Selenofen ve Benzobis (tiyadiazol) Esaslı Düşük Bant Aralıklı Bir Polimerin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
Abdulrazzaq, Mohammed
Cihaner, Atilla
Cihaner, Atilla
Cihaner, Atilla
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4,7-di(selenofen-2-il)benzo[1,2-c;4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]tiyadiazol (SeBTSe) olarak isimlendirilen benzo(bistiyadiazol) esaslı elektron verici-alıcı-verici tipi monomerlerin yeni bir türevi sentezlendi ve polimerizasyonu diklorometan içinde çözülmüş 0,1 M tetrabütilamonyum heksaflorofosfatın elektrolit çözeltisinde elektrokimyasal polimerizasyon yoluyla başarıyla gerçekleştirildi. Monomer SeBTSe koyu kırmızı bir kromofordur ve dört redoks haline sahiptir: bir yükseltgenme, bir nötr ve iki indirgenme hali. PSeBTSe adı verilen ilgili polimerin elektrokimyasal davranışı, döngüsel ve diferansiyel puls voltametrisi ile incelenmiştir. Polimerin elektrokimyasal (0.62-0.66 eV) ve optik (0.63 eV) bant aralıkları arasında iyi bir uyum vardır. Monomer gibi, ambipolar polimer de dört redoks haline ve elektrokromik özelliklere sahiptir: nötr halinde gri bej, yükseltgenmiş halde dumanlı azürit, ilk indirgenmiş halinde bej ve ikinci indirgenmiş halinde koyu bej.
A new derivative of benzobis(thiadiazole) based electron donor–acceptor–donor type monomers, namely 4,7-di(selenophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-c;4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole (SeBTSe), was synthesized and its polymerization was carried out successfully via electrochemical polymerization in an electrolyte solution of 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate dissolved in dichloromethane. The monomer SeBTSe is a deep red chromophore and it has four redox states: one oxidation, one neutral and two reduction states. The electrochemical behaviour of the corresponding polymer called PSeBTSe was studied by cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry. There is a good agreement between electrochemical (0.62-0.66 eV) and optical (0.63 eV) bandgaps of the polymer. Like the monomer, the ambipolar polymer has four redox states and electrochromic properties: gray beige at neutral state, smoky azurite at oxidized state, beige at first reduced state and dark beige at second reduced state.
A new derivative of benzobis(thiadiazole) based electron donor–acceptor–donor type monomers, namely 4,7-di(selenophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-c;4,5-c']bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole (SeBTSe), was synthesized and its polymerization was carried out successfully via electrochemical polymerization in an electrolyte solution of 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate dissolved in dichloromethane. The monomer SeBTSe is a deep red chromophore and it has four redox states: one oxidation, one neutral and two reduction states. The electrochemical behaviour of the corresponding polymer called PSeBTSe was studied by cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry. There is a good agreement between electrochemical (0.62-0.66 eV) and optical (0.63 eV) bandgaps of the polymer. Like the monomer, the ambipolar polymer has four redox states and electrochromic properties: gray beige at neutral state, smoky azurite at oxidized state, beige at first reduced state and dark beige at second reduced state.
Kimya, Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemistry, Polimer Bilim ve Teknolojisi, Chemical Engineering, Polymer Science and Technology, Elektropolimerleşme, Electropolymerization
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