İstenilen değerlere ulaşan antenlerin üretimi ve ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Uzaktan kontrol uygulamalarında kullanılan kutu malzemesi üzerine de çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Kutu malzemesi, anten performansını etkilemeyecek şekilde, iyileştirilmeler yapılarak tanımlanmış ve üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anten kutu içerisine yerleştirilerek, ölçüm ve tasarım sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır.
This thesis explores the efficiency of miniaturization techniques for sub-GHz band remote control applications through simulations and measurements. First, the theory of microstrip antenna is studied and introduced at the beginning of the thesis. For the design process, a finite element method based simulation tool is used, multiple patches are designed accordingly. The miniaturization techniques are applied on the designed antennas. The antennas that satisfy the desired criteria are produced. The necessary measurements are subsequently made on the fabricated antennas, validity of the techniques is discussed. The effects of the box in which the antenna to be placed were examined as most of such antennas are enclosed by plastic boxes. Finally, a polyamide box with appropriate size was fabricated, and the designed antenna was placed inside the box and the measurements were conducted. The measurement results show that the designed antenna provides resonance at the targeted license-free band with appropriate size for industrial remote controllers.



Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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