Elastik-plastik sıkı geçme prosesinin incelenmesi

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Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Manufacturing Engineering
Opened in 2003 with the aim to graduate experts in the field of machine-production, our Department is among the firsts in our country to offer education in English. The Manufacturing Engineering program focuses on the manufacturing technologies that shape materials from raw materials to final products by means of analytical, experimental and numerical modeling methods. First Manufacturing Engineering Program to be engineered by Müdek, our department aims to graduate creative and innovative Manufacturing Engineers that are knowledgeable in the current technology, and are able to use production resources in an effective and sustainable way that never disregards environmental facts. As the first Department to implement the Cooperative Education Program at Atılım University in coordination with institutions from the industry, the Manufacturing Engineering offers a practice-oriented approach in education with its laboratory infrastructure and research opportunities. The curriculum at our department is supported by current engineering software, and catered to creating engineers equipped to meet the needs of the production industry.

Journal Issue


Bu çalışma, silindirik bir tüp içerisine pimin çakılması ile oluşan elastik- plastik sıkı geçme analizlerini ele almaktadır. Literatür araştırması yapıldığında elastik- plastik geçme için analitik modelin bulunmaması ve sayısal modellerde ise basit geometri kullanılarak araştırmaların tamamlandığı gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma ile birlikte analitik model oluşturularak, enjeksiyon sistemlerinde bulunan filtre gibi karmaşık bir geometri üzerinde sayısal modelleme oluşturulması planlanmıştır. Yüksek basınçlı dizel enjeksiyon sistemlerinde bullunan ve sıkı geçme yöntemi ile enjektöre çakma işlemi ile birleştirilen yakıt filtresi, dizel enjeksiyon sisteminin performansını etkileyen ve sınırlayan önemli unsurlardan bir tanesidir. Sıkı geçme prosesine etki edebilecek olan parametrelerin araştırılması tezin amaçlarından bir tanesidir. Bu çalışmada oluşturulan parametre çalışmaları ile, basit geometriden karmaşık geometriye kadar, deneysel, nümerik ve analitik çözümler kullanılarak sistem ve proses mekaniğine olan etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır
This study focuses on analysis of elastic-plastic interference fit joints formed by fitting the filter pin into the cylindrical hole in the injector body. This process has been studied in detail, however a review of literature reveals that analytical and numerical models have been developed for relatively simple geometries, and the number of publications for complex, asymmetric, three-dimensional geometries is limited. This study presents a detailed examination of the elastic-plastic interference fit joints for both simple and complex geometries. The mechanics of the process is studied in detail through physical trials, analytical and numerical models. Both trials and modelling are done for two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries. The effects of geometrical properties, material properties and cylinder-tube, grooved geometry and actual process are investigated.



Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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