Birleşmiş Milletler Göç Kuruluşu (ıom)'nun Türkiye'nin Göç Yönetiminde Etkisi
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Günümüzde dünya üzerinde ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi birçok etkiye sebep olan göç olgusu, dünya devletlerini bu konuda bazı kararlar almaya zorlamıştır. Türkiye, özellikle 2015 yılından itibaren başta Suriye olmak üzere çevre ülkelerde yaşanan gelişmeler neticesinde yoğun göç dalgasına maruz kalmıştır. Türkiye, bu göç dalgasını kontrol edebilmek ve iyi şekilde yönetebilmek amacıyla IOM gibi kuruluşlardan birçok konuda destek almıştır. IOM, göç edenlerle ve ev sahibi toplulukları kontrol etmek ve korumak arasındaki ayrımın ortadan kalkmaya başladığı bir dünyayı yansıtmaktadır. Çalışmanın genel amacı, uluslararası bir kurum olan IOM'un, Türkiye'nin göç yönetim kapasitesine nasıl bir etkisi olduğu araştırmaktır. Birleşmiş Milletler Göç Kuruluşu (IOM)'nun Türkiye'nin göç yönetimi üzerindeki etkisini inceleyen bu çalışma, göç olgusunu ve yönetimini bütüncül olarak değerlendirmesi bakımdan önem taşımaktadır. Çalışma, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren IOM'un desteklediği projelerin, kuramsal çerçevede Türkiye'ye yönelik gerçekleşen göç akınlarını Türkiye'nin yönetebilmesinde olumlu ya da olumsuz etkilerinin araştırılması üzerine bir çalışmadır. Bu bakımdan araştırma, Türkiye'de yer alan göçe ilişkin kurumların gerçekleştirilen projeler sayesinde elde ettikleri yetenekleri araştırmak ve gelişimlerine akademik anlamda da katkı sağlamak açısından önem taşımaktadır. Çalışma bu yönüyle literatüre katkı sağlayacak ve alan yazındaki boşluğu dolduracaktır. Tezin savına göre IOM'un Türkiye'deki faaliyetleri, göç yönetiminde gerçekleştirdiği projelerle Türkiye'ye olumlu katkıda bulunmuştur. IOM destekleriyle Türkiye'deki göçmenlerin entegrasyonu gerçekleştirilmiş, günümüzün en büyük fenomeni olan göç olgusu konusunda büyük gelişmeler kaydedilmiştir. Bu bakımdan IOM göç yönetişimi alanında Türkiye'ye ciddi katkı sağlayan önemli bir aktördür. Anahtar Sözcükler: Göç, IOM, Türkiye, Göç Yönetimi, Yönetişim
Today, the phenomenon of migration, which causes many economic, social, cultural and political effects on the world, has forced the world states to take some decisions on this issue. Turkey, especially since 2015, has been exposed to an intense wave of migration as a result of developments in neighboring countries, especially Syria. In order to control and well manage this migration wave, Turkey received support from organizations such as IOM on many issues. IOM reflects a world where the distinction between controlling and protecting migrant and host communities is beginning to disappear. The general aim of the study is to investigate how an international institution, IOM, has an impact on Turkey's migration management capacity. This study, which examines the impact of the United Nations Organization for Migration (IOM) on Turkey's migration management, is important in terms of evaluating the phenomenon of migration and its management holistically. The study is a study on the positive or negative effects of the projects supported by IOM operating in Turkey on the theoretical framework of Turkey's management of the migration flows to Turkey. In this respect, the research is important in terms of researching the talents acquired by the migration-related institutions in Turkey through the realized projects and contributing to their development academically. In this respect, the study will contribute to the literature and fill the gap in the literature. According to the argument of the thesis, IOM's activities in Turkey have contributed positively to Turkey with the projects it has carried out in migration management. With the support of IOM, the integration of immigrants in Turkey has been realized, and great progress has been made in the phenomenon of migration, which is the biggest phenomenon of today. In this respect, IOM is an important actor that makes a significant contribution to Turkey in the field of migration governance. Keywords: Migration, IOM, Turkey, Migration Management, Governance
Today, the phenomenon of migration, which causes many economic, social, cultural and political effects on the world, has forced the world states to take some decisions on this issue. Turkey, especially since 2015, has been exposed to an intense wave of migration as a result of developments in neighboring countries, especially Syria. In order to control and well manage this migration wave, Turkey received support from organizations such as IOM on many issues. IOM reflects a world where the distinction between controlling and protecting migrant and host communities is beginning to disappear. The general aim of the study is to investigate how an international institution, IOM, has an impact on Turkey's migration management capacity. This study, which examines the impact of the United Nations Organization for Migration (IOM) on Turkey's migration management, is important in terms of evaluating the phenomenon of migration and its management holistically. The study is a study on the positive or negative effects of the projects supported by IOM operating in Turkey on the theoretical framework of Turkey's management of the migration flows to Turkey. In this respect, the research is important in terms of researching the talents acquired by the migration-related institutions in Turkey through the realized projects and contributing to their development academically. In this respect, the study will contribute to the literature and fill the gap in the literature. According to the argument of the thesis, IOM's activities in Turkey have contributed positively to Turkey with the projects it has carried out in migration management. With the support of IOM, the integration of immigrants in Turkey has been realized, and great progress has been made in the phenomenon of migration, which is the biggest phenomenon of today. In this respect, IOM is an important actor that makes a significant contribution to Turkey in the field of migration governance. Keywords: Migration, IOM, Turkey, Migration Management, Governance
Kamu Yönetimi, Public Administration
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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