Haydar Aliyev Dönemi Azerbaycan dış politikasında Hazar enerji kaynaklarının rolü ve tesiri: 1993 - 2003

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International Relations
The Atılım University Department of International Relations was founded in 1997. International relations is a field of science where the relations among states, organizations and other players in the international system are researched and observed. The field of international relations is also an interdisciplinary field, combining areas such as economy, history and political science to research on topics such as human rights, global poverty, environment, economy, globalization, security and global ethics. Offering three Graduate Degree programs in addition to the undergraduate program, the Department of International Relations continues to graduate individuals from its Graduate Degree Program in European Union Studies, as well as its Graduate Degree programs in Turkish and English.

Journal Issue


Devletler, bekalarını ve çıkarlarını sürdürebilmek için, çeşitli politikalar yürütmektedirler. Bazıları, birbirleriyle savaşa girerken, diğerleri de varlıklarını ve çıkarlarını korumak için, ekonomik alanda faaliyet göstermeye başlamışlardır. Günümüzde ekonominin temellerinden biri, hata en önemli unsuru petrol ve doğalgazdır. Petrol 20.y.y.da giderek uluslararası alanda önemli ve etkili rol oynamıştır. Hazar'ın çevresi, petrol ve doğalgaz açısından zengin bir bölgedir. Sovyet Rusya'nın çöküşü ile birlikte, Hazar çevresinde yeni rekabetler yaşanmaya başlandı. Hazar'da yer alan enerji kaynakları AB, ABD, Rusya ve Çin gibi küresel güçlerin hedefi haline geldi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti, Hazar Bölgesi, Hazar'ın statüsü, Boru Hatları, Enerji, Petrol, Doğalgaz, Enerji Kaynakları.
Governments, in order to maintain their survivability and benefits, are performing various policies. Whilst some countries are in warfare, the others are busy with economic activities and business according to their beneficial sustainability. Nowadays, one of the crucial bases of the economics or it is better to mention the most important factor, is petrol and natural gas. Petrol has played a very crucial role in the international context during the 20th century. The surrounding area of the Caspian Sea is enriched with petrol and natural gas. With the downfall of the Soviet Russia, new rivalries were started around the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea's energy became very significant and an important target for the global powers such as: The European Union, the United States, Russia, and China. Key Words: Azerbaijan Republic, Caspian Region, Caspian's statute issue, Pipelines, Energy, Oil, Natural gas, Energy Sources.



Uluslararası İlişkiler, Aliyev, Haydar, Azerbaycan, Doğal gaz, International Relations, Enerji, Aliyev, Haydar, Enerji kaynakları, Azerbaijan, Natural gas, Hazar bölgesi, Energy, Energy resources, Hazar petrolü, Caspian region, Petrol, Caspian petroleum, Petroleum, Uluslararası politika, International policy

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