Borsa İstanbul'da İlk Halka Arz Olan İşletmelerin Veri Zarflama Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi (2021-2023)
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Bu çalışmada, Borsa İstanbul'da 2021-2023 yıllarında İlk Halka Arz'ını (İHA) gerçekleştirmiş işletmelerin işlem gördüğü pazar bazında etkinliğinin ölçülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. İşletmelerin etkinliği, bir Veri Zarflama Analizi modeli olan çıktı yönelimli BCC yöntemi yardımıyla ölçülmüştür. Bu alanda literatürde yer alan çalışmaların incelenmesi ve çalışmanın yapısına göre BCC modeli için kullanılmak üzere üç girdi (çalışan sayısı, toplam sermaye ve satışların maliyeti) ve iki çıktı (net satışlar ve dönem net karı) belirlenmiştir. 2021-2023 yıllarında halka arz olan 94 işletme, çıktı yönelimli BCC modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, 2021 yılında 10 şirket, 2022 yılında 14 şirket ve 2023 yılında ise 11 şirketin performans gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, performansları daha düşük olan şirketler için referans oluşturabilecek en başarılı şirketler belirlenmiştir. Çalışmaya ait sonuçlar, BIST'de halka arzı tamamlanan firmaların etkinliği ortaya koymanın yanı sıra etkinliği artırma konusunda iyileştirme önerileri sunmaktadır.
This study seeks to assess the efficiency of companies that carried out Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) on Borsa Istanbul between 2021 and 2023, categorized by the markets in which they are traded. The efficiency of the businesses was measured with the help of the output-oriented BCC method, which is a Data Envelopment Analysis model. Based on the review of the studies in the literature in this field and the structure of the study, three inputs (number of employees, total capital and cost of sales) and two outputs (net sales and period net profit) were determined to be used for the BCC model. 94 corporates that went public in 2021-2023 were analysed with the output-oriented BCC model. As a result, 10 companies were determined to be active in 2021, 14 companies in 2022 and 11 companies in 2023. In addition, the best ones that can serve as a reference for inactive companies have been identified. The results of the study not only reveal the effectiveness of companies whose public offerings have been completed on BIST, but also offer suggestions for improvement in increasing efficiency.
This study seeks to assess the efficiency of companies that carried out Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) on Borsa Istanbul between 2021 and 2023, categorized by the markets in which they are traded. The efficiency of the businesses was measured with the help of the output-oriented BCC method, which is a Data Envelopment Analysis model. Based on the review of the studies in the literature in this field and the structure of the study, three inputs (number of employees, total capital and cost of sales) and two outputs (net sales and period net profit) were determined to be used for the BCC model. 94 corporates that went public in 2021-2023 were analysed with the output-oriented BCC model. As a result, 10 companies were determined to be active in 2021, 14 companies in 2022 and 11 companies in 2023. In addition, the best ones that can serve as a reference for inactive companies have been identified. The results of the study not only reveal the effectiveness of companies whose public offerings have been completed on BIST, but also offer suggestions for improvement in increasing efficiency.
İşletme, Business Administration
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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