Şekil Hafızalı Alaşımının Mikro Tel Elektrik Erezyon Yöntemi ile İşlenmesinin Araştırılması
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Son zamanlarda, nitinol alaşımının (ŞHA) kullanımı, tıbbi ve havacılık endüstrileri gibi hayati endüstrilerde, yapay esneklik ve hafıza şekli gibi ayırt edici özellikleri nedeniyle önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu özelliklerin bir sonucu olarak, geleneksel işleme yöntemlerinin kullanımı, karmaşık şekilli nitinollerin üretimini zorlaştırmıştır. Bu nedenle, Mikro Elektro Erezyon yöntemi, nitinol alaşımı işlemede baskın ve geleneksel olmayan yöntemi haline gelmiştir. Mikro Elektro Erezyon işleme yönteminin nitinol alaşımı üzerindeki etkisi çalışılmıştır. Maksimum akım (Ip), servo voltaj (Sv), darbe süresi (Ton) ve darbe düşme süresi (Toff) gibi değiştirilebilir giriş kesme parametreleri seçilerek 100 çapında pirinç tel kullanılarak işleme yapıldı. Deneyler, deneme sayısını azaltmak için L27 Taguchi dikey sıralar temel alınarak tasarlanmıştır. Yüzey tepki yöntemi işlem parametrelerinin nitinol alaşımlı numunelerin yüzey bütünlüğü üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek için Mikro Elektro Erezyon yöntemi kullanılarak çoklu bağlanım yöntemi uygulandı. Nitinol numuneleri üzerinde çalışılan yüzey bütünlüğü parametreleri, Kerf genişlik değişimini, beyaz tabaka kalınlığını, metal kaldırma oranını, yüzey pürüzlülüğünü ve mikro sertliği en aza indirmektedir. Optimizasyon analizleri, iki farklı algoritma gradyan ve parçacık sürüsü optimizasyon algoritmaları kullanılarak, her bir çıkış parametresi için belirlenen hedefe göre ayrı ayrı ayarlanan Mikro Elektro Erezyon yöntemi en iyi kesme parametrelerini belirlemek için yapıldı. Dahası, Nitinol alaşımlı numunenin en iyi yüzey pürüzlülüğü için ayarlanan Mikro Elektro Erezyon kesme parametresini bulmak için birleştirilmiş çoklu yanıt optimizasyon analizi tüm çıktı yanıtlarının hedefini aynı anda karşılamaktadır.
Recently, the use of nitinol as a shape memory alloy (SMA) has become significant in vital industries, such as the medical and aerospace industries, due to its distinctive characteristics of pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect. Due to its high hardness, high fracture toughness, strain hardening and issued such as rapid tool wear the use of conventional machining processes has become difficult when producing complex shapes from nitinol. Therefore, non-traditional machining processes, especially wire electro-discharge machining (WEDM) has become the dominant method of machining nitinol alloy. However, WEWD faces some challenges, especially in terms of surface integrity of the workpiece which requires an in-depth investigation. In this study, the effect of µ WEDM process on nitinol alloy was studied. 100 µm diameter brass wire was used for the cutting in addition to a set of µ WEDM adjustable input cutting parameters, such as peak current (Ip), servo voltage (Sv), pulse on time (Ton), and pulse off time (Toff) are selected. The experiments were designed based on L27 Taguchi orthogonal array to reduce the number of experiments. Multi-regression analysis was applied based on the surface response methodology (RSM) to determine the effect of µ WEDM process parameters on the surface integrity of the nitinol alloy. The aim of surface integrity studies was to minimizing Kerf width variation, minimizing white layer thickness (WLT), maximizing metal removal rate (MRR), minimizing surface roughness (Ra), and minimizing µ hardness. Optimization studies were performed using two algorithms, the gradient algorithm (GA) and the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) to determine the best µ WEDM cutting parameters set for each output parameter individually according to the target that was specified. Moreover, a combined multi-response optimization analysis was performed to find the best set of µ WEDM process parameters to achieve the best surface integrity of the nitinol alloy sample that satisfies the goal of all output responses' simultaneously.
Recently, the use of nitinol as a shape memory alloy (SMA) has become significant in vital industries, such as the medical and aerospace industries, due to its distinctive characteristics of pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect. Due to its high hardness, high fracture toughness, strain hardening and issued such as rapid tool wear the use of conventional machining processes has become difficult when producing complex shapes from nitinol. Therefore, non-traditional machining processes, especially wire electro-discharge machining (WEDM) has become the dominant method of machining nitinol alloy. However, WEWD faces some challenges, especially in terms of surface integrity of the workpiece which requires an in-depth investigation. In this study, the effect of µ WEDM process on nitinol alloy was studied. 100 µm diameter brass wire was used for the cutting in addition to a set of µ WEDM adjustable input cutting parameters, such as peak current (Ip), servo voltage (Sv), pulse on time (Ton), and pulse off time (Toff) are selected. The experiments were designed based on L27 Taguchi orthogonal array to reduce the number of experiments. Multi-regression analysis was applied based on the surface response methodology (RSM) to determine the effect of µ WEDM process parameters on the surface integrity of the nitinol alloy. The aim of surface integrity studies was to minimizing Kerf width variation, minimizing white layer thickness (WLT), maximizing metal removal rate (MRR), minimizing surface roughness (Ra), and minimizing µ hardness. Optimization studies were performed using two algorithms, the gradient algorithm (GA) and the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) to determine the best µ WEDM cutting parameters set for each output parameter individually according to the target that was specified. Moreover, a combined multi-response optimization analysis was performed to find the best set of µ WEDM process parameters to achieve the best surface integrity of the nitinol alloy sample that satisfies the goal of all output responses' simultaneously.
Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences, Malzeme işleme, Material processing
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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